Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 369: How about changing identity

What did Xi Zhan mean when he mentioned Tan Yang suddenly?

   Is it possible that he envied the marriage? !

   But envy belongs to envy. After all, Gan Shuang has not yet entered the soil for peace. We can't talk about marriage, otherwise we will be taboo.

   I'm not superstitious, but I can't rush to get married with Xi Zhan before Gan Shuang is in peace.

   Although this is not illegal, it is extremely inappropriate.

   I replied: "Well, she always moves very fast."

   Xi Zhan did not speak, he changed his clothes and went into the bathroom.

   This is a room arranged by Shangwei. It contains my clothes. I got up and changed into a white dress.

   When Xi Zhan and I get along privately, I don't make much makeup. I always look natural in front of him, so I put on a light lipstick.

   I put a ponytail on my waist-long head, which was half loose but not all finished. With my slightly tender face, it looked pure.

   This face looks very pale when I don't wear makeup, and when I am wearing makeup, I look very glamorous. There are two different appearances without makeup.

   I smiled, Xi Zhan saw me giggling when he went out.

   He asked with a smile, "What is Yoona being happy about?"

   I shamelessly boasted: "I think I am beautiful."

   I thought Xi Zhan would yell at me, but he did not expect him to cater to me very cooperatively: "Well, Yoona is always beautiful."

   "Second brother's mouth is like wiping honey." I said.

   He ignored my jokes and just told me to wash.

   I went into the bathroom to wash and I didn’t see Xi Zhan. Only Assistant Yin stood by the door respectfully. I secretly asked him, “Did you prepare the Cartier diamond bracelet on Xi Zhan’s wrist?”

   Assistant Yin smiled and denied: "No, this bracelet has some history. It is a gift that Mr. Xi earned money to buy for himself when he was young, and he also bought a pair, which he said was reserved for the future..."

   Assistant Yin stopped suddenly, which was a bit uncomfortable.

   I asked him, "What is left for the future?"

   Assistant Yin didn’t answer me directly, “I’m not sure, but this bracelet has a special meaning for Mr. Xi. Miss Shi can ask him by herself. After all, we, as subordinates, cannot talk about the boss.”

   Assistant Yin at this time can't talk about Xi Zhan again!

   He used to chat with me about Xi Zhan with great interest.

   I knew that I couldn't ask anything from him, so I didn't ask any more. I bypassed him and went out and saw Xi Zhan below the castle from the balcony.

   A helicopter parked in front of him.

   I quickly went downstairs and ran behind him, grabbing his waist from behind while he was not paying attention, and shouting with a smile, "Second brother."

   He turned his eyes and asked me, "What is so happy?"

   I pretended to be profound and said: "Guess."

   Xi Zhan wouldn't be able to guess, he directly responded to me in silence, and then took me into the helicopter, we arrived in Ireland almost noon.

   I received a text message from Shangwei when I got off the plane.

   "The child was taken away by your man."

   I paused, looking at Xi Zhan in front of me, puzzled.

   The child has been taken away by his people, but he still brought me to Ireland. Why did he take this trip specially? !

   I caught up with him and asked, "Where is Shangwei?"

   He said truthfully: "Running, the child is at Assistant Jiang, but Shang Wei forcibly took Tan Yang away, as if she was annoying him."

   "That means Tan Yang has not been rescued yet?" I asked.

   "Well, I told them not to hurt Shang Wei. In addition, he is cunning, so escape is normal. You can mention Tan Yang to Gu Lanzhi. That man is capable of saving Tan Yang."

   Xi Zhan failed to rescue Tan Yang from Shangwei's hands, but he said that Gu Lanzhi has this ability, and Gu Lanzhi has no power and power...

   The Gu Lanzhi I know didn't take over the career of Gu's family. He was just a well-known pianist. Even some of his abilities are limited!

   How can he win the business? !

   I remembered his sentence again, "Travel around the world and meet the powerful."

   The sentence of knowing the powerful is the point...

   Can his powerful dignitaries ever fight against Shang Wei?

   I don’t know, but I’m sure what Xi Zhan said is right!

   I sent Tan Yang's matter to Gu Lanzhi in the form of a text message, and within a minute he quickly replied: "Well, thank you girl."

   Tan Yang is his wife, he should be rescued, I no longer worry about this, but sent another message to Shang Wei.

   "Don't hurt Tan Yang, she is my friend."

  Shang Wei returned to me, "That girl is clever, she picks out nasty things and whispers in my ear, what does it have to do with her if I am a pervert?"

   Shangwei's temper is very grumpy.

   I replied: "Please don't hurt her."

   Shang Wei returned to me, "Well, just teach her a lesson."

   I was relieved when I heard that, Xi Zhan suddenly stopped and looked at me who was still standing in front of the helicopter, "Yoona, it will be too late if I don't leave."

   I put away my phone to catch up with him and asked: "What's late?"

   Xi Zhan took my hand and followed me into the car. In the car, his fingers kept touching the two rings of Xi's family, seeming to love it.

   Xi Zhan today is a bit strange!

   is so strange that he doesn't look like his usual.

   I finally couldn't help but ask: "What are you touching?"

   "There are few rings here," he said.

   I instantly understood that he was alluding to that engagement ring.

   I awkwardly said: "I have worn two of them."

   Xi Zhan smiled, "Does my bracelet look good?"

   Why did Xi Zhan suddenly ask this?

   I followed his heart and replied: "It's pretty."

"Well, I bought it fifteen years ago. At that time, I just made my first salary. I got my life salary. The money is not much, less than 200,000 yuan. I exchanged it for a pair of bracelets. If you like it I see you off."

   He didn't mention me in the castle, but now he does.

   I stretched out my wrist to him, Xi Zhan's generous cold hand grasped it, and then took out a brand-new bracelet from his pocket.

   is a pair with the one on his wrist.

   But this one is more compact and exquisite.

   He put it on for me and said: "The bracelet is made-to-order, with my words engraved on it."

   By the way, I always wanted to ask Xi Zhan's words.

   I happily looked at the bracelet and asked, "What is your word?"

   "Cijing, your father took it for me."

   I pulled the bracelet and found a mirror engraved under the bracelet.

   "Are there words on your bracelet?" I asked.

   "Well, I left this bracelet for the future Mrs. Xi."

  Mrs. Xi in the future...

   What does Xi Zhan mean by suddenly saying this?

   I pursed my lips and looked at him, waiting nervously for his next sentence, but he was slow to say a word and looked very calm and steady.

   I yelled anxiously, "Second brother."

   He asked in no hurry, "Yoona, where's your engagement ring?"


   I knew I couldn’t escape, and sighed, "Throw it away."

   "Then I can give you another wedding ring?"

   Xi Zhan didn't blame me but suddenly said he gave me a wedding ring.

   I suppressed the joy in my heart and asked: "What does the second brother mean?"

   "How about changing your status, be my wife Xi."

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