Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 1028: I love you little lion

"I was born in the Yue family, which is considered to be a very small family in Rongcheng. In order to grow the Yue family, my father chose a very smooth path, that is, to marry the daughter of the Sun family, which is my mother. After the two of them got married, their father persuaded their mother to let the Sun Yue family finance the merger, and this made the present Yuejia! But when he was about ten years old, his father abandoned his mother and chose another one in order to make the family better. A woman who can help his career, but the other party's condition is to let him abandon his wife and children. He is a heartless person, and he promised without hesitation, driving my mother and I into desperation."

Yue Chun is not very good at coaxing girls, especially girls who are his girlfriends like Xi Yun, and the instigator is still himself. He cannot talk to her directly, nor leave her alone, he can only talk to her. Some of my own experience.

It's not like being miserable.

He never had this idea.

I just want her to know that everyone has had a past, and whether to cross it or be crossed by it is her own choice.

Xi Yun looked up at Yue Chun with calm eyes.

Only saw his sharp and clean chin.

Yue Chun hugged her body tightly and said: "Then my mother took me to France to survive. She and I were helpless in France and didn't have much money, so life was extremely difficult. Later, my mother asked her best friend to meet a wealthy businessman. At that time, she had only hatred and rise in her heart, so after the rich businessman offered to abandon me and marry her, she chose to abandon me."

Xi Yun asked softly, "What happened later?"

Yue Chun said in a low voice: "I was eleven years old and became a homeless person. I wandered the streets of France and rummaged in the trash can for snacks! I didn't get enough clothes and food, so I only had to steal things. , But because of the small age and weakness, coupled with the low strength, he was always beaten, and his body was always scarred. Because of chronic hunger and malnutrition, I was eleven or twelve years old, but I was just a child. "

Xi Yun murmured, "Big Brother..."

Yue Chun never told anyone about this past.

When I mentioned it, there was no wave in my heart.

"I have been wandering on the streets of France for half a year, and then fled to your grandma’s castle. She is a good person. She will indulge me in stealing her food from the kitchen. She will allow me to live in the back garden of the castle. Met your mother."

Xi Yun felt pity in his heart.

She felt sorry for the man holding herself.

"It was a rainy day. Your mother was dressed beautifully and luxuriously, but she squatted in the dirty mud with an umbrella and smiled and asked who I am and if I would like to go with her. "

Yue Chun lowered his eyes and looked at the woman in his arms.

"I started to be very vigilant and didn't promise her. Later... I was about to die because I was too poor to be able to go wandering. Later I contacted her and said that I wanted to follow her. Your mother accepted me, She asked me to take me back to Wucheng, give me the best education, wear the best clothes, eat the best food and... also let Mo Yuanlian contact me..."

Yue Chun's fingers stroked her smooth cheeks, and the tail of her eyes reddened and said, "I had mental illness and depression at that time."

Xi Yun exclaimed, "Big Brother."

Every time Yue Chun said a word, Xi Yun's heart sank.

"I defeated it and became a healthy person. It was not only Mo Yuanlian who healed me, but also my mother and you."

Xi Yun asked suspiciously: "Me?"

"I have lived in Xi’s family for two years. Apart from my mother’s care for me, you are the most clingy to me. You like to let me hug you and follow behind me. You like everything about me. Your liking at that time was pure. Just like me with satisfaction."

Xi Yun said softly, "I don't remember."

Yue Chun sighed softly: "Yeah, my little lion doesn't remember. I missed her growth. I didn't protect her properly to make her so alienated from me! But what can I do? I am the Xi family. Adopted son, I have to leave the Xi family to fight for my own life. When I am good enough to be a good person, I can support the Xi family so that I can live up to my father’s expectations and see you again! See you... My greatest conviction, so no matter how hard the years when I went out to fight, I can hold on as long as I think of your smile."

His voice is soft and sweet.

Xi Yun's heart was miraculously calm.

She took the initiative to hold Yue Chun and said: "Big brother, I don't remember many things, because it's too young, but I believe what you said."

Yue Chun continued: "I was about fourteen years old when I left the Xi family. My father sent me to Norway, and I lived a wandering life again. The difference is that at that time, I belonged to my heart, and my own heart was a weapon. No matter how badly I was injured or bullied by others, I can bear it. Later, I was forced to **** D. I never gave up on it. I have been working hard to overcome it because I want to live and be like Go back to see you as individuals, I don’t want to see the look you hate my eyes."

Xi Zhan told Xi Yun about this.

But there is no such impact as Yue Chun said.

She had to admit that Yue Chun was a determined man, he could save himself no matter what the situation was.

But he suddenly said: "I am not a strong person. I can survive everything because of the warmth of my heart and you."

He hugged her tightly, "I love you, little lion, I want you to stick to me like before, I want you to long for me the way I longed for you, nothing can't be overcome, no matter what happens, I’ll be with you! Xi Yun, I’ve known you since you were less than one year old, and I’ve been involved in this life, your whole life, but just staying silently where you don’t know, I care more than you think You know you."

Yue Chun spoke for a while, then hung his head and kissed her forehead, "As far as I am concerned, you are the person I know for a lifetime."

"Even if in your memory I may be a man you are unfamiliar or relatively unfamiliar with, I have nothing to do with you, but with me, my life belongs to you."

Xi Yun's eyes were red.

She did not expect that she would be confessed in this way.

And this person is still reticent and cold.

It turns out that I was loved by him before I got close to him.

It turns out that there is a person in this world who loves her deeply and passionately in a corner she doesn't know.

Yue Chun asked in a low voice: "Why don't you speak?"

What can she say at this time?

Is she fragile? !

Did she say she couldn't beat her once?

"I was thinking, I like Big Brother."

Yue Chun heard the implication, "What do you mean?"

"I said you were out last night."

She wants to go to Mount McKinley more than she loves him.

Be a lonely and fearless brave.

Life and death are unpredictable, and she doesn't want to get involved with him anymore.

Although what he said...

She will keep it in her heart.

Yue Chun closed his eyes and did not argue with her.

Because he said these were not for her to change her decision.

Instead, she used herself to ease her emotions and warm her heart.

Look at her mental state, it seems to be stable.

He curled his lips, "Xi Yun, how are we playing?"

"What kind of game?"

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