Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 97: Sanitation Raid Guide

No. 5 couldn't cover her mouth soon, black blood spurted out of her mouth with a violent cough, she trembled and tried to take the protector from her pocket, but only touched one hand powder.

At the same time, the situation on No. 6 was the same, shocking black blood dripped down his arm, and the situation seemed to be at stake.

"I found it, found it!"

No. 10 finally found a few black pills, pressed the raging tears and stuffed the pills into No. 5 and No. 6's mouths, and his hands trembled for a while. He swallowed the blood and took a deep breath.

Tang Xinjue and Jiang Lan's dormitories had already taken out the treatment medicine at the first time, and they did not dare to give them rashly because they did not know the specific situation. Fortunately, after a few seconds, the two girls stopped coughing, holding back a trace of blood on their pale faces, and temporarily recovered a life from the gate of hell.

"What the **** just happened?"

The two injured girls were helped to a place free of dust, and several people were finally able to ask this question.

For a moment, everyone even thought that the dust in the air was poisonous, but they quickly ruled out this possibility.

Everyone inhaled the dust, but only 5 and 6 were injured. There must be other reasons.

Sister No. 5 no longer coughs, but she is too weak to speak, so she can only take the initiative to raise her hand, and No. 10 will help them roll up their cuffs, revealing their fleshy wrists.

Everyone recognized it at a glance, this is where the red thread that was wrapped around the hand was strangled!

No. 10 also rolled up her sleeves. She had the same wound on her wrist, but it was not as deep as the other two. She murmured: "We have already taken out the red thread, but it seems that there is still something cutting in the wound... Before we felt as if we were shielded, and it was only after the black liquid splashed on our body that we felt the pain."

Everyone gasped.

They immediately checked the place where they had been cut by the red thread, but found that the wound was still a shallow red scar, and there was no mutation like the three people in dormitory No. 5.

At this time, No. 10's body swayed twice, and it was about to slide down against the wall. Zheng Wanqing next to her quickly grabbed her with her eyes and hands. She was afraid that her fist ability could not control her serious injury, so she quickly Ask: "Where is the medicine you just put?"

No. 10 Qi Ruo gossamer: "The protective cover is broken, the medicine, only two medicines are left, and they have just been used up..."

was spit out.

After a short while, the girl's body suddenly bounced up, kneeling on the ground in a nearly fully folded position, and vomited with a wow.

Tang Xinjue grabbed her body and forcibly pulled her up to stop vomiting. As soon as her hand touched the cold body of No. 10, her heart sank violently: the girl's ribs seemed to have been crushed by something . What was wriggling, twitching and rolling up was the broken internal organs of the girl.

In an emergency, Jiang Lan found a small golden ball the size of a fingernail, took out a red pellet from it and stuffed it into No. 10 mouth.

After stuffing her stuff, she had time to explain: "My medicine should be of the same type as the one they just used, and it can last for a period of time in an endangered situation."

Sure enough, as Jiang Lan said, No. 10's twitching body calmed down, and he no longer spit out scattered organs. what to say.

With the help of everyone, she finally spoke with difficulty and gestured: "Don't forget after I die, take my powers to them...they will have a second one..."

It's a red line!

On the 10th, they have already taken out the red thread, why is there such a thing in the wound?

Seems to be in extreme pain, No. 10 flutters wildly, Tang Xinjue next to her also quickly discovered a problem: the wound on No. 10's hand is getting worse come deeper and deeper. And this change seems to be accompanied by 10's activity - the more vigorously she moves, the faster the wound worsens.

In contrast, No. 5 and No. 6, who had already fallen into a semi-coma on the other side, were motionless, but their wrist wounds barely showed any change. After capturing this information, everyone immediately controlled No. 10's movements. Keke opened her mouth and was about to speak out, but was stopped by Tang Xinjue.

Tang Xinjue nodded quickly, "I'll try it."

She unfolded the mental power surging in her mind, mobilized them to the side of No. 10, and then covered and spread it little by little.

Under the mental status column, the blue light belonging to [Spiritual Connection] gradually faded and turned light white again.

[Mind Control (Level 2): ​​All influences exerted on the mind must eventually return to the mind. Influence on others is also the basis of control. ]

In the eyes of others, No. 10 seemed to be suddenly comforted by some kind of convulsion, and the degree of convulsions became smaller and smaller, and finally fell into a coma.

In a place that only Tang Xinjue could see, she withdrew the weak mental power after consuming a circle, and raised her eyes tiredly: "Help me control No. 5 and No. 6."

Their life-saving medicine can no longer be maintained for one more round. It is necessary to ensure that the three of them hold on for as long as possible before they can find a way to rescue and treat.

The three mental influences ended, Tang Xinjue told everyone what they had just seen, they immediately carefully checked the wounds on the three wrists, and sure enough, they caught a glimpse of the red line in the deepest part.

"Did the red thread get into their wounds?"

Jiang Lan came up with the most likely guess.

Tang Xinjue shook her head: "No, the red lines they keep in their pockets haven't decreased."

When evacuating from the male dormitory, she remembered the number of red threads carried by everyone, including the number 5 three. Now that there is no discrepancy after checking them one by one, how did the red lines in the wrists of the three come from?

Is it…

An even scarier thought came to everyone's mind.

"Does it grow out of the body?"

In five minutes.

Excluding all possibilities, they can only get the final answer:

The red line really grew out of the wounds of the three girls.

The only one who is good at treating wounds with daggers, No. 7 carefully picked up the flesh in their wounds, and slashed down the direction of the red line. The deeper they picked, the more serious everyone looked.

—No matter how terrifying the flesh turned, there was no blood coming out.

It seems that the bones and flesh that make up the arms have lost their blood vessels, replaced by... red lines.

A red thread was picked out on the sharp point.

But that's not enough. As time passed, everyone clearly felt that the changes in the bodies of the three girls became more and more obvious. Even the flesh that came up from the wound became dry and curly, and their vitality seemed to be continuously drawn by a certain force until it was completely exhausted.

No. 7 closed the knife, "If I continue, her arm will be useless."

Her eyes were red and her voice came from between her teeth.

No one laughed.

The three companions who had just fought side by side were dying in front of them in a blink of an eye, but there was nothing they could do.

For a moment, Tang Xinjue opened her mouth, and her voice broke the silence:

"Keep hitting the wall."

The sound fell and she got up, swung a heavy hammer and started to destroy, the wall paint soon became torn apart, and cracks spread down, and black liquid appeared at the same time .

However, before the black liquid condensed into a monster this time, Tang Xinjue had once again smashed the wall with a hammer, and dropped a frozen three-foot talisman to seal the entire wall.

Everyone reacted one after another: Yes, now the only way to save No. 5 and others is to clear the customs at the fastest speed!

Just when they mustered up their energy to continue, they saw Tang Xinjue crouched down and held a piece of ice, melted the black liquid in the palm of his hand, and then sprinkled it on his wrist.


The next second, Tang Xinjue wiped off the black liquid, and there was an extra wound nearly half a centimeter deep on the wrist where there were only light red marks!

"They didn't find the wound in advance because their perception was paralyzed."

Tang Xinjue said coldly, "We are the same."

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