Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 463: Pig brain

Xi Zhan's complexion was cold and ruddy. At this moment, he closed his eyes unconsciously, as if he didn't care about my appearance, Jiang Chen yelled Shizong in a gentle caring voice behind me.

When the fat man saw me respond to him, he quickly vacated a place for me, "Come here now, why are you so ignorant?"

Seeing me standing still, he lost his temper.

I pursed my lips and looked at Xi Zhan's open collar. I suddenly had a bold idea. I reached out and unbuttoned my white shirt and walked slowly towards the fat man. When I was almost there, I turned around. Bend in the direction of Xi Zhan, and sat with his legs apart on the man's slender and straight legs.

The fat man was startled and said, "Are you kidding me?"

All the people present were wealthy and powerful figures in Wucheng. Others looked at me with fearful expressions. They seemed to have recognized my identity, but the fat man didn’t know him. Instead, he felt that I let him hurt his face and started cursing. Said: "A **** is a bitch."

Xi Zhan opened his eyes and looked at me, "Go down."

The man's eyes were filled with coldness that I had never known before.

I suddenly understood this man under me. If he doesn’t recognize your existence in his heart, you are nothing in his eyes. His usual indulgence, pampering, and gentleness have nothing to do with you, but his indifference, despair and indifference All fall in love.

I whispered, "Second brother."

He still said indifferently: "Go down."

I got down from him a little embarrassedly. When the fat man saw me, I was scolded by Xi Zhan and got up and pulled my wrist. "Don’t climb people you shouldn’t be climbing here. Come and play with your brother. I have a great reward for serving me comfortably."


A wine glass was suddenly smashed on the fat man's head. He looked at him in astonishment and wanted to swear, but saw a strong fist coming. He knelt and begged for mercy: "Where did I provoke you, Mr. Xi? Mr. Xi, you Leave me alone, I will leave immediately."

He was beaten and didn't dare to fight back!

You must beg for mercy in fear!

Xi Zhan kicked it, and the man's energy was very strong. The fat guy who kicked his head became dizzy, and he lay on the ground without strength!

He didn't dare to get up at this time and could only play dead.

Xi Zhan's long skeletal fingers straightened out his white shirt, and finally looked at me lightly, "Don't follow."

After speaking he turned and left the box.

Xi Zhan didn't want me to follow him.

I looked at Jiang Chen very painfully.

He responded lowly, "Shizong."

Jiang Chen was also particularly helpless.

I squatted down and looked at the fat man. He still doesn't know what he did wrong. Seeing me smiling and thinking I was laughing at him, he raised his hand and hit him, "Bitch."

My eyes were calm and said: "I am Mrs. Xi."

He slapped his slap abruptly and slapped him on the face, "Mrs. Xi, the little one has eyes but doesn't know Taishan, please let me go!"

I snorted and got up and left the private room.

There is a long corridor on the fourth floor, Xi Zhanwei's back can be seen at a glance, and his steps are a bit messy, he should not be sober, this is the first time I have seen him get drunk.

I followed Xi Zhan far behind, not daring to get too close to him, and felt very aggrieved in my heart. I didn't expect that what I did this time was so serious that he treated me so coldly.

I think I really hurt him.

This is the first time for Xi Zhan, the first time he lost his temper like this, the first time he complained of his dissatisfaction, and the first time he treated me coldly. Thinking of this, I felt so sad and wanted to cry.

Xi Zhan left the club. Instead of taking a car, he walked up the river in Tongcheng. I took my windbreaker and satchel from Jiang Chen's arms and said, "You get off work first."

Jiang Chen asked worriedly: "Can Shi always get it done?"

I shook my head and said, "You are not working either."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen also thinks this is true.

After he left, I stepped up to catch up with Xi Zhan. He was less than one meter away from him. He had great perseverance and walked for almost half an hour, but my body was weak and a little tired.

Finally, when I couldn't hold it, I pretended to be weak and shouted: "Second brother, I know it's my fault, don't be angry."

Xi Zhan's pace stagnated for a moment.

The man's back is really wide. I want to hug him and be intimate with him, but I don't dare at all now.

He said with a cold voice: "I said, don't follow me."

My head was a little dizzy and said: "I know, I know that my second brother is angry with me and doesn't want me to follow you, but I want to follow you, I don't want you to be angry with me, I know I did something wrong this time, but I just want to... I don’t want to owe him. I didn’t tell you because I knew you and Young Master Lan didn’t have a good impression of him at all, so even if I told you the truth, you would just think he was uneasy and kind, so I’m just ..."

Xi Zhan interrupted me irritably, "We don't have a good impression of him, so you have a good impression of him? We think he is not at ease, so you think he is at ease? Shi Sheng, are you sure in your heart? Is Mo Yuanlian a good person?"

I was shocked, and suddenly asked, "Is the second brother afraid of him?"

He lowered his face, "Not to be afraid."

"Second brother, I never think he is a good person, nor do I think he is a bad person, because so far he has not done anything to hurt me, even Shangwei, he just used his way to give back to him. He has promised me before that if you don’t deal with him, he will never deal with you. He just wants to stay in Wucheng, because the girl he likes is in this city, and he wants to guard her silently, he said His belief is more important than his career, and he said that he wanted to support you and Chen Shen back then. The indiscriminate attack back then was to protect..."

"Heh, the woman she likes is in Wucheng?"

Xi Zhan's face was even more ugly.

I gritted my teeth and replied: "Yes."

Xi Zhan suddenly understood what was looking at me, and said with a sarcasm in his voice: "He also promised you not to deal with us? Then why did you make him agree? Shi Sheng, did you use your pig? I thought about why he promised you?"

Pig brain? !

I was stunned. I didn't expect him to scold me!

I never thought Xi Zhan would scold me!

I missed a moment. Xi Zhan might have noticed that his tone was too much. He sat on the river bank and slowly said, "We are aware of what he wants to support me and Chen Shen, because Mo Yuanlian has helped us a lot in secret. , But I can frankly say that this is all his wishful thinking. We have never regarded him as our own, so why did we betray him? We even determined to kill him, because in that era, he was a mountain towering over us In front of, I want to make progress. If I want to stand on top of the world, I have to kill him! The winner is the king and the loser is the loser. This is the eternal truth. I never feel that I have missed anything because of me. The mountain is also waiting for others to attack. If I really lose, I will accept this result, but Mo Yuanlian's heart is too narrow, he always thought it was him we betrayed!"

Combining Mo Yuanlian's words with Xi Zhan's words, I suddenly understood the truth of the year. Xi Zhan was ambitious and had already calculated him, and Mo Yuanlian thought that Xi Zhan was his own, since it was his. One should not betray him!

The river breeze blew me and I felt cold. Xi Zhan stood up and said lightly, "It seems I have to go and see him."

What Xi Zhan said he was referring to Mo Yuanlian.

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