Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 457: Why follow him?

I was indeed worried when I heard that Gu Tingchen was injured, but there are some things that I can't intervene in everything. What's more, Gu Tingchen's current fiancé Ye Ge is here. It is not my turn to care for him. I directly rejected Ye Ge and said: I wait for you."

   I may have been nervous Gu Tingchen once, but I have already repaid a lot of affection, and I must never get involved with him anymore.

   Besides, Gu Tingchen cares about Ye Ge.

   I sincerely wish the two of them can open their hearts together, after all, I think Ye Ge is still a good girl.

   She is at least willing to come here to take risks for Gu Tingchen.

It was half an hour after Ye Ge arrived. At that time, I did not receive news that Jiang Chen found Mo Yuanlian. Naturally, I did not receive news that Xi Zhan and Young Master Lan were injured. However, Tan Wen sent me a message. Hull is with Mr. Xi."

   In front of the enemy, Hull and Xi Zhan stood on the same line, and my heart actually defended Mo Yuanlian and Gu Tingchen.

   I am really sorry for this, Xi Zhan.

   But I don’t want any disputes at all.

   And what Xi Zhan did is not exactly right.

   Mo Yuanlian did not actively attack him.

  Of course, this matter cannot be judged by right or wrong.

   I felt really helpless, Ye Ge said worriedly: "Gu Tingchen was injured by Hull, I need to go up the mountain."

   I nodded and told her: "I'm afraid it will rain on the mountain later, so bring some rainproof clothes and medicine."

   The bodyguard beside me handed Ye Ge a copy of the equipment. She thanked her and asked, "Aren't you with me?"

   I shook my head and said, "No."

   Ye Ge asked suspiciously: "Then who are you here for?"

  I came here just to pay my life.

   will not worry about it after paying it back.

   I grinned and said, "Gu Tingchen has nothing to do with me, but I am glad that there is still a good girl waiting for him."

   Ye Ge's face turned red, she lowered her head and said, "I just repay his favor. Without him, there would be no Ye Ge now."

   I did not ask what happened between her and Gu Tingchen, but urged her to say: "Come on up the mountain, he needs you."

  There are so many people on the mountain, and Mo Yuanlian and Gu Tingchen are definitely not a few people. There is no need for a weak woman at all.

   But both are women, I understand that Ye Ge only asks for a clear conscience, just to be able to stay by Gu Tingchen's side at this time.

   Ye Ge's tough back disappeared from sight, I looked up at the black clouds rolling in the sky, "It's raining soon."

   The bodyguard beside him responded: "Yes, Patriarch."

   "What if Xi Zhan gets angry?"

   "Patriarch, you have your principles."

I’m caught in the cracks of the stone, and I can’t help anyone. Naturally, I will never help Mo Yuanlian. I just want to make sure that he still has a life. But today they came to his life, if he To live is tantamount to a failed action.

   I exhaled: "It's really hard to live."

I got into the car and sat, thinking about what my grandfather said. He said that kidney failure is a family inheritance. No wonder that when I was young, I would... My life was originally given to me by my mother. Now it's my turn. Overdraft is only a matter of time.

   In addition to uterine cancer, I also have kidney failure.

   It's really hard for me to live my whole life!

   But luckily I have a happy family.

   I still have some people who are willing to give their lives for me.

   For those people, I never want to disappoint.

This is why I didn’t pursue Jiang Chen when I knew Mo Yuanlian’s person; this is also why I still believe in Assistant Yin; and it’s why I traveled here to save Mo. The reason why Yuan Lian died.

  Because other people treat me well, I naturally have to pay it back.

  Xi Zhan is the same, so he didn't pursue Assistant Yin, he always gave Assistant Yin opportunities.

   I sighed deeply, "I'm just afraid he will be unhappy."

I was afraid that Xi Zhan would be unhappy after knowing what I did, but I had to do it again, and I couldn’t tell the truth with him. Saying it would only make him unhappy. After all, the hatred between him and Mo Yuanlian would not be due to I resolved it in a few words.

   I don't have the ability to naturally know that I should be silent.

   I got in the car for a long time before I received the news from Jiang Chen, "Zong Shi, I found Mr. Mo. He knew that you were very angry when you came here. He asked you to return to Wucheng as soon as possible."

   I asked Jiang Chen, "How is the situation?"

   "The loss was heavy and no one asked for a little benefit. Mr. Lan and Mr. Gu were injured. Mr. Xi has no worries for the time being."

   I asked, "Where is Hull?"

   "Hull is by Mr. Xi."

   The mountain is really not peaceful.

   My heart is heavy.

   I told Jiang Chen, "You must keep Mo Yuanlian and Xi Zhan. You can't get him injured. Keep them as long as you can."

   Jiang Chen returned to me, "I will send President Mo down the mountain."

   Xi Zhan and Young Master Lan came to Nanjing after Mo Yuanlian and Gu Tingchen. They will retreat to Xi Zhan and they will retreat. The smoke will end, and I hope all will be well.

   More than ten minutes later, Jiang Chen sent me a message, “Mr. Xi and their attack are so fierce that they can’t keep it! I have separated from him, and there is no one on Mr. Gu.

   Xi Zhan and they have the upper hand in this situation.

   is actually quite normal. After all, he had discussed with Young Master Lan for so long last night, and waited for today to get a crush.

I was very irritable. I contacted Ye Ge after a few minutes. She was on the phone: "I found Gu Tingchen. We are together and plan to descend from the back, but he is seriously injured and walking slowly. I don’t know if I can hold it back when I am young, can you find someone to meet us?"

   I hurriedly asked the bodyguard to take a car to meet Ye Ge.

   Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen called me.

   His tone was very anxious, "Manager Shi, I have not been able to find Mr. Mo!"

   I gritted my teeth and asked him, "Why do you follow him?"

Jiang Chen was stunned for a while before he understood what I meant, and he replied with a firm tone, "Mr. Shi, he deserves our follow. Although you know that Assistant Yin and I are both his people, we have never felt jealous. There has never been a heart of betrayal."

After a pause, Jiang Chen said earnestly: "Mr. Shi, Mo is always a man worth knowing about. He is not what Mr. Xi thinks, it was indeed Mr. Xi and their fault back then! Mr. Mo was from that era. God, just like Mr. Xi is the **** of this era, President Mo felt that they were very like himself and wanted to support them, so Mr. Dai Xi and Mr. Chen were excellent, but they really betrayed him."

   Mo Yuanlian actually wanted to support Xi Zhan and Chen Shen.

   "Mo Yuanlian was really not bad back then?"

   I don't believe anyone, except Xi Zhan. word

   But there is another person I trust 100%, and that is Jiang Chen who has been by my side. I believe everything he says, as long as he says that Mo Yuanlian is not bad, I will go out myself!

   Yes, personally take someone to rescue him!

   I am willing even if Xi Zhan finds out!

   As long as Jiang Chen says he is not bad!

   "Shizong, he is definitely a 100% good person to you, and to the original Mr. Xi they are absolutely not bad!"

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