Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 805 Guarding

All the ministers thought Manda was crazy. Longsen tried his best to persuade Manda to withdraw the decree, but Manda turned a deaf ear.

It was said that there were three days for the court meeting, but Manda was not in the mood to listen to the ministers' nagging. He even enjoyed the sacrifice to the God of Fire. The sacrifice process designed by Guatel made people happy both physically and mentally.

He summoned all the dancers in the royal capital and started the most unrestrained performance in front of the temple of Hephaestus.

All craftsmen can participate in the sacrifice, and Guatel buys sacrifices for them and pays for their drinks!

The craftsmen indulged themselves in the temple. When they got drunk, they went to vomit outside the temple. After vomiting, they returned to the temple and continued to indulge. The entire kingdom became a carnival holy place for the craftsmen.

Hephaestus laughed so hard on Mount Olympia: "I almost want to go to the mortal world."

Aphrodite and Dionysus also sent blessings to the God of Fire. In this grand carnival, they also gained a lot of faith. The wine merchants’ business was booming, and the girls’ business was also booming. .

Hephaestus looked at Aphrodite with contempt: "Do you want to marry me again? It's not too late to ask me now!"

Aphrodite looked solemn and said: "I am about to become the queen of heaven. The love we once had can only turn into a precious friendship."

Hephaestus sneered: "If you try to climb up to me in the future, you won't have a chance!"

Hermes is also looking at the mortal world. He is more concerned about Manda's crown than the crazy sacrifices.

"What is this little guy going to do? There is only more than half a year left, why is he bothering?"

"Maybe he doesn't want to become a god anymore," Hema said, feeling annoyed when he saw Manda. "How can he be willing to be inferior to others when his ambition is so great?"

"Apart from ridiculing your brother, can't you do something else?" Hermes looked at Herma, "How is the investigation on the slate?"

"Father, I found another stolen stone slab. Now counting, there are a total of fourteen stolen stone slabs and a total of four unfinished stone slabs."

One more piece, just one more piece.

"This extra piece should belong to the Lord of Divine Punishment. In this case, Madesa is the only god he created. No wonder he cherishes it so much."

Hermes looked at the mortal world and saw Manda sitting on the throne in the palace, discussing political affairs with the ministers.

"That's fine. The king should stay in the palace. It's safest to stay in the palace."

The ministers complained endlessly about Manda's new policy. If this continues, the granary will soon be empty.

Manda didn't take it seriously: "Just use gold coins to buy food from farmers."

"Then the treasury will be empty too."

"I'll figure out a way to deal with the treasury."

What can you think of? Is there any way to offset the kingdom’s tax burden for a year?

The ministers complained, but the lords from all over the country applauded the decree. They had just experienced the famine after the war, and the lords' granaries and treasury were almost at the bottom. Now is a good time to restore their strength.

However, the northern and southern lords had different ideas regarding their attitude towards taxation.

The southern lord was familiar with Manda. He announced that farmers and craftsmen would be exempted from taxes, which meant that farmers and craftsmen could not be taxed. Of course, rent was still required for the land leased.

The northern lords don't understand it this way. They think that even if the king doesn't collect taxes from them, they still have to collect the money they should collect. They don't need to be overly tolerant to their people.

Count Chagyalov, the lord of Golden Light City, thinks so. He believes that not only taxes must be levied, but heavy taxes must be levied. Last year, he received almost no taxes. This year, he must take advantage of the great opportunity to earn back his capital with profits.

There are not many farmers in Jinguang City, but it has the most craftsmen in the entire Romulu Kingdom. Before February is over, he has taken action on the craftsmen. He is full of expectations and is waiting for the tax-free craftsmen. However, he received bad news. The tax is higher than last year. An increase of 30%, the meek and honest craftsmen could no longer restrain their anger, and a fierce conflict broke out with the tax collectors.

Chagyarov has been a lord for more than 20 years and has seen such scenes many times. He led the guards to arrest more than a dozen families of troublemaking craftsmen, tied their families in front of the castle gate, and sentenced them to death. He also asked all the craftsmen in Golden Light City to come forward. Come and watch the execution.

He chose to execute his execution at noon after snow, and the blood would be particularly eye-catching when sprinkled on the dazzling white snow.

And he must kill the craftsman's whole family, no matter male, female, old or young, no one can be spared. He wants the people to understand the truth that even if they are not afraid of death, they must consider the lives of their family members.

Chagyarov stood on the stone steps of the castle, with an indifferent smile, and said loudly:

"The sword and ax are pointed at the nobles, and the rope is pointed at the common people. You are not even considered common people. You are untouchables who are worse than slaves.

In the most difficult moment of Golden Light City, I worked hard to help you get through the difficulties. Without me, how could you survive today? But what do you use to repay me?

Use cruel injuries, shameless betrayal, and your greed and stupidity to challenge my last tolerance for you! "

While he was talking, a little girl who was waiting to be executed cried. Chagyarov planned to attack her first, not for anything else but to change his mind.

He took the sword from the guard, looked down at the little girl kneeling on the ground, and sneered: "Don't cry, don't be afraid of blood, leave all your resentment to your stupid father, I will give you dignity today. My death is my last mercy to you, to prove that I..."

Bang! Chagyarov's sword fell to the ground.

It fell to the ground with the sword, and his fingers.

"What do you prove?" Manda wiped the blood on his fingers. No one could see his figure clearly, and no one knew why he suddenly appeared next to Chayarov.

Chayarov turned his face with difficulty. He had seen Manda and recognized the crown on Manda's head.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

"How dare you," Manda said with a smile, "Without you, no one else would be able to live today. The only ones who dare to say such things are gods. You have become a god and you still call me Your Majesty? Am I? Should I offer you a sacrifice?"

Everyone knelt down on one knee and saluted Manda, except Chagyarov.

It wasn't that he didn't want to salute, but the severe pain in his right hand and the spurting blood made him lose his mind.

"Who come, come, save me, save me..."

"Don't cry, how could such a wise lord be afraid of blood?" Manda watched quietly as Chagyarov rolled on the ground. None of the surrounding retainers and soldiers dared to step forward to save him.

"He, they, they are rioters, they caused the riot," Chagyarov was still trying to defend himself, "I, I quelled the riot, I, everything I did was for the kingdom, it was all For His Majesty’s sake.”

"For the kingdom? For me?" Manda laughed loudly, "I issued a decree to exempt craftsmen from taxes this year. Not only did you resist the decree, but you also dared to increase taxes. What did you take my decree for? You took me for... What?"

Chagyarov did not dare to defend himself, what else could he say? Are you saying that Manda's decree only prevents him from paying taxes, but does not prevent him from collecting taxes? That would only make him die faster.

Manda walked to the stone steps, untied the little girl, and said with a smile: "Are you praying to Hermes, the Lord of the Gods?"

The little girl wiped her tears and sobbed: "I know that the Lord of the Gods, One, will definitely help us. I know that my king will definitely help us."

"Well done!" Manda shouted loudly, "I am Manda Claude Sai, I am your king, I issued a decree, craftsmen and farmers are exempted from taxes,

I am your king, I am Manda Claudesay, I protect your interests, I protect your lives, and I protect your justice!

If someone hurts you, he is despising my majesty and the order of the kingdom, and he must pay the price! "

Manda pulled Chagyarov's hair and cut off his head with a wailing sound like a slaughtered pig.

He held up the head, walked to the stone steps, and looked at the people of Golden Light City.

"My king, Claude Sai!" A craftsman shouted at the top of his lungs.

A group of craftsmen shouted together.

All the people of Golden Light City shouted Claude Sai's name together.

The loud shouts echoed in the sky above Golden Light City.

And the head in Manda's hand will make this cry spread throughout the kingdom.

Claude Sai is their king, Claude Sai is their guardian, Claude Sai is their god, and Claude Sai is their belief.

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