Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 144: Higher entrance exam

In the limited data logic of the invigilator, the word touch porcelain has probably never appeared. They looked at the girl who fell to the ground in horror, but no one moved for a while, and they seemed unable to decide whether to enforce it or wait for Tang Xinjue to recover.

Under everyone's eyes, the girl coughed for a long time before she wanted to stop, and while coughing, she said intermittently: "I'm allergic to pollen, this class seems to be full of pollen, it's too pungent, I hope you guys clean it up Drop, cough, cough..."

The invigilator did not say a word, and Tang Xinjue was in no hurry, and continued to cough under the eyes of all the people.

So far, she has figured out the pattern.

The invigilator is like a program that automatically maintains the operation of the system. As long as the situation is not outrageous to the extent of damaging the college entrance examination, they will upgrade and repair themselves until the matter is resolved.

After about ten seconds, the crowd silently separated to both sides, and a gentle and kind-looking female teacher walked in and kindly extended her hand to Tang Xinjue: "Classmate, can I help you? ?"

Here, the invigilator N+1 version.

Tang Xinjue did not extend her hand, but repeated her request weakly but persistently. The gentle smile on the female teacher's face did not change at all: "We will deal with it later, shall we send you back to the examination room first?"

As she spoke, she gently supported Tang Xinjue's arm and pulled him up.


The female teacher froze, and her expression flashed a hint of disbelief.

Tang Xinjue sighed softly: "Teacher, you dislocated my arm."


"But it doesn't matter, it's the left hand that is dislocated." Tang Xinjue raised a strong smile: "The right hand can also be tested."

After a brief silence, the female teacher smiled stiffly and changed the subject: "Which exam room do you think has pollen? This is a major situation that affects the exam, and we need to investigate it carefully."

After speaking, the door of Class 508, which had been closed for a long time, creaked and opened automatically.

Through the gap, Tang Xinjue looked in. I saw that the classroom was quiet and neat, and the writing was rustling. At first glance, it does not seem to be different from other exam rooms.

No. Tang Xinjue narrowed his eyes.

There are differences.

At the end of the line of sight, a thin male teacher hurriedly walked over from the back of the classroom. After seeing a group of invigilators, he quickly opened the door and reported in a low voice, "Everything is normal in the 508 exam room!"

Other invigilators: "A candidate reported that she was allergic to pollen here."

Male teacher: "?"

He looked around strangely, then glanced at the students who were doing the questions, and turned back to confirm: "There is no pollen here."

"Aren't there any other allergies?"


—Anyone with a nose can smell the pollen without the smell of pollen.

This is not the real world after all. Theoretically speaking, the test rooms generated by these copies are not only free of pollen smell, but also without any interference such as human odor and noise. It is an absolutely perfect test environment, and any accusations are obviously vexatious.

But is she making sense?

As soon as the male invigilator finished speaking, he heard a female voice clearly interject: "Are you sure?"

Only then did he see a young girl surrounded by the crowd, sitting on the ground for some reason. At this moment, he is folded his arms and raised his head with a serious face, and said in a loud voice: "My nose can't smell wrong, are you doubting my sense of smell?"

"Teacher, I suspect that there is something wrong with your sense of smell."

Tang Xinjue said righteously: "I need to communicate with another invigilator."

The male invigilator choked: "Smell, smell?"

Do you need a sense of smell?

He really couldn't answer Tang Xinjue, and even one on the field counted as one. From the expression, it seemed like the first time he knew that there was such a function.

…It’s okay, they can evolve.

After calming down, the female teacher gave a gentle and gentle instruction: "Let another invigilator come over, we will solve the problem in five minutes, and in five minutes, we will assign a separate room for this student to take the test."

Tang Xinjue understands that this is the highest tolerance limit currently given by the copy.

However, the male invigilator was stunned for a moment, but he did not receive the order immediately, his lips moved twice, but no sound came out.

The female teacher frowned: "Hello? Did you hear?"

The corner of Tang Xinjue's mouth raised a slight arc.

Each examination room should match at least two invigilators under normal circumstances, and it is impossible for one of them to be absent for no reason.

Unless...the exam room also had an accident!

With the visible panic and embarrassment on the male invigilator, Tang Xinjue suddenly said coldly: "Teacher, if I read it right, there seems to be a vacant examination seat in this classroom. ."

She smiled: "That classmate, shouldn't he also be allergic to pollen like me?"

Vacant Invigilators, Vacant Candidates.

No need to say Tang Xinjue now, they also realize where the real problem lies.

The male invigilator rolled his eyes and finally admitted: "It was an accident. We wanted to handle it ourselves, but it has not returned to normal yet."

Tang Xinjue did not give him time to react: "Where is the man?"

The invigilator was caught off guard and was asked, and subconsciously replied: "Disappeared. The other one went to him, and then lost..."

"That's it!"

The female teacher interrupted him heavily, because the corners of her mouth were pulled too far to the sides, causing the invariable gentle expression on her face to become strange:

"We already know the situation, you can rest."

When the voice fell, the male invigilator's head slumped weakly, and his body began to twitch slightly. After a moment, the shaking stopped, and "he" slowly raised his head again, and he had turned into a middle-aged man with a completely different appearance.

"The invigilator begins." He answered in a hoarse voice.

Watching this scene, Tang Xinjue gave the female teacher a thoughtful look.

Is it the power of the copy, or the ability of the invigilator?

Almost at the same time, an invigilator came out of the crowd. The old and the new looked at each other side by side and entered the 508 examination room simultaneously.

With a bang, the door of the 508 exam room closed again, covering everything inside.

"You should take the exam. Don't worry, when the college entrance examination is over, all your problems will be healed."

The female teacher looked down at Tang Xinjue, and the invigilators carried out a stretcher, showing the core principle that the exam must be completed no matter what.

"Why is it so troublesome, the college entrance examination is so important, of course I have to finish it well."

Tang Xinjue smiled, got up and followed behind them very cooperatively, paying no attention to the dislocated left forearm, and her thin and straight body seemed to be unaware of the pain.

Before leaving, she glanced back, and her eyes fell on the door of 508.

The classroom door is brand new as if it had just been installed, and the scratches on it have completely disappeared.

…The clues that are fleeting, the breaking point that cannot be found by all means, and the examination process that must be forced to complete.

Everything seems to be pointing in a not-so-good direction.

This copy may be more difficult than she expected.

Getting the test bag, Guo Guo immediately widened her eyes, and was even a little flattered.

She didn't hold out much hope, but she didn't expect that the persuasion of nonsense to the invigilator would actually work?

After all, in 606, only Tang Xinjue likes to pluck the NPC goose. I have tried to popularize and practice this immoral technology.

She opened the exam bag with a pounding heart, and pulled out the admission ticket at a speed that was afraid of the invigilator's remorse.

However, as soon as she vaguely aimed at the avatar of the admission card, Guo Guo's heart froze.

This avatar is clearly a girl with short hair! But in 606, except for herself, all the other three have long hair.

Take a closer look, it really is a completely unknown face. Looking down, there is only one word Cai in the name column, and the rest of the place seems to be covered with glue, so it is difficult to see.

"Cai what?" She said subconsciously, but the admission ticket in her hand was instantly taken away, "Oh wait?!"

"This is not your ticket."

The invigilator has a serious face, and when he is serious, he looks very fierce.

Guo Guo weighed her ability to return to being an ordinary person at this moment, and then glanced at the number of invigilators and the thick arms, and immediately said, "I, I know."

Half an hour, half an hour…

She recited in her heart.

When the last door is over, she will be free!

Exactly the same.

Alas, I don't know where Zhang Youwanqing and Jueshen are now, and whether they are also sympathetic to each other. Guo Guo looked at the countdown of the clock and thought desolately.

Countdown to five minutes.

Zhang You checked the papers for the third time, finally took off his glasses and rubbed his eyebrows, then held his breath and waited for the bell to ring.

The time of the four exams is not long or short, but due to the strict restrictions of the copy rules, she could hardly find any useful information, and it was difficult to contact other roommates. Can seriously retake the college entrance examination again.

Unfortunately, I have almost forgotten the knowledge points.

Time passed by minute by minute, Zhang You tapped the admission ticket lightly, his fingertips landed on the word "2019" faster and faster, and the thoughts in his mind also wandered. stop.

After the exam, what will she face?

Last minute!

In the stuffy classroom, the most conspicuous highlight is undoubtedly the center of the first row, a long-haired girl who is writing hard.

A thick black head is scattered vertically on both sides of her cheeks. If she does not open her mouth to speak, she can be said to be a full beauty.

"Damn, why don't you have time?"

Zheng Wanqing slammed her hammer on the table suddenly, gritted her teeth and continued to write.


The candidates around her moved slightly away from her.

It turned out that the air in the classroom was not stuffy, but that the air flow was not smooth when sitting beside her.

“Jingle Bell—”

She stopped writing at the last second before the bell rang, and Zheng Wanqing reluctantly called Jin Jin to withdraw. Looking at the test paper, she felt dissatisfied with everything.

Don't say anything else, if it wasn't for the sudden failure to find the status in the dungeon, her exam results would definitely be much better than now. And what did the author think? The question level is extremely backward and unbalanced, don't let her know who it is.

The more I think about it, the more angry I get. It's more angry than not winning the first place in the college competition. She picked up the pen and tapped on the admission ticket a few times, and also drew a pig on the words "2018 Nationwide...".

The exam is over, and the exam room will be cleared soon. The candidates flocked to the gate with a liberating smile, and in the middle was an unfinished Zheng Wanqing.

"Forget it, go back and get the answer right with Xinjue..."

Zheng Wanqing shook her head and walked out of the door muttering.

The next second, she swallowed the unfinished words, and her constricted pupils slowly reflected the scene in front of her.

This is—

"This is the school gate, classmate!"

In front of Tang Xinjue, an aunt answered her questions enthusiastically: "I think you have an admission ticket, so you are also a candidate? The exam is coming soon, hurry in!"

The aunt pointed to her admission ticket, and the "2017 General College Admissions Unified Exam" was particularly dazzling.

"I see, thank you auntie."

Tang Xinjue nodded obediently, but turned her footsteps without hesitation, and walked outside against the crowd and the school gate.

She guessed right.

The end of the four exams is not the end of the dungeon, but just the beginning of another reincarnation.

—Unfortunately, this is a circular copy.

—More unfortunately, the name of this cycle is the college entrance examination.

The author has something to say:----------

Copy in different eyes:

Tang Xin Jue: Prison Break

Guo Guo: To earn is to earn

Zhang You: The call you dialed is temporarily unavailable

Zheng Wanqing: Glory to the battlefield!

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