Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 275: Old man died

Letter to Shenger.

   pen, 娆年.

   This is a letter from my biological mother.

   But this envelope is very old.

   seems to have been written many years ago.

   I sat on the edge of the bed and opened it to read the contents——

   "Dear Shenger, hello.

   This is the ninth day when I gave birth to you. You are my most precious baby, the only light I see in despair.

   I love you, I love you very much.

   Better than your father.

   But I can’t raise you myself.

   Sorry, I have to return you to your father.

   Shenger, your father and I met in Wucheng.

   It's raining continuously.

When    first met, he was very cold and indifferent. He often didn't talk to me. He always attacked me with irony. Fortunately, his mother had always followed behind him because of his thick face, otherwise his mother and him in this life would have no chance.


   suddenly don’t know what to write...

   Shenger, I love your father very much.

   really love very much.

   Before falling in love with him, his mother did not know that he was a man from the Xi family, nor did he know that he had a wife and children before she became pregnant with you.

   Although he said he would treat me best, but his mother is so proud, how can he bear to share him with other women?

   Shenger, my mother is sad.

   I feel sad.

   Mother seems to have been deceived by the world’s greatest deception, and it’s like satisfying love is a joke...

   Shenger, my mother now only has you.

   Only you are left.

   But mother has to send you away.


   Although you are the blood of the Xi family, you are not eligible for inheritance rights, because there are three older brothers above you, but we are not rare, and I will give you no worse than the Xi family in the future.

   Believe me, my mother will do it for you.

   But my mother doesn't want to leave you in France.

   After all, there must be a lot of danger around the mother who wants to gain power.

  Mother only hopes that you can grow up peacefully.

   And Xi’s home is your best home.

   So my mother had to send you away.

   Believe in mother, when we meet one day in the future, you must be the most powerful woman in the world, because in this country, mother is working hard for you bit by bit.

   Shenger, I love you.

   Hope you are happy in this life.

   also hope you don’t blame your mother.

   February 3, 1996, late snow.

  ——Luo Nian. "

I couldn’t cry after reading this letter. I remembered what my mother said, except that you are my daughter. I don’t know what **** we have between us. In fact, she said that to me on purpose, because she knew My physical condition has...

   She doesn't want to get close to me and form a bond with me. She is afraid that I will be sad after she leaves this world, so she has been alienating me all the time, until just now she didn't show her love for me.

   I can suddenly understand her good intentions.

   felt her strong love.

   I quickly ran back to the room just now, the old man was dying, and I asked him in English, "Do you know how to get out? If you know, I'll take you out of here!"

   I'm going to see my mother!

immediately! !

   He nodded and answered me in English, "I know."

   I endured the rancid smell and pushed him away in the wheelchair. I never looked at the two formalin-soaked kidneys in the bottle that should have failed and disappeared ten years ago.

   Shangwei is really abnormal! !

   The old man’s mental state is very poor. He urged me in English: "Girl, take me away quickly, I want to meet her...I'm afraid I can't catch up, I'm afraid, afraid to lose her..."

   He should be my mother.

   I asked him in doubt, "Shang Wei said you always beat my mother before, are you still embarrassed to say that you are afraid of losing her?!"

   He was surprised: "Are you her daughter?"

   "Yes, I am her daughter."

   Her only daughter in this life.

The old man burst into tears suddenly, and he softly and patiently explained: "I want her to have an heir for me, but she always refuses me. I was still young at the time and couldn't control my temper! Besides, the husband and wife It's normal to stumble and stumble. Although I have beaten your mother, your mother is arrogant and will get revenge! She often fights with me, and her strength is no less than me. Once she sent someone to kidnap me and beat me severely. After a meal, I never dared to provoke her anymore, and lived with her in peace, but she never expected to keep this matter in her heart. She also said it to my nephew Weier, who has a withdrawn character since childhood. He was irritable and uncertain. The people at the merchant saw him seriously ill and gave up him. It was your mother who adopted him with a kind heart. The merchant later saw that we valued him and brought him back. So in his heart It was your mother who gave him a new life, and his life was for your mother. I bullied your mother, so I became the person he targeted and was treated so cruelly by him..."

The old man’s spirit was very weak. After speaking this long paragraph, he took a break for a long time before saying in English: "I finally understand why she didn’t give birth to me when I saw you. It turns out that she planned to... In her heart, she has an heir, and I just used it for a lifetime, commonly known as the carrier of power..."

  The old man was in a bad spirit and kept showing me the way with his fingers. After a while, he said, "I won't be held accountable for what Weier did to me, but this French royal family will never be his refuge!"

After a pause, he couldn't help coughing: "Wei children have been very pitiful since childhood. There are people who are raised but no one loves them. In addition, he is very sick...a man who has been abandoned by his family and has suffered a lot. Child, how pure and good can we expect his character?"

   The words of the old man made me understand his kindness.

   I pushed him and quickly saw the elevator. The moment I saw the elevator, I was relieved and quickly pushed the old man into the elevator.

   The old man's mental state was very weak, and he couldn't say a word at this moment. I pushed him into the room and saw Shang Wei kneeling beside the bed, and his mother was surrounded by many doctors.

   The doctor is still rescue...

   means my mother is still alive?

   Why did Shangwei say that he lost her?

  Shang Wei saw us, but his eyes were faint and without waves, as if he had lost the most precious person in the world.

   The moment the old man saw his mother's face, he smiled knowingly, and said in Chinese, "Lao Nian, I love you."

   Yu Luo, the old man closed his eyes completely.

I hurriedly called the doctor to treat him, but no one paid any attention to me. In the end, my mother was still alive and she was unconscious with the last breath. The doctor said that her time was very short, and there were only a handful of days left and the best relief. The solution is to euthanize her to reduce the pain, but Shang Wei disagrees. He said that living is hope!

   To live is hope.

   I agree with Shangwei.

   At least wait until the mother wakes up before making a decision.

   But the old man passed away.

  The Duke of France has passed away...

   This matter can be big or small.

   But nobody in the castle cared about him.

   as if he didn't exist.

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