Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 107: Early tire removal

Wen Ruyan has always been very arrogant. She is a mental illness. She is not afraid of me at all. Her life has become so bad that she is naturally not afraid of fighting with me.

But she lost Gu Tingchen's life, and after she finished saying what it was like to be ruined, she suddenly cried out with her hands on her face, "How could Tingchen suffer this crime for you?" "

  I also thought about this question.

   I stretched out my hand and wiped the rain on my face, staring at the location on the mountain and said, "If you have a little kind heart, as long as you have a little, Gu Tingchen will not be what it is now!!"

   Wen Ruyan is too selfish, too evil, too not a thing! !

Suddenly I felt very tired. I turned my gaze back and stared at Wen Ruyan, who was covered with scars, and said to the assistant who had been guarding her side: "You will personally send her to the police station later, and even find out about her bumping into Chen Chu. Come out and let the lawyer sue her to death!"

  The assistant whispered: "Yes, Mr. Shi."

   I was tired and called him: "Jiang Chen."

   "I'm here, Shizun."

   The summer rain is not cold at all, but it is already ice and snow deep in my heart.

   I asked him, "How many years has the Shi family been rooted in Wucheng?"

  The assistant said familiarly: "Zong's grandfather went to sea in 1953, and the company was formally established in Wucheng in 1973. This year, Shijia has a history of 46 years."

   "Jiang Chen, let's move the company headquarters to Tongcheng."

   The assistant’s expression was shocked. Both he and I knew how difficult it is to leave a city that has been working hard for many years and has accumulated countless resources.

   And he accommodated me and said: "Yes, I will arrange it tomorrow."


   Then the assistant escorted me back to the villa. I took off my wet clothes and lay on the bed. I developed a high fever in the middle of the night. I called the assistant and he hurried over to take me to the hospital.

   The high fever did not go away for a long time. I was half awake and half asleep. I was a little bit energetic after lying in the hospital for three days. So I found the doctor introduced by Chu Xing to do minimally invasive scar removal.

   The scar on my face finally disappeared. I don’t need to put on makeup to cover up. I can’t tell what it feels like. There is no joy, no sorrow, and I live like walking dead every day.

   During the period when Shi's family moved to Tongcheng, I wandered around the bar every day. I learned to smoke, but the smell was very irritating. I never touched it again, just drank a little.

   Two months later, the Shi family officially completed the relocation, and many families sent blessings. Even the Ye family, whom I targeted, also licked their faces.

   There is no Gujia alone.

   There is no presence of Chairman Gu.

   He used to be a good father-in-law, and he got me everywhere.

   No matter who I am right or wrong with Gu Tingchen, he will defend me.

   But now...

   He blamed me after all.

   I have been very sad for the past two months. Now in August, the weather is hot again, and my mood is exceptionally irritable. I basically threw away all the big and small things of the time to the assistant no longer.

   The assistant originally wanted to buy me a villa, but I asked for a flat-floor apartment. I stayed at home for the next two months and disconnected from everyone.

   Until Song Yiran called me.

   I have always been ashamed of Song Yiran. When she called me, I quickly connected and put it in my ear, asking in a very gentle manner: "Why did you suddenly think of calling me?"

   "Miss Shi, I can't make it anymore."

   I asked her anxiously, "What happened?"

   "I'm in Tongcheng, can you come and accompany me?"

   I quickly changed my clothes and went downstairs and stopped a taxi to Song Yiran's location, which is a very shabby old community.

   I stood at the door and took a deep breath and knocked. The door opened after a while, and I saw Song Yiran's pale face.

   and a slightly raised belly.

   She followed my gaze, raised her hand and stroked her belly and said, "The child has kept it, but he is too fragile."

   The child in her belly was retained after all.

   I comforted her and said: "It's fine if you can keep it."

   She did not marry Shi Cheng but still chose to leave his children. It seems that Song Yiran's love for Shi Cheng far exceeds my imagination. She is really a simple and persistent woman.

   I don’t know what to say, I went in and sat on the sofa a little restrained, thinking for a long time and asked: "Why are you in Tongcheng?"

"Shi Cheng went to S City to look for me. I was upset and simply moved to Tongcheng. I wanted to live in the new community, but I like the atmosphere in the old community. Most of the elderly live here. I talk to them for one day every day. It will pass."

   Song Yiran is lonely, so I live here.

   I thought about what she said when she called, and I asked her caringly, "You said on the phone that you can't make it anymore..."

Speaking of Song Yiran’s face becoming heavy, she sighed deeply, “The doctor said that my body is not suitable for another baby, but now the child is more than seven months old, it would be a shame to be beaten up like this, I don’t know. What can I do to keep him."

   More than seven months before the doctor said she was not suitable for pregnancy? !

  Impossible, the doctor should have told her a long time ago, but she did not listen to her until now the body has reached its limit.

   I asked patiently and gently: "What did the doctor say?"

   Song Yiran poured me a glass of ice water and placed it in front of me. She sat opposite me and said truthfully: "The doctor advised me to kill the child as soon as possible, otherwise I and him will be in danger of pregnancy."

   Song Yiran's expression revealed an inexplicable determination. I asked her a fatal question, "Will you get rid of it?"

   She smiled and shook her head and said, "No."

   I said cleverly: "Then you should have thought of a way, otherwise you won't survive until now."

Hearing that Song Yiran was silent, I raised my hand and carefully touched her belly, and said with envy in my tone: "I have no fertility in my life. If I can be pregnant with a child, I will stay even if I pay a heavy price. Get him down."

   She suddenly said: "Actually I have a way."

   I looked up at her and asked, "What?"

   Song Yiran thought about this problem for a few months, she must have thought of a way, but that way must be horrible.

   She calmly said: "Take the tire early."

I shook, Song Yiran held my hand and gently pressed it on her stomach, and said in a generous tone: "I'm trying to keep him as long as I can. Now he has only been more than seven months but has taken shape. I I want to hold on to the cesarean section for eight months and leave him! Although it may not be successful, it is at least a hope that he can live."

   Caesarean section requires courage to deliver a premature baby, and the survival rate is very low. It is a fatal blow to Song Yiran's current body.

  Because she hadn't fully recovered since she had just had her kidney taken, she might not be able to walk off the operating table alive this time.

   I gritted my teeth and asked: "Why are you doing this?"

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