Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 347: You can climb relatives

Xi Zhan left the room. I was quite bored lying on the bed, but I never thought that Xi Zhan would know Young Master Lan. He was going to see both Chen Shen and Young Master Lan.

   And these two men are entangled with Ji Nuan endlessly!

I suddenly remembered that the suit Xi Zhan wrapped around me was just thrown next to the hot spring. I got up and went out to pick it up and took it back to the room. I found that Xi Zhan's phone was still in the pocket of the suit. When I took it out, the screen lit up and there was something on it. Unknown news from Yuan You.

   I'm always curious about the message Yuanyou sent to Xi Zhan!

   There is no password lock on Xi Zhan's phone. My curiosity is very serious. I clicked on it and saw Yuanyou sent a lot of messages.

   I turned to the top, they talked a few hours ago, Xi Zhan said to him: "I remember everything."

   Yuanyou made a horrified expression, "So fast?"

   Xi Zhan returned to him, "..."

   "Where is the second brother?"

   Xi Zhan replied briefly: "Iceland."

   "Why did the second brother go to Iceland? Is it because of Yoona? Is Yoona in Iceland? By the way, why did the second brother suddenly remember to send me a message? Is it because Yoona is angry with the second brother again?"

   Yuanyou Jiang Xi Zhan's habit is touched to death!

   Xi Zhan replied coldly: "..."

   I know Xi Zhan too well. This ellipsis means that he doesn't want to pay attention to Yuan You, but he wants to hear what Yuan You said next!

"Well, it’s so good to be angry, and second brother is so handsome, who is willing to be really angry with you? If you believe me, a woman is fine with a fuck. She will definitely reject you. Second brother, you should be more aggressive ! And oh, say more things to make Yoona happy! You can say whatever she likes, no matter whether there is a principle or not, what principle does your own woman want at present? You are right to listen to me!"

   Xi Zhan did not reply, Yuan Yu continued: "Yoona is hypocritical, and the character of a little woman is especially easy to coax!!"

   I am hypocritical? !

Xi Zhan didn't care, Yuanyou said that he was interested, and then said: "You are too used to Yuner, so let her develop the problem of getting angry with you at every turn, you still have to give her a little face if you are appropriate! For example, uh...for example, give her a tantrum?!"

   "Haha, I'm kidding, if you are not afraid of losing your wife, do this! Brother, it's so hard for you to live!"

   Yuanyou really ran the train!

   Xi Zhan returned to him, "Go to the headquarters to receive the penalty on his own."

   Yuanyou hurriedly begged for mercy: "I was wrong, second brother!!! I was really wrong, I don't dare to tease you anymore, I admit my mistake!!!"

   Xi Zhan did not reply to him again.

   In this conversation, Xi Zhan said three things.

   includes the string of ellipsis.

   "I remembered everything."



   But Yuanyou said a lot!

   and said **** me...

   Xi Zhan did indeed!

   And I did... did not refuse.

   However, Yuan You is really talking, always rubbing in dangerous places, wandering and trying, and finally got Xi Zhan's response.

   "Go to the headquarters to pick up the penalty."

   I laughed lowly, "Deserve it."


   It was half an hour after Xi Zhan saw Chen Shen. He was sitting on a bench in the city center. It was particularly cold in March and April in Iceland. Chen Shen bent over and sat like an abandoned homeless man.

   Xi Zhan sat beside him and asked, "What's the matter?"

Chen Shen and Xi Zhan have been long-time enemies and have been fighting for territory in Europe, but they have always understood each other. Whether they are competing or cooperating, they have formed a certain tacit understanding after so many years, saying they are friends. Not an exaggeration!

   Chen Shen was full of boredom and said: "My woman has become someone else's wife. How can I save it?"

   Xi Zhan is silent, because he has never enlightened anyone except Shi Sheng, and he has no need to enlighten anyone, but he can understand Chen Shen's feelings, and he can't even think of the feeling of loss!

"Xi Zhan, how come you say that a man like us just asks for it? I...I didn't handle Zhou Mo's matter properly. I thought I would give me time to deal with it, but it only took a few days. Suddenly the sky changed! It really proved that no one would be waiting for someone on the spot."

   Xi Zhan replied: "What should you do now?"

   Chen Shen looked at the sky and was somewhat at a loss and said: "I don't know, Lan Shang is there...Although he doesn't deal with the outside world, he is unfathomable. No one can easily destroy him."

   He suddenly stopped and stared at Xi Zhan shiningly.

   Xi Zhan knows what he means. He and Chen Shen are both top existences in the world. If they join forces, they will definitely destroy Lan Shang.

   But why does he help Chen Shen? !

After all, his woman and Ji Nuan are best friends. He is always here with Ji Nuan, not here to help Chen Shen hurt her. In any case, Xi Zhan will not agree to Chen Shen to help him deal with Lan Shang, which one is better. Shige Xi Zhan always had a self-judgment in his heart.

   He told him clearly: "Yoona will blame me."

   Chen Shen got stuck in his throat when he said this.

   Xi Zhan curled his eyebrows and asked him, "You deal with Lan Shang, aren't you afraid that Ji Nuan will be sad?"

Chen Shen took out the cigarette in his pocket and lit it and took a sip, "I am different from you. You will not hurt your lover. You would rather lose than do that kind of thing! But I am different from Chen Shen. I can't get something. Would rather be destroyed! Xi Zhan, I have never been Gu Tingchen."

  The words are over, Xi Zhan knew that there was no need to talk anymore, he got up and left there and drove to the wooden house in the impression.

   When he got out of the car, Young Master Lan was already waiting for him at the door. Xi Zhan looked up and saw that he was still wearing a cumbersome ancient robe. He subconsciously frowned and said in disgust, "It's still so swagger."

   Young Master Lan smiled warmly and said: "I am not like you, running in the wind and rain all day long. I only enjoy my little days in my courtyard house. Wearing nothing is burdensome. Is it possible that you are jealous?"

   Xi Zhan stood in front of the car and reminded: "You provoke Chen Shen."

   Young Master Lan asked in a faint tone: "Because A Nuan?"

Young Master Lan didn’t care about it at all. He thought of it and said, “We have only met once, we are not familiar at all. We are strangers than strangers, but now because of my wife and your woman. It’s my best friends, so the two of us naturally became relatives. This kind of relationship has made me a little uncomfortable now. We will have time to move around in the future."

   Xi Zhan said indifferently: "You can climb relatives."

   Hearing this, Young Master Lan laughed, "I don't want to have anything to do with you, and I don't look down on you very much, but what can I do? Who makes the relationship between our two women so close?"

   "Chen Shen said not long ago that this was his woman."

   Xi Zhan’s words deliberately poked Young Master Lan’s heart.

The wind and snow were still there, and Xi Zhan was all alone. Young Master Lan’s voice fell into Xi Zhan’s ears through the sky of ice and snow, deliberately replied in a mocking tone: "Is it important? Do you want me to show you my marriage certificate? Look? I'm ahead of you when it comes to marriage."

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