Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 92 Men must be able to run, women must be able to fight

Behind Luotang, there is a practice room.

Various wooden, stone, brick, concrete and steel obstacles are layered in various shapes, extending from the ground, walls and ceilings, staggering and blocking the huge indoor space, making it almost impossible to find. There is no larger open space.

The two figures moved quickly between the obstacles. They ran quickly on the ground, then ran to the wall, and then to the ceiling... as if gravity could not restrain their bodies at all.

"The sky and the earth are reversed, and the basic principle is the same as that of the iron shot." Cheng Huaiyan, who took the lead in galloping, said, "Lock yourself, deconstruct gravity, and then readjust it."

"Indeed." Cheng Jinyang tried his best to keep up with him.

"If you can't keep up, just say so." Cheng Huaiyan reminded him.

"Okay, cousin." Cheng Jinyang agreed immediately and quickly went over the key points of the algorithm in his mind.

Compared with Yutieshe, in addition to adjusting its own gravity, the Heaven and Earth Reverse also needs to maintain its own balance.

For example, if you want to go from standing on the ground to standing upside down on the ceiling, if you directly adjust the gravity to point directly upward, then for you at this time, the "ceiling" suddenly becomes the "ground", and you yourself If you are falling head-first, you must turn 180 degrees to land on your feet.

But how to spin in the air? It’s almost impossible without a focus.

In other words, you cannot directly adjust the gravity to the top, because then it will be too late to adjust the body balance.

The trick and secret given by Cheng Huaiyan is "somersault".

Adjust your body posture by somersaulting, and at the same time rotate your own gravity, so that the environment will follow your body posture.

Still using the above example, if I want to stand upside down on the ceiling, I will first deconstruct my own gravity, then put my feet on the ground and do somersaults and spins, turning my head downwards, and then rotate my own gravity to directly above, so that the "ceiling" "Just turn it into "ground".

Although it sounds simple, the actual operation is a bit cumbersome, because while the person is flipping, the coordinate system with itself as the base point is also rotating. At this time, it is easy to mess up if you have to adjust the gravity.

Therefore, Cheng Huaiyan did not choose difficult routes that required rotations of 180 degrees or even 270 degrees. He just patiently led Cheng Jinyang from the ground to the wall, then to the ceiling, then to the wall, and then back to the ground, at a small right angle of 90 degrees. Turn slowly so that your cousin can gradually adapt to the process.

Of course, even at a small right angle of 90 degrees, beginners can easily fall at this stage. There's nothing we can do about this injury. Tianluo, how can anyone not be injured... Huh?

Cheng Huaiyan suddenly noticed that Cheng Jinyang's rotation was very smooth, and he didn't seem to be about to fall at all.

If one has extraordinary computing power and can quickly calculate the direction in which gravity needs to be adjusted based on the rotating coordinate system, this would make sense.

But somersaults... If you don't have a sense of spatial balance to adjust your center of gravity during exercise, it's easy to fall! Could it be that my cousin not only has extraordinary blood concentration and extraordinary calculation ability, but also extraordinary athletic ability?

Oh, right. In the battle practice developed by his brain, he seemed to be able to kill a group of peers with one hand and a sword...

Realizing that he had underestimated the other party's ability, Cheng Huaiyan said in a deep voice:

"Pay attention, it's going to be difficult next!"

He suddenly turned 180 degrees, crossed the wall and landed on the ceiling, then sprinted forward.

Cheng Jinyang quickly followed up, stepped on the ground to exert force, and turned around. The gravity adjusted along with the rotation of his body, and he landed firmly on the ceiling, and then closely followed his cousin's pace without falling behind at all.

"Have you practiced before?" Cheng Huaiyan was really not calm now.

"Ahem, does it count if you have practiced tumbling for a while?" Cheng Jinyang said.

Rolling... Cheng Huaiyan was speechless.

As a means of evading high-speed attacks, the significance of rolling is to compress the body area while maintaining movement. It is a very practical battlefield method.

However, the problem for beginners is that they cannot control the direction and distance of the roll, and they cannot get up in time. Because it's easy to get knocked out, so you have to develop a strong spatial balance ability... Thinking about it this way, it makes sense.

But why does this cousin practice tumbling? Did you do hip-hop dancing, acrobatics, or martial arts singing before?

After taking Cheng Jinyang to run around all the routes, Cheng Huaiyan could finally confirm that his cousin's athletic ability and sense of spatial balance were indeed strong enough to directly control the world.

On the contrary, the algorithm is still a little sluggish, and the turnover is a little slow when running at high speed and changing directions frequently. This seems to be much normal and no longer looks like a monster.

After all, it was the first contact.

"The training plan needs to be adjusted." Cheng Huaiyan fell to the ground and said.

"Cousin, tell me." Cheng Jinyang said he was all ears.

"The level of exercise is sufficient." Cheng Huaiyan said, "However, there were frequent changes of direction in a short period of time, and there was a slight lag."

"Is it because I can't calculate it, or because I can't keep up with my reaction?"

"This..." Cheng Jinyang was a little ashamed, "I have them all."

"Then practice." Cheng Huaiyan walked to the wall cabinet next to him and opened the door. Inside was a row of long-handled knives with sharp and shiny blades.

"Pick out a practice knife," he said.


In the fighting gym on the other side, the Xing brothers and sisters, wearing full-body protective gear, gradually became more and more fierce in their fighting moves.

The power of Mass Effect itself has a huge impact on combat ability. Just think about why fighters are graded by weight.

Therefore, after counting, Xing Yunzhi was at a disadvantage under her cousin's heavy punch. Even though her arm was also covered with armor, the hit arm still began to feel numb.

She suddenly turned around and retreated at an alarming speed, as if she had used the light body technique.

"Not bad." Xing Junmo stepped forward quickly, "Heavy body technique is used for attacking, and light body technique is used for positioning. It is the orthodox method of Xing family boxing."

"However, the enemy also knows this, so you can't follow the textbook exactly. You must balance the false and the true. Do you understand? The meaning of false and true is that it seems that you are using the heavy body technique to attack, but in fact you are using the light body technique to move; It seems that you are using the Light Body Technique to move around, but you are actually using the Heavy Body Technique to attack, making it impossible for the enemy to capture and predict your offensive and defensive intentions..."

Xing Yuanzhi ignored his noises, and with a feint, she dodged the whip kick and grabbed his calf fiercely.

Xing Junmo quickly increased his own mass and tried to lower his center of gravity steadily, but found that he could not stabilize it at all. Because the opponent's light body technique was also applied to him, which offset part of his heavy body technique.

Xing Yunzhi took advantage of the situation and rushed forward. While holding one of his legs, she turned around and kicked his supporting leg.

Xingjia Quan. Undercut!

Then Xing Junmo was let go.

"Hey, cousin!" He got up in embarrassment, "Why didn't you hold back as soon as you came up? I'm your cousin after all, so you're so cruel?"

"Sorry." Xing Yunzhi said coldly, "500 flies were buzzing in my ears just now. I was so distracted that I forgot to keep my hands."

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