Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 1060: Sorry i'm late

Xi Yun is particularly dependent on Yue Chun. This kind of dependence seems to be deeply rooted in her bones suddenly. She can't bear to leave him anymore, wanting to stay with him all the time.

I want to stay with him forever.

"Brother Yuechun, can I call you like this?"

Yuechun said before that he prefers this name.

It's just that Xi Yun was used to talking subconsciously before.

He indulged: "It's up to you."

Yue Chun rubbed her head. She had only done her hair today, and it felt soft and comfortable, and the color was suitable for her age, a young and enthusiastic girl.

In the future it will be his little wife.


The thought of this word Yuechun felt a little nervous.

He will marry a wife and have children...

This was unimaginable many years ago.

Now I finally have a close person.

"Xi Yun, you were the warmth and radiance of my heart when you were very young. I knew my feelings for you when you were young. I have been waiting for you patiently for so many years, waiting for you to be able to tell right from wrong; It is waiting for you to have the ability to love; and even more for you to be able to strengthen the love in your heart. Xi Yun, this society is complicated and chaotic, and people's hearts are changeable, but I hope our feelings are the final destination, otherwise I will not reveal my heart to you. Since I’m exposed... it’s because our hearts are closely connected. I hope that the long years, tribulations and sufferings will not separate us. No matter what happens, I hope that we can trust each other and tolerate each other. I Frankly speaking, I trust you unconditionally, because you are not only my lover, but also the girl I have been protecting since childhood! Lion, you have to trust me unconditionally, I am not only your lover, I am still you Brother of the Xi family, I have a double responsibility on my shoulders, so you must firmly believe that I will not let you down in this life, and that I will fall in love with you in this life."

"Brother Yuechun..."

The Yue Chun whom Xi Yun knows has always been a man with a particularly forbearing affection. Anything will be hidden in her heart. Saying these sweet and sensual words like this is beyond her knowledge of him, and she suddenly understood that Yue Chun loves miserably in her heart. Up her.

But she has ignored him for so many years.

When we met in the past, on the crowded occasions of the New Year, she would only hurriedly call her eldest brother and leave.

And sometimes it just looks far away.

What about him at the time?

He loves himself deeply, and he definitely wants to talk something close to him, he must be waiting for him to approach him and talk to him like other people do, but he has been very indifferent to him these years. Xi Yun is very special now thinking of it. I want to beat myself!

My heart is even more pity for him in those years.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Xi Yun kissed the corner of his lips and talked lingeringly with him, "Brother Yuechun, I'm sorry that I came too late."

"Sorry for making you wait for so many years."

The girl's unique aura wandered beside her, Yue Chun wanted to give her more response, but this time was suitable for a quiet time.

Feel the affection between the two quietly with her.

She bit his lip, trying to feel him really.

"Sorry for making you wronged for so many years."

The more Xi Yun thought about, the more pity he was in his heart. The more the room was small, the bed inside was naturally small. The 1.5-meter bed was close to the window, and Xi Yun fell on the bed under pressure, and the two of them were close to each other. Together, hold each other and stop talking.

With Xi Yun's head resting on his chest, she could hear his heartbeat clearly, the rhythm was so powerful, she wondered why she didn't find him many years ago? In this way, you can hug him early, and you can feel his heartbeat and the warmth of his body early. Although he is such an indifferent man, he leaves all the warmth in his heart to her.

Xi Yun thought, this is Yue Chun.

One heart has only oneself.

Now Xi Yun can fully feel Yue Chun's feelings, experience him personally, know his affection and give him feedback. This is the best state to get along with.

Xi Yun's heart was full of softness and love at this moment, Yue Chun looked down at her delicate little face, filled with satisfaction.

The life he wants is nothing more than that.

He suddenly remembered how he had just arrived at the Xi's house when he was young. At that time, he was useless, ordinary and cheap, knowing nothing about it, and still full of confusion and helplessness in life.

At that time, he urgently wanted to become stronger.

But after all, it is still young and it takes years to settle.

At that time, he was busy studying every day. After a long time, he would eventually get tired. He didn't know the meaning of his persistence. Sometimes he didn't think about giving up. But whenever this little thing, the little thing, the older brother, the older brother, the younger brother, shouted. He knew that he could not give up because he was warmed by Xi Yun, so he wanted to protect her from the bottom of his heart. He wanted to be liked and admired by her, even if he was not in love with her at that time, but Yue Chun has always been There is a heart that wants to protect her, but it is impossible for him to protect such a noble daughter of the Xi family who has no ability to protect such a noble daughter.

Xi Yun inspired him to work hard.

One step can't stop.

It wasn't until about twenty-five that he stopped.

These five years have been his easiest life.

Easily enough to spare time to return to Wucheng to visit her quietly.

Yue Chun thought that all the efforts that had been made in the past came to fruition at the moment when she hugged her into her arms. That is, the seed that she planted finally blossomed and fruited after years of careful irrigation. Yue Chun also thought that this was the most important thing. Good ending.

"Brother Yuechun, can I sleep here tonight?"

Yue Chun’s room is small and warm. This is specially arranged by Shi Sheng. Xi Yun likes his room very much. When he is not at home, Xi Yun always runs to his room to sleep. Shi Sheng is always in Yue Chun. When the room found her, she always wondered why she wanted to sleep here. Xi Yun explained that Yue Chun's room was close to the window. Shi Sheng didn't think about it at the time but now he wants to understand it.

At this time, Shi Sheng was removing makeup. She was still thinking about what Yue Chun liked about Xi Yun, and what Yue Chun had said in her heart.

He said he had not caught up yet.

Shi Sheng asked Xi Zhan, who was reading in bed, "Second brother, did you say that Yue Chun has caught up with Xi Yun now? Do you want to help him?"

Xi Zhan firmly said: "It should be."

Shi Sheng and Xi Zhan have been together for many years, and they really understand what Xi Zhan means. She removes half of her makeup and walks to Xi Zhan’s side and sits down and asks: "Why maybe it is? The second brother quickly analyzed and listened to me. Your words are the most reassuring."

Hearing that Xi Zhan smiled and said, "Yue Chun is a prudent person."

"I know this, what does the second brother mean?"

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