Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 176: He refused to see me

In Finland, the wind is bitter and the snow is flying, even though I am wearing a thick down jacket, it is horribly cold.

   Especially from the bottom of my heart, my guilt towards Xi Zhan is very heavy!

   I am afraid he will misunderstand me!

   I received a text message from Ji Nuan within a few minutes of waiting.

   She gave me an address.

   is the prison where Xi Zhan was detained.

   I quickly stopped a taxi and hesitated when I stood in front of the prison.

   I don’t know how to explain, I am afraid to see him, but I can’t wait to see him.

   After a while, a man came out from the prison. He flashed a flashlight to my face. Because of the glare, I subconsciously raised my hand to block my eyes and heard him ask in English: "What is your name?"

   I hugged the gift box in my hand and said, "Shi Sheng."

   "Well, who are you here to meet?"

   I said lowly: "Xi Zhan."

   The guard said, "He refused to see you."


   Why didn't Xi Zhan see me...

   I anxiously stepped forward and grabbed the guard's arm and said in English: "Please bring me a sentence, you said I will wait for him here, if he doesn't see me, I'll be here waiting for him!"

   After I finished speaking, I took out a stack of dollars from my bag and handed it to him. He quietly put it away and went to prison.

   I endured the cold wind on my body with terrible fear, afraid that the man would never see me again.

   is even more afraid of him disappearing from my life!

   The prison guard never came out after going in. I stood at the door and waited for more than an hour without waiting until he said to see me.

   I stared at the watch and saw the hour hand go to twelve o'clock.

   I shed tears and whispered, "Happy birthday, Xi Zhan."

   I turned and left and went to Villa Espoo. The courtyard of the villa was white. The heavy snow was about to crush the weaker branches and leaves. I stepped in the thick snow and placed the gift box in my hand at the door.

   I didn't enter the villa, now I don't seem to be qualified to enter!

   "I'm sorry, I dragged you down."

   After putting down the present, I hurriedly left and went to the airport.

   There is only one flight back to Wucheng at three in the morning.

   I bought a ticket, and it was already eight o'clock in the morning when I returned home.

   I was afraid of being found by Gu Tingchen, so I took a taxi and went back to Tongcheng.

   After returning to Tongcheng, I found that everyone had disconnected from me.

   Yuanyou, Assistant Yin and He Ming couldn't get through the phone.

   From the bottom of my heart, I know that they are Xi Zhan’s people.

   They respect me because Xi Zhan loves me. Once I do what I'm sorry for Xi Zhan, they will stay away from me, and they will regard me as an enemy, and will never have any contact with me.

   I stayed in the apartment for the rest of the time, and Yuanyou contacted me five days later!

   I connected the grievance and said: "Brother, it's really not me!"

   Yuanyou asked me back, "Do we still care about the truth?"

   I think they should have known that I went to Finland and Xi Zhan did not see me.

   The attitude Xi Zhan treats me is the way they treat me!

   Yes, they really don't care what the truth is now!

   I was aggrieved in my heart and didn't dare to mention it again. I pressed my uncomfortable heart and asked: "Why are you looking for me?"

   Yuanyou said in a cold voice: "Second brother's forces all over the world have been hit hard. Except for your Xi family, Chen Shen and other forces took this opportunity to tear the second brother to pieces!"

   If a strong lion is killed suddenly, other beasts will surely fall into the hole, whether it is a vegetarian animal or a carnivore, they will rush to share the pie! !

   I knew this matter a long time ago, but I can't help it now.

   I don't have the ability to stop Xi Wei, let alone preserve his career.

   I covered my eyes and forced myself not to cry!

Yuan You saw that I didn't speak, he suddenly lowered his voice and said, "The second brother left the Xi family and lived in a miserable life. He grew up relying on the bite of Hejia's charity! I clearly remember the year when the second brother killed someone. It should be when he was fourteen years old. At that time, he entered the underground mafia in Europe and followed others. Because he was very young, there were always people bullying him! But he was good at forbearing, so he didn’t fight back when he was bullied. He was weak. Cowardly was seen by those foreigners, and naturally also by the boss at the time. He spit on his second brother and mocked him, saying that he was a worm, saying that he was like a disgusting maggot, and threatening the second brother with him. Fight! Said it was a fight, in fact, the boss couldn’t understand that he wanted to kill him! That time was the second brother Liwei’s battle, and it was also his first murder. He was dying and was covered with scars on the boss’s head. Cut it off."

   I was very curious about Xi Zhan's past.

  Because I can't imagine what a cold and ruthless man like him has experienced to cultivate a cold, unwavering heart like this.

   But his past has always been mysterious to me.

   Someone finally told me now, but when I heard what Yuanyou said, I felt heartache.

   The sorrow and distress flooded me like a mountain.

I panted low and heard Yuan You continue to say: "Second brother has been too difficult in this life, and finally established his own power in Europe; finally, the other three elder brothers returned to Xi’s house; finally used seven. Years have been stable in the Xi family and have grown stronger! But now you have picked up a huge pie, and you have personally calculated the second brother to this step!"

   I want to say that I don’t have one, but I know that Yuanyou won’t believe it!

   My heart was so painful that I couldn't cry. I gripped the curtains tightly with my fingers and heard Yuan You say sadly: "There is the latest news from Finland. My second brother was sentenced to five years in prison!"

   I blurted out and asked: "Why so fast?"

   Even if Xi Zhan really did those things, the evidence cannot be found overnight!

   And according to the legal process, it is impossible to convict a person within ten days!

   Hearing this, Yuanyou laughed ironically: "It's not fast under the heavy hammer of several forces!"

   The most painful thing in the world is not birth, old age, sickness and death, but I accidentally became a murderer and hurt my favorite man!

  Even unintentionally, I am the murderer who pushed him into hell!

   I am sorry to Xi Zhan after all, and I have let down his love!

   I said heavily: "I will save him!"

   Xi Wei said that I will have the power of the Xi family next month!

   One month soon!

   just want to blame Xi Zhan to stay in jail for a month!

   Yuanyou asked me back: "Do you think I believe it?"

   I said irritably: "He is my second brother!"

   "Wrong, he was never your second brother!"


   Yuanyou suddenly said indifferently: "He asked me to tell you a word."

   I was expecting to ask: "What did he say?"


   "Shisheng, when we are over, don't involve our children. Besides, it is my future wife who can give birth to me. I hope you can respect my heart."

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