Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 582: Drunk man

Shang Wei naturally couldn't hear me. He blinked and pretended to understand, "Well, why are you here?"

Inadvertently he reached out and put on the headphones.

Shang Wei has never personally told me that he is deaf, but this is not a secret, but his current performance...

He wanted to hide from me.

Why does he want to hide from me? !

What is Shangwei afraid of?

I don't know, but there is no position to ask.

I waited for him to put on the earphones and then said, "You suddenly returned to China silently. I thought you were angry, so I begged Xi Zhan to take me to France. I went to the store to find you, but I didn't expect you to be here!"

My words are half true.

But the purpose is to make him happy.

Shang Wei reacted and said, "The boy Shang Hai just said that a sister was looking for me. I was too lazy to care about him. It turned out to be my Shenger."

He said it was my Shenger...

Shangwei always treats me as his own person.

But I have always been false to him.

Even caring is false.

In fact, it's not a false sentiment, because he was injured and I didn't feel much in my heart. I just took him as my own responsibility and didn't give him the real care from his family.

Shang Wei has always noticed my attitude, but he hasn't penetrated it until Yuan You appeared that day.

Yuan You's appearance made him unable to bear anymore.

I clenched his wrist and smiled and said, "Yes, but you just let Shang Yi get out, so I didn't dare to look for you, so I left, thinking about waiting for you to come to you again, but just at the door. Seeing you leave impatiently, I have been following you all the time, and you have been chattering about something, Shang Wei, how can you leave without saying hello? Because of your leaving, my mother has been talking about it for a long time. , I also asked when you would go to play again, I lied that you would go in a few days."

I concealed that I just ran into him arguing and talking with his mother. I think he didn't want me to worry about him.

"There are some things, I will arrive in Wucheng in a few days."

Shangwei's mood is very low, probably because of the incident just now, to be honest, those words Xie Li said are too hurtful! !

That is to say, Shang Wei is used to being ignored by her and speaking badly, so he can bear it, and other people have long lost their temper!

But just now, Shangwei has been restraining.

He did not beat his mother when he kicked Shang Qi.

He is restraining his attitude towards his mother.

He still has room for his mother in his heart.

He blinked, and Shang Ai suddenly ran out to catch up with us. He bit his lip and stared at Shang Wei. Shang Wei was impatient with him, "What will I do with Lao Tzu? Go home!"

"Brother, Mom didn't mean that just now."

Shang Qi always explained to his mother.

But there is no specific explanation.

He could only say this over and over again.

"What does she mean to do with you?"

"I just think... I think mom, she..."

Shang Qi couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time!

Shang Wei took his words, "Do you think Lao Tzu is pathetic?"

Shang Qi's tears fell so suddenly, and Shang Wei directly said irritably: "Why cry? Lao Tzu is the one who is scolded, not you! Go home, don't upset Lao Tzu here."

Shang Ai didn't have the slightest fear of being scolded by Shang Wei. He just said firmly: "Brother, Ai'er will grow up sooner or later."

"Fuck me."

"At that time I can protect my brother."

Shangwei: "..."

Shang Wei was blocked and couldn't speak, but I could see that his eye sockets were moist. It took him a long time before he said, "Go away."

He is rejecting the warmth of Shang Qi.

"Brother, wait for me, Hu'er will grow up sooner or later, when Hu'er inherits the business, he will return it to his brother."

"When you are Laozi..."

Shang Hai ran away without even listening to what he said. His figure was still weak, but what he said was so ambitious!

Shang Wei stared at his back and sighed, "He can't be a beggar when he is Laozi! Is it because Laozi is rare to be a merchant?"

Shangwei does not need rare businesses at all.

Because his own power has reached the merchant.

Shangwei only cares about those people in the business.

Those who hurt him since childhood but never knew it.

I let go of Shangwei's wrist and said, "You brother treats you sincerely, and he sincerely wants to please you."

"I'm not rare! Besides, I don't recognize him at all. It is annoying that he always pesters me, he is so self-righteous."

I squinted at him, and he sighed and said, "You are not surprised at all. You just heard what Shang Ra said and did not ask what the woman said. I think you should be there just now! Sheng'er, he compares with his mother. It's too far away."

Shangwei is smart, he has always been smart, but his style of doing things is too direct and irritable, and too arbitrary, so it is easy for people to forget his smarts and remember his good!

The mother he referred to was the biological mother.

"Mother is gentle and gentle with everyone. The most painful thing is you and me. She hopes that we two can be happy and healthy."

I held his wrist again and said, "Shangwei, I hope you will live happily every day. Don't be angry for some people who don't cherish you, and don't miss out on your own life because of your narrow vision. For the important person! Just like the little boy, he respects you very much from the bottom of his heart. He is different from other people in the business. From the bottom of his heart, he respects his brother, and he wants to be recognized by his brother. Shang Wei, your mother’s attitude towards you is your attitude towards him. In fact, you can try to accept him. Of course, what I’m talking about is just a proposal. You can still choose to reject him, but anyway, I hope you happiness."

Shang Wei’s pupils were at a loss, I squeezed his wrists and suddenly walked a few steps to hold his body, and said in a gentle voice: "It was my fault before, because I have not let go of all the grudges in my heart for you, but You have to believe a little, I want you to be happy, I don’t have any bad intentions towards you! Shangwei, your existence is completely different from other people’s existence in my life, you are the only thing left to me by my biological mother My relatives are my older brother and my children’s uncle. I will never abandon you in this life. Do you know what I mean? Shangwei, I love you, in the name of my family."

I can clearly feel that the body I am holding is shaking, and he seems to be hesitant, even helpless.

He suddenly stretched out his hand to hug my body and said, "Sheng'er, I have a broken body. No one has really loved me except my mother. Thank you for your words. My cold heart has sunshine... …Sheng’er, I suddenly remembered something. There was a little girl who said she liked me, but I thought she was just pitying me, so I treated her..."

Shang Wei let go, and I saw his eyes flushed and said: "You are right, I was narrow before, and I have been rejecting the warmth of others because I think they are pity and sympathy. Pity me! I ignored these and sought what I couldn't get... I'm such a fool!"

Shang Wei suddenly wanted to understand something.

I followed him and asked, "Where is that little girl?"

Shang Wei shook his head, his delicate face was full of hesitation, "I'm not sure, I just saved her a few times, and she chased me and said that I liked me, but I never took it seriously. I should say I I never took those people seriously, and I even insulted her without any fluctuations. This was all five years ago."

I asked hesitantly: "How did you insult her?"

"I slept with her, but not only did I slept with her, but after I slept with her, I slept with other women in front of her," he said.

Shang Wei who said these words also has no remorse.

He just said with some regret: "Maybe what she said is true, but I didn't take it seriously, and I don't know if she is still alive."

When I was at the Xi’s headquarters, I accidentally listened to Shangwei and talked about it. He is always very casual about sex.

Rather than being casual, or that this is the only source he can vent, that girl was also one of his vents at the beginning. He had so many vents that he could not remember how many people he met in this life, but this girl It left a little impression on him, which he can hardly remember in the long river of years, but he suddenly remembered it today!

I remembered the warmth that once was.

I looked curiously and asked him, "Why are you not sure she is still alive? Isn't her usual living environment dangerous?"

"She was an orphan adopted by Yunyi. After being adopted, she was trained together with other orphans. Yunyi collapsed before she had achieved success, but because of the sudden situation, she ended the training ahead of schedule. Wandering around, although Yunyi is no longer there, people like them are still bound by rules, and she often takes on some tasks. The year I first met her, she was underage, and her skills were still very poor. Naturally I was not an adult back then, but I saved her a few times, and I forgot exactly because of what! She kept saying that she liked me, but I didn’t take it seriously. After all, people like her are ants in my eyes. After I slept with her a few times, I told her not to bother me. She is very obedient. She hasn't reappeared for five years, so I don't know her current situation. I don't know if she is still alive. "

Shang Wei sighed, "I've thought of her in the past five years, if it weren't for what you just said...I will never think of her again in my life, but the girl's eyes are unusually clear and sure."

Although Shangwei said he didn't care, he told me about it, which shows that he still has a thought in his heart.

It's just that the thoughts are relatively trivial.

"If you meet a good girl in the future, don't miss it."

He firmly said: "I will not have a lover."

I understand his concerns.

"Shangwei, my body is not healthy, but I still approached Xi Zhan and even grabbed him tightly and became his wife! Being unhealthy does not mean that I cannot have it!"

"Sheng'er, my body has long been rotten! I'm not talking about health, but for so many years I have indulged in it."

Shang Wei sighed, "It has sucked."

I suddenly understood what he meant.

Suddenly I didn’t know what to say. Fortunately, Shang Wei said, “Sheng’er, it’s not interesting for us to talk about this! I just suddenly remembered that I had a few words with you. I just thought about whether to return to Wucheng, I I thought about it carefully. I like Wucheng because your mother's food is delicious. Your father is very careful when he teaches me to play chess. I really like this kind of life!!!"

"Then why are you going back to France?" I said.

Shang Wei was silent, and we all knew the reason.

I stretched out my hand and patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Don't play tricks with me in the future, you will be sulking yourself in the end! Shangwei, tell me any dissatisfaction in the future!"

He laughed and said nothing. I walked with him to the city center. Shangwei bought two clothes in the mall and changed them on, and then booked the ticket online. When booking the ticket, he asked me if I would come back with him. In Wucheng, I rejected him and said, "I just got here. I want to stay for a while and don't want to run too far."

He rolled his eyes, "Following Xi Zhan is running around."

I know, but I am willing to follow him.

As soon as I left the mall with Shangwei, I received a text message from Xi Zhan, "Where? I will pick you up and leave later."

I sent him the address.

Xi Zhan returned to me, "Look for a remote place to wait for me."

Shang Wei and I arrived at a place where no one was waiting. After a while, Xi Zhan's helicopter stopped on the lawn. He reached out and took my palm and said, "Let's go to the next place."

I waved to Shangwei, "I'm leaving! Shangwei, after you arrive in Wucheng, you can help me take care of my children. Thank you~"

"Hurry up, I'm flying away!"

Xi Zhan and I left France and went to a nearby country. He will stay here for one night this time, so he asked his people to send me to the nearby President Hotel before he left.

I ran around for a day or two very hard. I fell asleep shortly after lying in bed. When I woke up, Xi Zhan had not yet returned home. I felt very uncomfortable and felt very sorry for him! !

He is really tired.

The time during my honeymoon with him should be his most free time, and his whole body was relaxed during those days.

I got up and went to the window. The night sky was clear and there was a river outside. This is a small country. Xi Zhan has negotiations here. If the negotiations are successful, he will invest here.

Xi Zhan had not returned to the hotel at three o'clock in the morning, so I resisted not sending him a message, and he returned to the hotel at four o'clock in the morning.

There was a knock on the door outside, and I opened it and saw a man full of alcohol. Although he could stand still, his eyes were a little messy. I helped him and asked, "Why do you drink so much?"

"Yoona, I feel bad in my stomach."

Xi Zhante...

He even told me in a coquettish tone that my stomach was uncomfortable!

"Then I will let someone deliver hot water and stomach medicine."

I helped him to sit down inside. He stretched out his tie and unbuttoned another button. From my gaze, he could see his complete and seductive collarbone, which was so deep and beautiful, his The apple tree is still rolling up and down! !

I forced myself to look back and heard Xi Zhan suddenly say like a coquettish child: "Yoona, I want to kiss you."

"You are full of alcohol, I don't want it!"

"Don't you want to kiss me? Why do your eyes keep moving down?"

I have really retracted my eyes!

But I couldn't help but looked over!

"Yooner, let the second brother kiss you..."

I had a plan to make a living and said, "It's not impossible."

He looked at me hesitantly, "Huh?"

"Then you call my wife to let me listen!!"

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