Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 420: The complexity of the matter

This sound was too shocking, and I didn't have to turn around to guess who it was. I quickly took the devil's headband off Xi Zhan's head and turned around and laughed: "Hello, is the third brother playing here too?"

   Yuanyou laughed loudly and said, "The first time I see him, he always has a straight face. The cold and ruthless second brother wears a devil's headband, so cute."

   Xi Zhan's eyes darkened, "It's getting more and more free."

   Hearing the threat in the words, Yuanyou quickly admitted his mistake: "I was wrong. I will go to find Muli's partner first, so I won't disturb you two dating! But I want to say that this second brother is really grounded."

   Xi Zhan raised his eyebrows, "Why? Still chasing backwards?"

   Yuanyou paled with fright after hearing this, "Where's my brother, don't talk nonsense, I will retreat first, and I will visit you when I have time!"

   Yuanyou left in a hurry, and I seemed to see Muli, who was wearing a white shirt, frowning fiercely and looking impatient.

   I asked tentatively: "They are?"

   The two big men in the playground are incredible.

   Xi Zhan directly told Yuanyou's secret, "The two have a situation, and they have been arguing and quarreling for so many years."

   I was shocked, "Three brothers are the same!"

   Xi Zhan gave a faint hum.

   I was busy gossiping and asked him, "Is there any secret? I think you are a big treasure house, you know everything about them!"

   "I said, they would all take out the trash here."

   Their respective careful thoughts are **** here in Xi Zhan, and I couldn't help but laugh and ask, "Are you angry and angry?"

   The man raised his eyebrows puzzled: "Huh?"

   "Because Yuanyou smashed the side of your coldness."

   "It doesn't matter, I will accompany you to ride the Ferris wheel."

   Xi Zhan and my ten fingers clasped me to leave the scene of the crime. After buying the tickets, we boarded the Ferris wheel. From this height, the city of Wucheng was extremely beautiful, which made people happy.

   I leaned against Xi Zhan’s shoulder and rubbed his cheek. He turned his head and kissed my forehead and asked, "Are you sleepy?"

   "No, I just like it here."

   He reluctantly said: "Yes."

   When the Ferris wheel was about to descend, I saw Yuan You, he and Mu Li were together, and Mu Li's eyes were full of disgust.

Muli was stunned when Xi Zhan and I came out, and then quickly left. Yuanyou followed. I heard him yelling: "Let’s follow Laozi! It’s not shameful enough, right? Laozi doesn’t play the Ferris wheel, you have to pull When I came here, I was hit by Xi Zhan and his woman!"

   "Oh, look at your temper."

   "Yuanyou, you are so **** annoying!"

   "Bah, are you irritating too?!"

   The two left noisily. I glanced at Xi Zhan speechlessly. The man looked calmly and said: "It's late, let's go home."

   Xi Zhan and I held hands and left the amusement park. At the door, he took the initiative to buy me a bunch of candied haws. He had no change and couldn't use the bank card. He stopped me when I wanted to pay.

   I watched him take off the watch in his hand and handed it to the vendor, "This watch has millions of dollars, can you exchange it for a bunch of candied haws?"

   Let’s not say whether this watch is true or not. Anyone who takes a piece of workmanship and looks at it and exchanges it for a bunch of candied haws fools will not agree!

   The vendor hurriedly said: "Yes, you can."

   I whispered: "Second brother, I have money."

   Xi Zhan returned me domineeringly, "I want to buy it for you."

   The vendor took the watch and quickly handed a bunch of candied haws to Xi Zhan. I took it and took a bite and asked, "Would you like to try it?"

   Xi Zhan replied to me as always: "Not interested."

   I promoted: "It's very sweet, do you want to eat it?"

   Xi Zhan squinted at me, did not say whether to eat or not.

   But I know him, he means compromise.

   I bit a candied haw, and then I stood on tiptoe and leaned over to kiss his lips. When he bit me, I let go and looked at him.

   Our location is hidden by the night, and will not be easily spotted. Xi Zhan swallowed a few mouthfuls and said, "It tastes good."

   I asked him with a smile, "Is it sweet?"

   Xi Zhan stared at my lips and said, "Sweet."

   I didn't realize what he meant, and took a bite of the candied haws and said, "That's how you are. I don't want to try many things."

   "Well, you can try more later."

   Xi Cham is so gentle and obedient that I really enjoy!

   "Well, let's go home!"

   After returning home, Song Yiran and Jiu'er were already asleep. I just lay in the bed and Chu Xing called me, "Mom passed out."

   I hurriedly sat up and asked: "What's the matter?"

   "Gu Tingchen and Ye Ge arrived at the police station. Mom and Ye Ge had a dispute. Ye Ge angered her by failing to enter the police station, and also said that Xiao Wu will end in no time!"

   "Little five is a Swiss citizen, and she should not be able to punish her in China."

   "It's like this, but after all, Gu Tingchen is intervening in this matter. I think he doesn't want Xiao Wu to return to Switzerland, but wants to lock her to death. He didn't mean to give in half just now."

   The separation between Gu Tingchen and I was all caused by small five!

   Gu Tingchen hates her for excuse.

   And I don’t sympathize with Xiaowu either.

   But I also understand one thing, even if I don't let Tan Yang attack Xiao Wu, Gu Tingchen will take advantage of her to deal with her in China!

   It's not just her, but Hou.

  He is so proud and disabled, Xiao Wu has been locked up!

   Anyone who has bullied Gu Tingchen has no good end!

   I know Gu Tingchen, I can't understand him better.

   I firmly said: "He won't let Xiaowu go because of my hatred for Xiaowu...Brother, I never forgave her."

   Chu did it, "So Gu Tingchen won't forgive her."

   "In that case, why did you take her back to China?"

   "I heard that Gu Tingchen's spirit...I didn't expect to recover suddenly. I wouldn't want to do this unless it was for my mother."

   After a pause, Chu Xing was particularly embarrassed: "Xiao Wu has been contacting mom in private, and Mom can't bear to ask me for this."

   "Don't mention it, where is mom?"

   "In the hospital, my mom is not in good spirits, and usually loves you the most. Come and see her. Your sister-in-law and I are here now."

   I hung up and looked at Xi Zhan, "I have to go to the hospital."

   He stared at me for a while and said, "I have a question."

   I answered: "What?"

   "You and Gu Tingchen both hate Xiao Wu, why?"

I know that this question can’t escape, but I don’t want to mention Gu Tingchen too much, so I briefly talked about Xiaowu’s provocation. Hearing that, Xi Zhan said clearly: "You have a common enemy, here you and Gu Tingchen are Consistently external."

   I asked in surprise: "Are you jealous?"

   "Don't use random words," he said.

   "Xiao Wu is a scourge, a liar, she has done too many wrong things, I can understand Gu Tingchen's dealing with her, because I hate her very much in my heart, I wish she disappeared immediately!"

   "Have you ever wondered why he caught her and couldn't get through?"

   "Xi Zhan, what do you mean?"

   He speculated in a transparent tone: "He is looking for the past that you have, and this was the one you want to participate in."

   I want to participate?

   He wants to deal with Xiao Wu.

   I want to deal with Xiao Wu.

   Our purpose is the same.

   This is our past.

   "Xi Zhan, what do you mean?"

   "Mrs. Xi, it is best to avoid things that involve him. I am not restricting you, but I can save a lot of unnecessary trouble."

   I knew what he meant instantly.

   "Xi Zhan, you are jealous."

   He sighed, "I'm using words again."

"Don't worry, I won't have anything to do with him. I didn't intend to take care of this. When my mother called me and asked me to help, I always said that you are injured and need to take care of you, and I avoid Gu Tingchen. Too much, mentioning him did not intentionally make you uncomfortable."

   Xi Zhan looked at me for a while and said, "You are too deliberate."

   I was startled, "What do you mean?"

   "I kept a distance from him too deliberately."

   "Aren't you talking about letting me avoid?"

   Xi Zhan comforted me, "I'm talking about your heart. Some things are done too deliberately in order not to make me uncomfortable. In fact, they are unnecessary. I don't mind too much. I let you avoid it to save you trouble."

   "You mean this is troublesome?"

   I heard the implication.

   "Gu Tingchen is in trouble. You heard Heming said yesterday that Hull would not let him go. This time the incident of Xiaowu and Heming's predecessor will be involved, and things are naturally not simple."

   Xi Zhan seems to know these things better than me.

   "How do these two things get involved?"

"Before the date, you told me about Heming's predecessor. I deliberately asked someone to check it. Then I found out that Xiaowu and Heming's predecessor were acquainted with each other, and He Ao didn’t deal with Heming’s predecessor for nothing. His predecessor has what Gu Tingchen wants in his hands."

   I was dumbfounded when I heard it, "Then what?"

   "I don't know, it's still under investigation."

   "Xi Zhan, you are afraid that I will be involved in this trouble, afraid that I will be against the He family? Then you don't know who to help?"

   Helping me is equivalent to helping Gu Tingchen.

   Help Hull confront me again!

   "Mrs. Xi, I didn't mean that. I'm not afraid of trouble. I feel fearless for everything you want to do, but I don't want you to be an innocent target without knowing anything!"

   "Then I will watch the fire from the shore for now."

   Check these things first before talking!

   "Well, I will accompany you to the hospital."

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