Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 1031: The dog takes the mouse and is nosy

Xi Yun didn't know Yue Chun once, but thought he was a handsome man standing on top, like a god.

She likes him, starting with the appearance.

Even when he was first with him, it was only because she liked the security he gave her and liked his handsomeness, but in the past few days she had a better understanding of him. He has been full of tribulations now, more difficult than his own. It used to be difficult, but he was a man with excellent self-control. He was successfully healed by Mo Yuanlian and he had no problems again. He could adjust his mentality well, and every concept of his He seemed to be able to understand her every little emotion.

He is a perfect man.

Perfect man without any problems.

"But Xi Tuo, some people need to be separated."

She has no feelings for him.

He has not yet reached this life.

After all, she didn't understand the love her father said.

But she was also sad in her heart.

She was trying to lean on him.

Trying to realize what is the only time in this life.

He broke her expectations.

"Miss, I don't quite understand."

Xi Tuo wanted to help Yue Chun say a few words.

But I don't know how to speak.

I feel that the current lady is not easy to mess with.

Xi Yun said suddenly: "Xi Tuo, how did my eldest brother know about this? I will not hold you accountable. You will stay at the foot of the mountain when you reach Mount McKinley. I have told my father in advance that this climb You don’t have to follow, I'm alone."

The one Xi Yun said was without a bodyguard.

Instead of not following the team.

"Miss, how do you guarantee your safety?"

Xi Yun glanced at him lightly, "It does so."

"Yes, miss."


Xi Yun couldn't sleep on the plane. He kept eating the snacks that Yue Chun bought for her. After eating, he vomited. Xi Tuo quickly helped her and called the stewardess. The stewardess came to clean up, but the people next to him began to complain. "The smell is really big, it's really unlucky."

Xi Tuo said with a cold face, "Shut up."

"You can stand the smell, and we can't stand it anymore, and no one is allowed to complain?! What's more, she has been eating there all the time. Who is to blame if she can't eat it?"

The woman who complained looked like a lady.

Business class passengers generally have money.

Seeing the other party complaining all the time, the stewardess kept her gentle reconciliation, saying sorry, but the other party was reluctant to talk, so Xi Tukai cursed at her all the time.

Xi Tuo's mouth was slippery.

Chen Chen has suffered a lot under his mouth for so many years.

The lady’s face was green and white, and Xi Yun waited a little better before telling Xi Tuo: “It was originally my fault. You don’t have to worry about it all the time. If she feels uncomfortable, let her go to economy class. Well, the terms let her open."

"It's great that you are rich!"

Xi Tuo frowned, "The price is two hundred thousand."

The lady was startled, "So direct?"

Two hundred thousand is not much, but Xi Tuo was so angry that she didn't want to give her too much. In addition, noble ladies weren't particularly rich, so he hesitated when he heard two hundred thousand.

Seeing her hesitation, Xi Tuo added another 50,000.

Then she neatly followed the flight attendant to the economy class.

Xi Tuo turned to the flight attendant politely and said, "Thank you, I just made you wronged. You will give me your name and position later, and my lady will give you a salary increase through trust."

"This...this is my job."

The stewardess is naturally moved, but this is her job.

"Chen Yan, right? Why is the surname Chen?"

How come you have the same surname as Chen Chen! !

After getting off the plane, Xi Tuo reported to Yue Chun about what happened on the plane. At that time, Yue Chun was about to fly to the United States. He had decided to spend time with Xi Yun.

He cared wherever she went.

Yue Chun turned off his cell phone.

He asked the assistant, "How is it?"

"Mr. Mo is solely responsible over there."

the other side--

After Xi Yun got off the plane, he went to the hospital with Xi.

The doctor said that she was weak.

In order to recover her fitness, she spent a few days in the hospital training, and then brought the equipment to the foot of Mount McKinley.

Xi Tuo brought the equipment and quickly found the team with her.

Xi Yun saw Elena for the first time.

She went to sit next to her and asked, "Why do you suddenly think about climbing the mountain? Are you familiar with the leader? He is a very good friend of mine, he is very nice, and I have been missing a girlfriend!"

Xi Yunxu talked a lot, but Elena couldn't hear a word. She only saw Xi Yun's face pale.

She asked caringly: "Are you okay?"

Xi Yun shook his head, "It's okay."

Xi Yun saw the bruise on her face.

It's a shame that such a beautiful person was injured.

Xi Yun didn't talk to her anymore, but instead focused on playing mental arithmetic games. It was a wise choice for Yue Chun not to compete.

Because she is best at mental arithmetic.

She usually plays mental arithmetic to pass the time.

Just after playing with Mo Yuanlian, she sent her a message.

"Xiao Yun, I have something and it is not convenient to leave. I will send someone to protect you. Of course he will not disturb you and will show up at critical moments. Believe me, he must be very powerful."

Who is the person Mo Yuanlian thinks is very powerful?

Xi Yun asked in confusion, "Do I know each other?"

Mo Yuanlian didn't reply to her news again.

Because some things stop there.

Xi Yun didn't receive the news and didn't ask any more. Instead, he got up to the tent to ask them when they were leaving. They said they had to wait for someone. Xi Yun asked who, but they all laughed.

Xi Yun guessed and asked, "Do I know him?"

"You will find out in the evening."

There was a vast expanse of snow at the foot of the mountain, and the snow did not melt. When Xi Yun was surrounded by them and warming the fire, he turned his head inadvertently and saw a man in a black down jacket in the distance.

This man seems to have seen him somewhere.

Correct! In Yuejia! !

Xi Yun asked, "You are talking about him?"

"It's him, the one we're waiting for."

Xi Yun asked in confusion, "What's his name?"

"Yan Qing."


"Mr. Yue, Miss has arrived at the base camp."

Yue Chun was in the apartment when he received Xi Tuo's news. In fact, he knew her whereabouts, but Xi Tuo was more accurate here. Xi Tuo was obedient and reported to him all the time.

Not to monitor her.

Just want to ensure her safety.

Climbing Mount McKinley?

The little girl has courage.

Then he walks with her.

"Mr. Yue, Yan Qing is also here."

Yue Chun received news from Xi Tuo again.

How could this man be here? !

Could he be directed at Xi Yun?

Or do they know each other before?

There was a faint anxiety in Yue Chun's heart, but it was not convenient for him to show up. He sent a message to Xi Tuo, "Why is he there?"

"I am a member of the mountaineering team."

Xi Tuo didn't expect Chen Chen to be there!

He asked Chen Chen privately, "Why is Yan Qing here?"

"It's up to you, the dog is nosy with the mouse."

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