Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 503 Coronation Ceremony

For the next two days, Manda remained in the temple of Hermes.

Perhaps because of eating too many pure divine blood stones, Manda's divinity improved a lot.

After his divinity was elevated, his perception became significantly stronger, and he was also aware of the dangers of this world.

The closer he got to the gods, the more he felt his insignificance and helplessness. If possible, he really wanted to spend his whole life in the temple.

But after only staying for two days, Manda was forced to leave. It was not Hermes who drove him away, but someone who forced him to go out.

Medusa, who had just been calm for two days, began to act out again. She wanted to find her eyes.

First, she fought with Manda, but when she couldn't beat him, she lay down and rolled on the ground. Rolling was ineffective, so Medusa simply climbed onto the statue of Hermes.

Manda now relies entirely on Hermes for protection, and this blasphemous behavior makes him intolerable.

He decided to teach Medusa a lesson, but he didn't expect Medusa to ride on the head of the statue and cry sadly: "You heartless man, a man is the most shameful creature in the world. I will go through life and death with you, and I will never let you down." You are single-minded, you lie to me, you have been lying to me all the time! My heart hurts so much, I am desperate..."

"Don't despair, life is so beautiful, you have to be optimistic!"

Manda didn't know how to comfort Medusa. In short, she couldn't let her despair. Once she despaired, Manda would have to go to the Skettis River to be river mud.

Besides, this was also his contract with Hermes. If he couldn't complete the task, he would have to stay in the sixth level for the rest of his life.

Since she had no choice, Manda no longer resisted, simply packed her luggage and entered the underworld with Medusa.

To find the eye, you must first go to Prince Suss. He claims to know the whereabouts of Medusa's left eye.

Manda settled Susi in Jiaoye City, and his identity was a child who fled from the southeast and came to join his uncle.

And this "uncle" was Manda's spy placed in Jiaoye City half a year ago, and he was a blacksmith.

To settle down as a blacksmith, you have to make a living as a blacksmith, which is not an easy job to make. In the past month, Suss has suffered more than the previous twenty years combined.

In the early morning, Susi was about to light a charcoal fire, but he saw the figure in front of the door that he had been thinking about day and night.

"Marquis Claudesay, you are finally here!"

Manda smiled and said, "You should know the purpose of my coming."

Sus wiped the black ash on his face and nodded: "My teacher must have missed me. I also want to visit him."

Manda pouted and said, "Let's talk about the eyes first, and then talk about your teacher."

Susi pursed his lips and smiled: "I miss my teacher so much that I forgot about my eyes."

Manda frowned and took Susi into the backyard. The owner of the blacksmith shop saw Manda coming and quickly arranged a private room for them.

Entering the room, Manda's expression changed.

"Master Seuss, I saved you back then, and you promised to help me find Medusa's eyes. Do you want to go back on your word now?"

"I have never had the thought of going back on my word," Suss shook his head. "But I want to live a safer and more dignified life. This is Shelty's territory. I don't want to live in fear every day, nor do I want to face hammers and charcoal fires every day. Live your life, now that the plague is over, I have not brought disaster to others, take me away from here, I think you can understand my wish."

Of course Manda understood: "You take me to find your eyes, and I will take you back to Qixing Mountain."

Suss shook his head and said: "Sir, if I help you find Medusa's eyes and you still leave me here, what should I do?"

Manda frowned and said, "Do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't keep my promises?"

"I don't want to believe the promise. You are a believer in Hermes. Let's talk business. You take me back to Qixing Mountain and find me a decent place to live. I will find that eye with you. If If I break my promise, you can punish me as you like. This is a fair deal, what do you think?"

Manda smiled upon hearing this, this little guy is quite wise.

The best way to convince Manda was from the perspective of fair trade. Manda agreed to Suss's request, but also gave a warning: "It is a very serious sin to deceive me in business. Before you play tricks, , think about the cost first.”

Suss said that he was definitely not playing tricks. Manda was about to take Suss away, but she heard a very special message from the owner of the blacksmith shop.

"Sir, I sent an important message to the Styx Island a few days ago, but I haven't received a reply from you." The owner of the blacksmith shop is named James, and he is a spy trained by Dunison.

Last time, Manda only read the urgent letter. James was not qualified to send urgent letters. He did not have the charm, so Manda ignored the letter.

"What important news is it?"

"There is a Hercules believer who will be executed tomorrow. He is of a very high class. I heard that you have been recruiting followers of Hercules. I think this person may be of some use."

"It's not recruiting, it's just taking in." Manda didn't want to pay attention to this matter, but now that he heard about it, he couldn't pretend not to know. Perhaps this was an intentional arrangement by Heracles, who wanted Manda to rescue his high-level followers. .

"Where is the Hercules?"

"Right under the South Gate City, tied with iron chains and put in public display."

"What level does he have?"

"I heard from some soldiers that it seems to have reached the fifth level."

"Fifth level? Who can subdue a fifth-level Hercules believer?" Manda was stunned. Jiaoye City is not a prosperous city. Could there be an unexpected strong person hidden here?

James said: "The Grand Duke of Shelty personally led people to subdue him. It is said that he is a man who can fight. Marquis Jiaoye asked him to lead troops to fight, but he refused. The Grand Duke sent people to invite him, but he refused again. The Grand Duke personally came to invite him, but he still refused, so the Grand Duke killed all his subordinates, made him appear in public for a month, and then executed him."

Shelty is a level six, and with sufficient preparation, it is easy to deal with a level five.

But who is this fifth level? It was actually worthy of Shelta's personal action.

A Hercules believer who knows how to fight, could he be...

I just received news a few days ago that Shertai led troops to the royal capital.

He had long been prepared for a war with Buckon, and he wanted an outstanding general.

This outstanding general was unwilling to follow Sheltai. Sheltai would rather kill him than take advantage of others.

The corners of Manda's mouth raised slightly: "It seems like I'm going to get an advantage this time!"

Today is the day when the new king is crowned. The eldest prince Nealos and his wife Luo Erli were waiting at the door of the cathedral early.

The choir is singing a hymn of grace. The main idea of ​​the lyrics is to thank the Lord of Punishment for his grace, which has brought happiness, prosperity and peace to the world.

This is a fixed repertoire at the coronation ceremony. The choir is very eye-catching, and the young men are all handsome. However, their singing skills are a bit poor, with many out of tune and many wrong words.

This choir looked improvised at first glance. Bucken had been busy fighting wars all day since he became archbishop. There had been no singing in the cathedral for a long time.

The red carpet stretched from the door of the church to the hall. All the officials in the royal capital came and lined up on both sides. With the hymn, Nialos came to the archbishop with his princess on his arm.

In the first step of the ceremony, Nealos knelt down on one knee and swore an oath to the Lord of Divine Punishment.

"I swear on the name of the Gaius family that I will do my best to spread the mercy of the Lord, strictly follow the teachings of the Lord, safeguard the justice of the Lord, and defend the majesty of the Lord. The Lord is the only god of Romulu. All the people of Mulu are children of the Lord..."

This oath has not changed for decades, and there cannot be anything new in this part of the oath.

In the second step of the ceremony, the archbishop gave his blessing to the new king.

This process will be a little new. The archbishop will choose a prayer from the scriptures to pray for the new king and the kingdom.

"You have gone through hardships, you have been weathered, you have been baptized in blood and fire, you have been tempered in knives and swords..."

Which passage is this? The eldest prince was stunned, not knowing the origin of Bucken's prayer.

"You have endured suffering, humiliation, cold looks, and ridicule. The wound of the sword is on your body, and the wound deeper than the sword is in your heart..."

Nealos's heart palpitated. Everything described in this prayer was so similar to his experience. Could it be that Bucken wrote a prayer specifically for him?

It seems that Bucken has understood the situation. At least this coronation ceremony is full of sincerity. At least for some time in the future, the royal family will no longer conflict with the God's Punisher. Of course, the premise is that he has the strength to check and balance the God's Punisher.

"You never compromise, you never give in, you never give up! You firmly believe that your blood and sweat will finally pay off, and your faith and courage will never fade! You have waited for this moment, this is a great day, this is A supreme glory, the glory is engraved on the crown, and the supreme glory belongs to you forever!"

The prayer came to an end, and Buckon raised the golden crown.

This prayer was so shocking that Nealos even had the urge to cry.

He bowed his head and waited for the Archbishop to be crowned.

Bucken held the golden crown, lowered his head, and with a kind smile, asked kindly: "Are you worthy?"

"What did you say?" Nialos looked at Bucken in surprise.

Bucken held the crown and repeated it again: "Do you think you are worthy?"

Nealos was furious. He didn't understand Bucken's intention, and just this sentence made him lose his mind.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether he is rational or not. A spark is smoking on his chest. This spark is slowly spreading and will soon wrap around his entire body.

God's Punishment Warrior's sixth-level skill, Flow Flame, releases special flames. The flames will actively seek out people. Once they target someone, even a single spark attached to their body can kill them.

The eldest prince slapped hard, but it was useless.

He lay on the ground and rolled around to no avail.

The Minister of Home Affairs hurriedly used water to extinguish the fire, but to no avail.

This fire is not easy to extinguish.

Amid the exclamations of the princess and courtiers, Nealos burned into a piece of coke.

The choir sang loudly the "Song of the Holy Wisdom," a war hymn with lyrics written by Buckon himself.

While singing, the young men drew their swords and looked at all the ministers ferociously.

Their singing is not beautiful, but their skills are very good. They are warriors that Bucken has trained for many years.

Bucken raised the crown and shouted loudly: "In the name of the Lord, I award the golden crown to you, the most heroic, toughest, and most loyal warrior, and I appoint you as the first king of Bucken of Romulu Kingdom!"

After saying that, he put the crown on his head.

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