Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 89: Hygiene raid

The farce that started. So that under the poor information, I didn't even know that such a group existed.

Jiang was shocked, she blocked the skeleton with No. 13's body without thinking, until the slightly overwhelmed cracking sound came from the calf, under the eyes of No. 11 and No. 12 who were about to cry Sansan retracted her legs and waved at the air: "All buckles!"

The yin wind screamed and rushed to the cracked hole, but was blocked at the entrance of the hole and could not get out, so he tore the wall skin angrily, making the whole wall shudder, and cut it up by the way and wanted to sneak back. skeleton.

Skull: "…"

The silent darkness outside the fissure suddenly moved, as if something was rustling outwards, which was immediately captured by Tang Xinjue's spiritual power:

"They're going! Who can catch them?"

Jiang Lan immediately squeezed out another golden ball that was spinning, patted the crack, and said sharply: "Open!"

The golden ball sprayed out a huge spider web and fell into the dark space, immediately provoking a few exclamations and curses.

"What is this lying grass?"

"Run, run!"

"Fuck off, I can't move! Come back and save...why are you still running?"

"You farted, I didn't run, it was you who moved back!"

The voice of scolding for help suddenly stopped, turning her head slowly, meeting the eyes of everyone in the room,

It turned out that when they were just panicking, the cobwebs had already been pulled in by more than half of the people in the bedroom, and the things tied in the nets were also illuminated by the indoor lights, revealing their true appearance.

You can see through the cracks, these are a few boys who seem to be the same age as them, but they seem to roll in the mud all over their bodies, and they are smeared by the black liquid. Like a fish, he fluttered and struggled in the net, screeching and hoarse.

It wasn't until they were reminded by their companions that they realized the status quo, and stared blankly into the bedroom—

Jiang Lan frowned: "A living person?"

Guo Guo widened her eyes: "Mud monster?"

Zheng Wanqing's eyes were fierce: "Is there just a few things that prank us outside the bedroom?"

What's even more outrageous is that these "boys" who don't look like normal people, but also don't look like ghosts, how could they appear in the hole in the wall of the girls' bedroom?

Perhaps seeing that it has been discovered, a few boys simply do nothing, giggling and grinning, and a large number of black bugs suddenly sprayed from the inside like a tide out!

Jiang sneered: "A living person will not spit worms out of their mouths, but if the [living person] has been replaced, it is not necessarily."

The yin wind whizzed past, and the swarm was instantly smashed. The boys outside wanted to escape while they were attacking, but the spider web didn't know what it was made of, and it was so sticky that it couldn't even gnaw away the swarm. When he looked up, he found that the worms he had just spat out had been wiped out, and only Jiang's gloomy face was left.


The boy greeted dryly: "Hi, hello beauty."

not get up.

The boys who were like leaking air balloons found this, and suddenly became arrogant again, laughing: "I thought it was so awesome, but I can't come out!"

"What kind of virgin is the earthbound spirit wearing?

Jiang was so angry that black energy surged from his temples. He was about to scream but the back of his neck tightened. Tang Xinjue carried the back of his neck and pulled him away from the hole. He grabbed the head of the boy at the front.

The boy screamed hysterically as if he had been stepped on his tail: "Ordinary people dare to attack me, I will peel you off in a moment...It hurts, hurts, hurts!"

The strong adsorption force on the rubber head pulled him straight to the opening of the crack, and Tang Xinjue grabbed his neck in a painful cry: "So, what are you guys, let me introduce you to me ."

The voice fell, and the toilet pulled the boy's head out of the radish with mud, and forced it in through the crack!

The boy who fell under the light suddenly screamed again and again, his skin was sizzling like a burn, he rolled over and over on the ground, and after a few seconds he began to beg for mercy: "Don't kill us, we also want to To seek revenge from the Academic Affairs Office, we are a gang!"

The word "revenge" made everyone brow.

The only people who can use this word are the ghosts of students who were entrapped by the Academic Affairs Office... So these boys are also ghosts of students?

Tang Xinjue did the same in this minute, scooping all the boys trapped by the spider web in. When the spiritual power probed into the darkness again, the remaining accomplices had already slipped away.

Jiang students checked the bodies of these people and wiped the black liquid on their hands in disgust: "Don't think about it, these bodies are long dead, they are occupied by them."

I saw that these "boys" had large blue spots on their necks, and they smelled of rot, and their faces under the black mud had long been twisted out of shape. If not hidden in the dark, it will not be confusing.

Jiang asked a persistent question: "Say, how did you sneak into the women's dorm?"

A boy replied: "We don't remember, we found this hole when we were floating, and then got in..."

Jiang Lan said coldly, "You take us for fools?"

Whether it is the crack or the 919 dormitory, they are blocked by a force, and none of the ghosts of classmate Jiang can penetrate. How can these boys and ghosts come and go freely?

The boy is especially struggling: "We really don't know anything, who knows why you can't go out, maybe it's because we're too weak, maybe we're born stronger..."

Jiang classmate licked his hair, looked at the blood-stained hair roots and sneered: "You can only kill the body of a living person before you take it, such a low technology is still Are you embarrassed to say that you are strong?"

Suddenly bald male ghost: "..."

It was not willing to refute, but was interrupted by Tang Xinjue's voice.

"No matter which method is used to seize the body, there is only one prerequisite: First, there must be a living person."

After a few seconds, she said softly: "So, where did these human boys who haven't died for a long time come from?"

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