Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 44: Classic Movie Appreciation

When night fell quickly, the four people in dormitory 606 finally felt like they were in a copy of the movie.

Everything seems to be fast-forwarding from the horizontal axis - time is passing at an unbelievable speed, just after a few people have just discussed briefly, before they start preparing, the night has already enveloped the window.

Looking out the window, the vision was blurred, and even the temperature in the house seemed to drop a bit. Needless to say, several people prepared the props tacitly.

As the plot progresses to the end, the dungeon is finally seen.

Guo Guo squeezed the water drop pendant around her neck, stood in front of the balcony and stared at the outside, and after a while, she retreated with a pale face, "It's so dark, it's not the kind of night black, but, …”

"It seems like there are countless black shadows surrounding the sky, causing the whole world to turn black."

Tang Xinjue helps her describe.

"Yes!" Guo Guo nodded vigorously and took a sip of water nervously, "These phantoms are a bit like [in the Four Seasons Protection Guide], they will possess wandering spirits, but they are more than wandering spirits. A little dark."

Whatever this means, it means that it is extremely dangerous outside at this time.

"Oh yes," Guo Guo seemed to think of something, and immediately said to the three of them, "I saw a person standing behind him during the video with Wei Xian today!"


Tang Xinjue raised her eyebrows, she was sure she only saw a fat man. If that's the case, then it can only be that Guo Guo has seen a ghost.

"Is your Yin Yang eye working?"

Guo Guo nodded quickly again, and gestured around her neck, "That [person] looks like a young boy, about the same age as us, with a particularly thick bloodstain on his neck, and The headless ghost in the previous movie, Jin Wen and their neck injuries are in the same place in this one."

Judging from this information, it is somewhat consistent with the four boys who died in the school a week ago.

When Master Wei Xian tried to lie and deceive, the ghost stood behind and shook his head. Guo Guocai immediately pointed out that he was lying. It's a pity that her yin and yang eyes are still in the initial stage, and because the video call is short, she can't get more useful information.

To meet two relatively friendly NPCs in the same dungeon, everyone who is accustomed to being madly dug by NPCs can't help but feel a little emotional.


Zhang You just wanted to speak, but suddenly Tang Xinjue made a silent gesture.

At the same time, outside the bedroom door, the sound of rapid footsteps suddenly came from the direction of the corridor stairs. One, two... It seems that there are many people running towards this side at the same time.

With the short and unfamiliar screams, a girl seems to have tripped. Then came more chaotic footsteps and shrill screams, and heavy objects fell one after another, and it didn't take long for them all to disappear.

Judging the distance from the sound, none of them made it to the bedroom door.

Don't move, Tang Xinjue motioned to the three of them.

Not long after, the sound of something rolling on the ground slowly entered my ears.

Bone, bone.

Rolling from the stairs to the inside of the corridor, the object stopped in front of a bedroom door.

Bang, bang, bang.

There was a heavy knock on the door.

No, it is more appropriate to use "knock" instead of knocking. The sound fell into my ears, almost like someone slamming their head against the door.

A guess came to mind at the same time, and the four in the room looked at each other tacitly.

Then, the door seemed to be really "knocked" open, and as expected, a more violent scream sounded immediately.

When the corridor returned to silence again, a new rolling sound appeared from the ground again, changing from one to two, from two to three, spreading and shifting deeper and deeper.

The room was so quiet that you could hear needles falling. In order to prevent making a sound, Guo Guo covered her mouth and felt that the rolling sound of the thing seemed to press on the nerves of her scalp. wrinkled.


When the knocking sound finally appeared at the door, Rao was already prepared, and they couldn't avoid a shock.

The danger detection props began to buzz, and the four of them did not have any intention of opening the door.

Outside the door did not give up, from a single and slow impact, muffled, to more and more, more and more dense... Finally, it seems that there are countless "things" hitting the bedroom door at the same time, shaking The whole door trembled slightly.

"Boom bang bang bang bang!"

Guo Guo covered her ears in discomfort, and said softly, "Are we just waiting, waiting?"

The gloomy aura rushed towards her face, making her head seem to explode.

Zhang You comforted: "We stand together, the outermost group protective shield, don't worry."

As soon as the voice fell, several people suddenly saw Tang Xinjue turn around suddenly, and a talisman of ice and snow was thrown towards the balcony!

With a swipe, the two floor-to-ceiling windows were covered with a thick layer of frost, and several circular shadows were ejected and rolled to the balcony floor.


—these "things" responsible for knocking the door came through the balcony shared by the two bedrooms after entering the next bedroom!

were successfully broken into by them.

Several people hurried over to close the windows again, Tang Xinjue directly used [Ghost Scream], and several heads rolled off the balcony.

"If you want to blame, you have ears on your head." Tang Xinjue took back the toilet and swiped.

Head: "…"

Guo Guo looked at this scene, just wanted to laugh, but at the last moment, the human head suddenly turned into a skeleton grimace, and rushed towards the window, making her scream in surprise and take two steps back, hitting the corner of the wall heavily , the pain is black.

No... After the pain subsided, the darkness in front of me still hadn't dissipated, Guo Guo's heart skipped a beat,

She immediately turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone, and the moment the light illuminated the outlines around her, goose bumps suddenly appeared all over her body:

This is clearly a corridor!

She was suddenly pulled outside the bedroom? !

At this moment, the familiar sound of rolling skulls came from the stairs.

"Fog grass!"

The sense of panic rushed to her head, Guo Guo didn't care about anything, quickly took out the key to open the door, and raced back to the bedroom before the head rolled in.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

There was a loud knock on the bedroom door from the inside, making Guo Guo take two steps back, only to realize:

The rapid thumping inside was not from a head banging, but a clapping of hands in the same position.

But in the bedroom, why would someone knock on the door like that?

The knocking on the door continues, as if warning something... don't approach?

The moment this thought arose, Guo Guo was shocked, like waking up from a dream.

—This should be more of an illusion than being pulled into the corridor!

Such a mind-bending effort, the shrill screams of ghosts exploded from her ears, Guo Guo suddenly opened her eyes and raised her head, and the surrounding scene came into view - she was still standing in the dormitory.

And her hand was covering the door of the bedroom, and she was about to press the doorknob.

Tang Xinjue had just broken through the illusion and woke up, her eyes were still cold, and following her gaze, Zhang You and Zheng Wanqing were standing by the balcony window, also with lingering fears.

They were once again pulled into the hallucination at the same time, and almost got caught.

If there is no knock on the door in the hallucination, even if Tang Xinjue wakes up and uses [Ghost Scream], it may not be too late... Guo Guo suppressed the fearful tears and asked: "What should we do now? manage?"


Tang Xinjue took her roommate's hand and said it concisely.

The last killing night of horror movies is always extraordinarily long.

Countless heads slammed against the gates on both sides as if they never stopped. The four moved all the objects to block them, and then sealed them with ice talismans. They stood in the center with their backs against their backs and their nerves tensed.

After some time, the crashing sound stopped.

The top of the snow-white wall seeped black and red liquid, slowly flowing down the wall.

"My neck hurts..."

"My head fell off"

"Where is my body?"

"It hurts, it hurts..."

There are blood and red palm prints oozing out on the wall, some like scratches, some like slaps, and countless handprints slowly extend all the way down, approaching the position of the four.

Tang Xinjue said, "Be careful with the biggest one!"

Several people focused their eyes on it, and saw that among all the slender palm prints, one was obviously larger than the others, and from the outline of the fingers, it was obviously the palm print of an adult fat man.

The next moment, Zheng Wanqing had already shouted loudly, [a fist as big as a sandbag] punched hard, and slammed a protective amulet on the palm print that had just landed nearby.

The protective amulet ignited without fire, and the male's low and miserable howl disappeared in a flash.

The moment it reappeared when it shifted direction, it was directly buckled by the toilet.

Tang Xinjue evoked a sneer: "Why, you also feel that you are shameful, so you can only fish in troubled waters in the palm prints of a group of girls?"

And just after it was buckled, the other small palm prints that were spreading up obviously slowed down, and seemed to agree silently.

Man's palm print: "…"

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