Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 572: Chen Shen's Heart

Chen Shen has been living in Xi Zhan's seaside villa. Even after being seriously injured by Young Master Lan, he didn't evade the slightest. After the injury recovered slightly, he returned here fearlessly.

He really wasn't afraid of Young Master Lan's revenge.

Chu Xing put me on the beach, I told him to leave first, because there is a garage in the villa, I will drive by myself later.

"Well, if you need me to pick you up, remember to call me."

I obediently said: "Well, don't worry, brother."

I arrived at the villa leisurely after Chu Xing left. Chen Shen was not in the room. There were two deck chairs at the front of the huge swimming pool. Chen Shen was lying on the left side facing the night sea breeze. I went to ask him, "Look for me What's the matter?"

Chen Shen said leisurely: "Lie down and blow the sea breeze."

Hearing that, I used to lie on the empty recliner beside him and looked at the quiet night sky in the distance and asked: "Like this place?"

He faintly asked me, "What is like?"

This question embarrassed me.

Although it was summer, the night breeze was cool, and it was by the sea. I took the white blanket on my side to cover my injured abdomen.

Seeing that I did not speak, Chen Shen next to him said again: "In the business world for many years, I have been thinking about how to make myself stronger or stand firm, or not to be thrown off by Xi Zhan's footsteps, but I have always ignored For one thing, even though I have been to so many places and seen so many scenery, I haven't appreciated it as deeply as I have recently, and it is only now that I understand a simple and straightforward truth. "

I followed his words and asked: "What is the reason?"

"Why do people pursue the power of money in this life?"

This question turned me down.

Because this answer is strange.

As far as Xi Zhan is concerned, it is to protect me.

And the two children who guard him.

and I? !

I was pushed to where I am now.

I have not deliberately pursued...

But now I want to use this to protect my family.

I asked him, "Why are you looking for money?"

Chen Shen was silent for a while, and I turned my head to look at him. At this time, his eyes were deep and he looked at the night in the distance. When I was about to turn the subject, he suddenly said in a low voice: "I was born because of my birth. Abandoned by the Chen family, my thoughts at that time were very simple. I wanted to live, want to avenge the Chen family, and want to live the life of a master. But when I stepped into the position of All the grievances of the family disappeared because of their weakness. At that moment, I lost the focus of my struggle. Later I met Xi Zhan. I wanted to keep up with him, even surpass him, so I flew non-stop around the world, even After working hard to calculate Xi Zhan, those years are too busy when I think about it carefully, so busy that life has lost the enjoyment. In fact, I don't want to live so hard and hard. I want to live a simple life."

Chen Shen was tired of those intrigue days.

But Xi Zhan said he wanted to make a comeback.

His current attitude does not want to be like a comeback.

"So what do you want to express?"

Chen Shen did not answer me, but said two inexplicable words in a low voice, "Xi Zhan and I have never felt the sun before, so we can deal with it calmly when we are in the dark, never fear or panic. It was really..."

Chen Shen stayed silent for a long time, and then sighed deeply: "At that time, neither he nor I had any weakness. We didn't think life was dull, and even thought it should be so, but Xi Zhan met you. I met Nuan'er. We all got the warmth that we shouldn't have in life. It is ecstatic to know that feeling, and to know what the fluctuations in life are like, so at this time we are very afraid of losing, and we will suffer from loss. I even started to tire of the power and money I started to pursue before, and I just wanted to live a simple life."

Chen Shen and Xi Zhan are the same man.

Men like them...

It has experienced vicissitudes and ups and downs.

The most important thing is the polishing of time.

They have been polished by time, but they are also cruel, and they have lost a lot of their personal happiness, as well as those family and friendships.

"Why are you telling me all this suddenly?"

I thought about it and said again: "You rarely talk about things on your mind."

"Look at this huge city of Wucheng. I know very few people. I'm willing to stay here because Nuan'er is here. I tell you because..." Chen Shen paused, the sea breeze blew his bangs, he It took a long time before he said, "Although Xi Zhan and I are in a competitive relationship, he is the only friend I recognize, and you are his current wife, and you are Nuan'er's best girlfriend. I have to You tell me there is no one else."

"Shi Sheng, love is both warmth and poison for me and Xi Zhan. Xi Zhan is on the right path, but I went astray."

Chen Shen missed Ji Nuan.

"When I didn't get the warmth, I really felt that life should be what it used to be, busy every day, but after losing it, the whole person is empty and I can never go back to the past."


I really don’t know what to say or how to comfort him. Fortunately, Chen Shen doesn’t need my comfort. He is just depressed for too long and lacks a listener, and now I am the only listener. He can properly Release emotions.

He continued: "If Nuan'er is by my side, I am willing to live a simple life, but now...I don't have her, no career, and I'm completely doing nothing. What I do most every day is to think of her and think of her. It's not a taste, so I have a certain purpose in looking for you."

Chen Shen finally got into the topic.

I asked softly: "What do you want to do?"

"Jiang Chengzhong had asked me before and wanted me to rely on him to make a comeback, but the condition was to return to Mo Yuanlian. I refused."

Jiang Chengzhong worked hard for Mo Yuanlian.

"So what do you think?"

"What kind of thing is Jiang Chengzhong? I rely on him to make a comeback. I might as well rely on you. Your power and influence in the country are clear at a glance. I want to start from the country to develop again."

I wondered: "The Chen family should be eager to give you the Chen family. Why don't you rely on it to make a comeback? You know that the Chen family is in good control and will benefit your own development."

Chen Shen narrowed his gaze, and asked with a cold face, "Did you forget what I said before?"

I was startled, this man is so proud?

I asked patiently: "What did you say?"

"I once wanted to become a Master because I wanted to retaliate against the Chen family, but when I sat in that position and became a Master, I looked at the Chen family like an ant. From then on, I understood that I hate not Chen. Home, but myself..."

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