Girlfriend Wearing A Wedding Dress To A Concert? I Run All Night

099. The Rumors Are Destroyed! Has It Become A Private Account?

After posting meager.

Yang Xiaofei's hands were trembling.

she knows.

What does this meager sending out~ mean.

Don't think about it.

It will take less than a minute.

It has to occupy the hot searches on all major platforms!

Countless reporters and media - all have to scramble to forward it!


Yang Xiaofei knew better.

all of these.

It's all because of her!

at this time.

In her opinion.

If it wasn't for her and Shen Fei's - news.

It is impossible for Shen Fei not to show others the phone.

There are no rumors on the Internet now.

Come to yourself.

Yang Xiaofei threw the phone aside.

And when she threw it out.

on the phone.

The notification sound of 'ding dong ding dong' has already been heard.

Yang Xiaofei is a top female star in China.

The dream goddess of countless male netizens.


The number of fans is over one million!

Even if.

It was already late at night.

But there are still many people surfing the Internet and checking Weibo.


"Yang Xiaofei tweeted again?"

many people.

They all clicked Weibo casually.


Netizens didn't pay much attention at first.

After all, normal.

It's normal for Yang Xiaofei, or other celebrities, to post meager posts.

Some entertainers.

There are several postings a day!



"This title?"

"Brothers, why do I feel that something big is about to happen!"

Everyone was dumbfounded after seeing Yang Xiaofei's meager title.

"Clarification on Shen Fei being framed today!"

[Today, I noticed that Shen Fei was framed in a shopping mall. 】

[Here, I specifically declare. 】

【At that time, Shen Fei was chatting with me!】

[And I also put the chat records below, according to the time of the news at that time, this can be confirmed! 】

【So, Zhang Wenwen is purely framing Shen Fei!】

Not much text.


But it clearly stated everything.

Netizens suddenly realized.

【It turned out that Shen Fei was chatting with Yang Xiaofei at that time!】

【I'm dying of laughter, Shen Fei is next to Cheng Nuannuan to accompany you shopping, and Yang Xiaofei is chatting with you on your phone, will he secretly take pictures of you?】

【This can prove Shen Fei's innocence! Even Yang Xiaofei came out to testify!】

at first.

Netizens didn't see Yang Xiaofei's last screenshot.

The performance is still indifferent.

After they saw it, they commented first.


Click on the screenshot of the chat history at the bottom.


【Wait...this chat history!】

【Fuck! It’s not my eyes!】

【Oh my god! Who will wake me up, this is a message from Yang Xiaofei to Shen Fei?】

Chat history sent by Yang Xiaofei.

It started today.

That is the sentence: [My feet still hurt a little, will you rub them for me when I go tonight?]


It's just a normal reply.

Shen Fei:【Waiting for you!】

Yang Xiaofei: [OK...]


The time came in the afternoon.

That is when Shen Fei was slandered by Zhang Wenwen in the shopping mall.

Shen Fei: 【Today I'm shopping in the mall, I have to go back after dinner, I guess it will be a little late!】

Yang Xiaofei: [It's okay, I'll go back by ten or eleven o'clock]

Shen Fei: [What time do you come over that night?]

See these chats.

Netizens were completely dumbfounded.

【Pinch feet? At night?】

【Brothers, I feel that there is a big honey in it!】

【I just said, the relationship between Shen Fei and Yang Xiaofei is definitely not as simple as ordinary friends!】

【That is, ordinary friends have big nights, and used to pinch their feet?】

【Foot should be a very private and sensitive place for a woman!】

【That must be done!】

【Your thoughts are too dirty! Is there a possibility that Yang Xiaofei injured her foot, so Shen Fei pinched it?】


Some netizens' three views are relatively positive.

The essential.

They didn't believe that Yang Xiaofei was such a woman!

He even took the initiative to let a man pinch his feet at night!


Their remarks were immediately refuted.

【Injured? Then why don't you go to the hospital?】

【That's right, Shen Fei is not a doctor!】

【Don’t post this kind of elementary school student’s remarks on the Internet, it’s shameful!】


Yang Xiaofei's meager broadcast volume skyrocketed.

One hundred thousand!

five hundred thousand!

one million!

Less than an hour.

The playback volume exceeded 10 million.

Comments, likes, and reposts have passed tens of millions!

at the same time.

Countless news outlets.

Including online self-media and official accounts, they also forwarded it one after another.

"Shock! Yang Xiaofei blew himself up and recorded with Shen Fei!"

"Madden! Late at night Yang Xiaofei let a man pinch his feet!"

"Outrageous! Is this a loss of morality or a distortion of love!"

for a while.


Tik Tok.

Post it.


major social platforms.

All were occupied by Yang Xiaofei's name.


It's still the kind that occupies the top ten all at once.

Many media people.

Also analyze it.

"Rational analysis, the true relationship between Chang Xiao and Shen Fei!"

"Is the lover not full, or has already surpassed the lover..."

"Pinch feet? Is it really the behavior of ordinary friends?"

for a while.

There are heated discussions about this matter all over the Internet.

As for Shen Fei being rumored.

Netizens don't care anymore.

They all ran to Yang Xiaofei's Weibo to leave messages.

【@杨小菲, true or false? You actually asked Shen Fei to pinch your feet?】

【Woo~ Goddess, I didn't expect you to be impure anymore!】

【To be honest, you and Shen Fei have been lovers for a long time, right?】

【@杨小菲, cough cough, I am an old Chinese doctor, I can pinch my feet too!】

【@ Shen Fei, let go of Yang Xiaofei and let me pinch her feet!】

at the same time.

There are also many netizens.

Go to Shen Fei's homepage and leave a message.

no way!

For Yang Xiaofei's beauty and figure, I don't know how many male netizens are thinking about it!

Especially the thought of pinching feet.

Netizens can't stand it anymore!

【Woo~~ If you let me pinch Yang Xiaofei's feet, I can die right now!】

【I'd like to trade my roommate for ten years of being single in exchange for a chance to pinch Yang Xiao's feet!】

【Bah! Your thoughts are so filthy! Pinching your feet? Are you still human? If it were me, I would add a mouthful!】

【Grass! The upstairs is a bit of a side platform, but I like it!】


These netizens.

That's just a mouthful.

And at this time.

as a party.

Shen Fei was already asleep.

He had no idea of ​​all this.


Some people are not calm.

"Yang Xiaofei, you are crazy!"

"Do you dare to expose such chat records?"

"Are you trying to completely ruin your acting career?"

Just saw the news.

Sister Hong thought it was her eyesight, but she was wrong.


Yang Xiaofei has been in the entertainment industry for so many years.

How could it be so meager?


She rubbed her eyes.

After confirming several times in a row.

That's how I know.

This is real!


It wasn't just her manager, Sister Hong, who called Yang Xiaofei!

"Yang Xiaofei, has your Weishu account been stolen?"

"You get it back now, and make a statement!"

Starlight Company.

Zhou Huahua, who is in charge of public relations crisis management, called.


And Yang Xiaofei's friends.

Liba: Miss Xiaofei, has your Weibo account been stolen?

Teacher: Xiao Fei, are you sure you are not sick today?

A lot of people.

They all called Yang Xiaofei and sent messages.

Most of them believed that Yang Xiaofei's account was stolen.


these calls.

Yang Xiaofei didn't answer any of them.

After seeing the message.

Didn't reply either!

"It all started because of it!"

"I can't just sit and watch Shen Fei being misunderstood because of me!"

Yang Xiaofei watched the wind turn immediately on the Internet.

Be more firm in your approach!


No one believes that Shen Fei went to secretly shoot!

【Isn’t this a joke? Even Shen Fei can pinch Yang Xiaofei’s feet, but how about secretly taking pictures of other daughters?】

【I finally understand that the smile on Shen Fei's phone when he was looking at the phone was wrong. If it was me, I wouldn't be able to calm down either!】

【Anyway, it is now certain that Shen Fei is 100% innocent!】

【@张文文, what do you have to say now?】

[That is, the chat history has been taken out now. Didn’t you say that Shen Fei secretly took photos of you and sent them to friends? Look at this time, it was when I was in the mall...)

Some netizens.

Also started @张文文.

And at this moment.

Zhang Wenwen was stunned when she saw the news!

She confirmed it several times.

That's right.

The time of the chat message happened to be when she said that Shen Fei was secretly filming!

at this time.

Even if she is confident, she is disabled.

I also don't think that when Shen Fei chats with Yang Xiaofei like this, he can still find energy to secretly take pictures of her.

Although the words of netizens hurt people.


But it is a fact!

Whether it is appearance or temperament.

Yang Xiaofei dumped her 800 blocks!

"That is to say, I misunderstood Shen Fei?"

Zhang Wenwen hesitated for a moment.

…ask for flowers…………


Deleted all the previous information about smearing and spreading rumors, and even said that Shen Fei would be sued.


The netizens are very happy.

【Did you see that Zhang Wenwen started to delete messages!】

【Laughing to death, the Internet has memory, do you think netizens won’t know if you delete the record?】

【Fortunately, I just took screenshots of all the messages Zhang Wenwen sent before!】

【@张文文, just delete the message? Don't you intend to apologize?】

【That is, you have to apologize to Shen Fei!】

Some netizens.

I started to leave messages under Zhang Wenwen's personal account.


Not long.

They found out.

Zhang Wenwen's personal account is set to prohibit leaving messages.

to the end.

It is simply a private account and cannot be accessed!


Groove! This woman is too shameless!]

【No comments? Return private account?】

【Shouldn’t I apologize for doing something wrong?】

【Aren’t you awesome before? You kept saying that Shen Fei secretly took pictures of you, and that the police were covering up Shen Fei, and they were going to prosecute. Why don’t you dare to see people now?】

【Brothers, you can't let her go, you must make her apologize!】

Zhang Wenwen did this.

Immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the majority of netizens.


Man is not a saint.

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.


You know you were wrong, shouldn't you apologize?


Some people just don't think so.

"Didn't I delete all relevant messages?"

"What else do you plan to do with me?"

"I'm a woman after all!"

"Don't you know to let me?"

inside the room.

Zhang Wenwen looked at the comments about her on the Internet.

for a while.

She felt so wronged!

And later.

Some netizens saw that Zhang Wenwen hadn't apologized for a long time.

Suddenly, the identity verification on Zhang Wenwen's previous personal account sounded.

Journalism student at Watertown University!

[Brothers, this Zhang Wenwen is from Watertown University, let’s leave a message under the account of Watertown University, I don’t believe it, there are such students in Watertown University, their university is not good


【I think this idea is okay!】

【Brothers, go!】

for a while.

Countless netizens ran to the official account of Watertown University and began to leave messages.

【@水城大学, there is a student in your university who slandered others, and he didn’t apologize until the end, do you care?】

【Is this the way university education is now? Slander others casually, and don’t apologize in the end!】

【Watertown University, you are a 985 University, you don’t pay attention to the cultivation of students’ morality, right?】


There are more than 100,000 messages.

All of a sudden so many people leave a message.

It is impossible for Watertown University not to reply.

After about half an hour.

The official Lingyin account of Watertown University issued a statement.

【We have noticed the relevant information and have arranged for people to investigate!】

See here.

Netizens breathed a sigh of relief.

at the same time.

So do they.

Watertown University will definitely give them a satisfactory answer.

after all.

According to the information.

Zhang Wenwen is still taking the postgraduate entrance examination!

Even Zhang Wenwen has to apologize for her studies!


Netizens will not think of it.

The development of events far exceeded their expectations.


the next day.

Shen Fei wakes up.

Seeing the dozens of missed calls and hundreds of unread messages on the phone is a little strange.


There is a call from my parents.

There is also Miss Hong.

And Cheng Nuannuan.


And William of Cartier.

And some college classmates and friends.

As for news.

That's more.

Shen Fei couldn't see it at all.


"What the hell?"

Shen Fei didn't understand at all.



So many people called and sent messages to Fafa.

Think about it.

Shen Fei first called his parents.


Maybe it's because it's too early, just after seven o'clock, so there's no connection.


Shen Fei called Yang Xiaofei.


At this time, Yang Xiaofei's phone was in the middle of a call.

At this time.

The phone rang.

Shen Fei took a look.


"Cheng Nuannuan called?"

Shen Fei didn't think much of it either.

Connect directly to the phone.

It happened to be able to ask Cheng Nuannuan what happened.


Just connected.

Before Shen Fei had time to ask.


Cheng Nuannuan's slightly painful voice came: "God, I accidentally fell on my leg last night, do you have time to take me to the hospital?".

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