Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 1025: You're out

Xi Yun's eyesight is very good. The man kneeling in the distance seems a little familiar. She is familiar enough to read her memories from many years ago. She has the same hairstyle and the same appearance, but the clothes are different, and this appearance seems to be two years old. Thirty years old.

And there were a few scars and a look of fear on that face. He was afraid, afraid of the man in front of him, and he kept kowtow to admit his mistake, Xi Yun backed away, and Xi Tuo quickly supported her.

"Why is it big brother?"

There was fear in her tone.

It seemed that he was spread out in front of Yue Chun.

This feeling suffocated her or even collapsed.

She asked with tears: "Why is the big brother?"


Since Yue Chun left the villa and arrived here, he has been staring at the man in front of him with bloodthirsty eyes, and his heart is extremely depressed when he sees him kneeling down and begging for mercy in fear.

It's such a thing.

Such a trash bullied his girl.

Yue Chun kicked his shoulder fiercely. He fell backward and rolled like a ball. The assistant stepped on his shoulder, and Yue Chun took the blade from the assistant's hand and slashed directly. On his face, blood was flowing, and the snow-white ground was instantly dyed red, Yue Chun felt extremely disgusted in his heart.


He covered his face with his hands and begged for mercy, "Please let me go, will you let me go? You want money, right? My second daughter has money."

He speaks authentic Finnish.

The more you learn this language.

But there is no such hatred at the moment.

He slashed directly on his face again, his movements were exceptionally crisp and sharp, and his **** appearance made Xi Yun in the distance see the nausea. When he made the next slash, Xi Yun had already vomited, and she asked stubbornly. : "Why is it big brother?"

Anyone can, why is the big brother?

Xi Yun seemed to find it difficult to accept this reality. She wanted to approach Yue Chun but was scared. The assistant found her first.

"Mr. Yue, it's Miss Xi."

Yue Chun turned around fiercely, "Xi Yun."

His pupils shrank, as if he was afraid of something.

The man who had just kneeled on the ground was already rolling frantically on the ground and begging for mercy. Yue Chun coldly told his assistant: "Send him back to Finland, don't let him die or make him feel better."

"Yes, Mr. Yue."

"Fire the man on duty today."

Those on duty are innocent.

After all, it was Miss Xi Jia who was guarding.

No one can stop what she wants.

The assistant did not intercede: "Yes, Mr. Yue."

Yue Chun speeded up his pace and walked towards Xi Yun. Xi Yun stood there and didn’t move. Yue Chun patted her white and cold cheeks. She still didn’t move, and Yue Chun kept rubbing her with her palms in a panic. 'S face said: "I'm sorry."

She pushed him away and said: "You violated my privacy. You want to discover my past. Do you think you are avenging me?"

He just put her past humiliation before her.

No, no, she asked herself to be bored.

She wants to follow here.

"Xi Yun, calm down."

"Yue Chun, I respect you as my eldest brother, I like you to be with you, but this does not mean that I belong to you completely."

She is Xi Yun, his own Xi Yun.

She has her privacy and is unbearable to hide.

She doesn’t need others to pretend to read her past, especially this person is Yue Chun, she doesn’t need his care, and even feels sick and disgusted. The more Xi Yun thinks about it, the more she feels out of breath, the more she feels She was uncomfortable and mentally stressed. She couldn't bear weight. She squatted on the ground and couldn't stop vomiting. The feeling of eating at night filled her heart. Yue Chun squatted down and gently patted her back with her palm and patiently coaxed her. He said: "I'm sorry, it's because I didn't think about it."

This is the only apology this man has in his life.

It's not that difficult to say.

Xi Yun vomited for a long while, and finally looked at Yue Chun with indifferent eyes, and Yue Chun accompanied her, letting her watch and look.

"Let's go home, I'm sleepy."

She suddenly seemed like a okay person.

Yue Chun squeezed her palm and said, "Okay."

On the way back, Xi Yun's head was leaning against the car window and looking out of the window without saying a word. The more you knew that her mood was bad, he didn't bother her. He also knew that what he was doing had touched her sensitive parts. Only after the villa can it be communicated.

Back to the villa in two minutes.

She opened the door and got out of the car first.

Then he quickly entered the living room and went up the stairs to his bedroom. Yue Chun stood at the door and asked, "Where are those people?"

"Be **** by Miss Xi's people."

Yue Chun looked at Xi Tuo suddenly, and asked in a low tone, "Xi Yun went to find me over there, why didn't you notify me the first time?"

Xi Tuo asked in surprise: "Why do you want to notify Mr.?"

"You leaked her secret. It's mine. All the current situation was caused after you revealed the secret."

Xi Tuo: "..."

His mood is quite uncomfortable.

He knew that Yue Chun was waiting for an answer.

He confessed: "I will order Mr.'s **** in the future."

Yue Chun asked him, "What is Xi Yun's favorite food?"

"Mr. Yue, it doesn't matter what you eat now."

Xi Tuo felt uncomfortable, and blamed himself for leaking the secret.

But just now he was too hard to get off.

Then Yue Chun went into the living room. He picked a few chocolates from the snacks brought by Huaer Deer and put them in his pocket and went upstairs.

He held the doorknob and found that it was locked.

In fact, she was a little more calm just now.

Because of this, he was a little worried.

He entered his room and crossed the opposite side from the balcony. When he jumped down, he saw that Xi Yun was not in the bedroom.

He was worried and immediately went to the bathroom.

I opened the bathroom and saw that Xi Yun's whole body was soaking in the bathtub. He quickly went over and fished her out of the water. Xi Yun stared at him with a dull gaze and smiled: "I will cure it all my life, but you will take a moment I destroy! The more you go, my psychological condition is very serious, I can't face it, I feel suffocated."

Yue Chun pursed his lips and said, "Sorry."

The water is warm, Yue Chun took out the chocolate and took off his clothes, leaving only a shirt and went into the bathtub and hugged her tightly in his arms, touching her cheeks with palms to give her warmth and said: "No matter how much Useless, sorry for making you feel sad."

Xi Yun didn't speak, and his heart was empty.

Yue Chun took one side of the chocolate and put it on her lips. Xi Yun didn't eat it. Yue Chun bit his lips in silence and kissed her. Her breath was cold and he felt pity in his heart.

A very soft kiss.

"Big brother, you can only be the older brother."

Yue Chun asked with a shocked expression: "What do you mean?"

Xi Yun said softly: "Let's break up."

"Xi Yun, love is so casual in your eyes?"

Xi Yun grinned and pronounced: "You are out."

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