Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 1045: Uncle hates me

The outbreak of her anxiety is no longer because of those previous experiences, but because of the growing worry, so she laughed. Although this is still a disease, the factors of her condition have changed.

Xi Tuo sensed that something was wrong with Xi Yun. He heard her order and held her down. Xi Yun's heart was flustered and anxious. He especially wanted to see Yue Chun. The obsession to see caused her to collapse.

"Xi Tuo, I want to see Big Brother."

"Miss Xi, I will see Mr. in two days."

"Blame me, I have to climb Mount McKinley."

She was sad, helpless, depressed and blamed herself.

"Miss, you can't blame yourself, we have to come and find you, you are right, can we continue on our way now?"

Xi Tuo coaxed her patiently.

And hurrying is the only way to relieve her emotions.

"Go, I want to see him."

With physical fatigue and severe sleep deprivation, Xi Yun hurriedly hurried on the road, including the mental illness of the outbreak of anxiety. She was unable to do anything about crying and laughing on the road.

Helpless and helpless.

Sadness to the end.

After another day of hurried walking, Xi Yun was exhausted and stumbled. Fortunately, Xi Tuo kept watching her. Sometimes when he fell down, Xi Yun simply sat there to rest, and waited for the rest to go on.

Xi Tuo will feed her when she is resting, will give her something to keep warm, and will do his best to take care of her.

On the fourth day, I finally got down the mountain.

Xi Yun saw Mo Yuanlian in the base camp.

She didn't go to hug him, but knelt down in the snow and cried in a mess, her face was terribly ugly, Mo Yuanlian saw her so sad, and felt sorry for her, he quickly went to squat down and hugged her in his arms Soothed: "Brother Yuechun is fine."

"I...I'm tired of Big Brother..."

"The mountain he went down yesterday, with a weak breath and a pale face, looked at the danger, but now he is out of danger."

He received Yue Chun yesterday.

But he was waiting for Xi Yun.

Xi Yun quickly asked, "Where is the eldest brother?"

"After he woke up, he ordered people to send him back to Norway, but he didn't go back to his villa. No one knows where he is."

Xi Yun broke down and cried bitterly, "He is avoiding me."

Mo Yuanlian said firmly in his voice: "No, he is Xiao Yun's brother Yue Chun, he will not hide from you no matter what happens."

"Yes, he will!"

Xi Yun suddenly fainted in Mo Yuanlian's arms.

Xi Yun cried too much, his mood was particularly unstable, and his body was tired and his health was not good, so he fainted suddenly.

Mo Yuanlian immediately beat her up and hugged her, "Go to the hospital."

Xi Tuo quickly responded: "Yes."


Xi Yun was in the hospital when she woke up and was receiving fluids. Her wandering gaze was staring at the ceiling. The room was as warm as spring. She was sure that she was not on the mountain. She blinked and tried to move her fingers. It is wrapped in white gauze and smells of disinfectant, so is this a hospital? She doesn't want to be in the hospital, she wants to find Yue Chun.

But he was cowardly.

Because Yue Chun avoided her.

Thinking of Yue Chun hiding her, Xi Yun felt fragile and wanted to cry.

This emotion... is caused by Yue Chun...

She cared more about Yue Chun than she thought.

She wanted to come to him immediately.

But he was afraid of his indifference.

With tears in Xi Yun's eyes and red eye circles, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open. She looked over and saw Mo Yuanlian.

She aggrieved: "I miss him."

Mo Yuanlian naturally understood that she was referring to Yue Chun.

The man in front of him hasn't worn away his temperament and appearance after all the years, his eyes are still so sparkling, charming sentient beings, and more attractive than before.

Even if he is now about fifty years old.

"If you miss him, go see him."

Mo Yuanlian was giving Xi Yun courage.

He can also perceive her changes.

"Brother is afraid that he doesn't want to see me."

Xi Yun expressed the anxiety in his heart.

"How come? You are Xi Yun, the one he loves, and he must miss you in his heart. If you go to see him, he should be happy."

"You should be happy?" Xi Yun asked.

Mo Yuanlian smiled softly, "Yes."

"Big Brother Yuanlian, thank you for your encouragement. This period of time has made you worry. I think I might return to Wucheng because I promised him... But before that, I will go to Finland to deal with one thing. I will face it myself after all."

Mo Yuan smiled, "Did Xiaoyun figure it out?"

"I promised Big Brother to try to live."

If you want to work hard to live, you have to face the past.

Heart disease also requires heart medicine.

Facing was once her medicine.

"Yue Chun has a deep influence on you."

Mo Yuanlian knew that Xi Yun was healing herself.

Heal yourself because of the promise of others.

Because she doesn't want to disappoint the one she loves.

She finally let Yue Chun begin to let her heart go.

"Big Brother Yuanlian, I don't want to lose my memory. This is not the fundamental way to solve the problem. Can you accompany me to Finland?"

Mo Yuanlian smiled softly and said, "Okay."

Xi Yun was resting in the hospital for two days. For these two days, she had been thinking about Yue Chun. On the third day, she was about to follow Mo Yuanlian to Finland to solve the problem, she received a call from Sister Song Er.

"The assistant said that your brother was seriously injured. He is in Denmark at the moment. It is not convenient for me to take care of him. Yoona, please go with him.

Helpless, Xi Yun could only go to Denmark.

Mo Yuanlian stayed in the United States because of something.

When Mo Yuanlian sent Xi Yun on the plane, Xi Yun deliberately hugged him and said words of gratitude. Mo Yuanlian rubbed her head and soothed: "It's okay, there is no politeness between us."

He regarded Xi Yun as his daughter.

Paying for my daughter is nothing.

"Big Brother Yuanlian, goodbye."

Mo Yuanlian stood there waiting for Xi Yun's back to disappear before thinking about leaving. He just turned around and saw a familiar face, "Yunyi, it's still the same as before if I haven't seen you for many years."

Yes, Yunyi is as always.

There is no slight change in appearance.

Looking back at her, after all, there are traces of time.

Mo Yuanlian nodded slightly, "Yan."

The woman named Yan in front of her.

Not married for many years, but adopted a little girl, and this little girl has a direct blood relationship with Mo Yuanlian.

She was by Homura's side right now.

Yan explained, "I adopted A Xin after I separated from you from Wucheng many years ago. A Xin, this is your little uncle."

Mo Yuanlian looked at A Xin.

She is already a slim woman.

She looked at Mo Yuanlian timidly, "Uncle."

Mo Yuanlian frowned, and Yan asked, "That was the daughter of the Xi family just now? I have seen pictures of her. I didn't expect you to have such a good relationship with her. The daughter of the Xi family is beautiful. Yunyi likes her right?"

After finishing Yan Yan said, "Axin is your relative."

Hearing that Mo Yuanlian bypassed them and left.

Homura felt okay when he got used to his indifference.

But A Xin was very sad.

"Aunt Yan, uncle hates me."

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