Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 589: Arrived in Finland

In the next week, Xi Zhan was running around. Because of temporary incidents, I didn’t care about the original plan to return to Finland. But Xi Zhan was afraid that I would be bored and suggested that I go to Finland to wait for him. He also said Tan Yang. I am not too bored with Heming and they are both in Finland. I was very obedient to make him feel at ease. I took the plane that night and returned to Finland.

After I got off the plane, I reported to Xi Zhan that I was safe.

He answered me: "Go home early."

In Xi Zhan's heart, Finland is his real home.

Because I was tired of traveling by car, I returned to the villa by helicopter. As soon as I arrived at the door of the villa, I heard Mu Yi and Mu Er's roar. I stood at the door and shouted, "Mu Yi and Mu Er are me!"

I opened the door and went in. They saw that I was lying on the ground and wagging my tail. The diligent appearance made people happy.

I bypassed them and entered the villa. Mu Yi and Mu Er stood by the door and swayed their tails and did not dare to come in. Seeing their pitiful appearance, I couldn't bear to see them. I took a paper towel and squatted at the door to wipe their paws, and then put them. Into the living room.

The two German shepherds were trained. They didn’t jump around when they entered the living room. They kept surrounding me. When I was sitting on the sofa and resting, they were lying beside me, with their heads resting on my side. At the feet, they are so cute!

I sat down and sent a message to Xi Zhan.

It is nothing more than to report peace.

He returned to me, "Well, I will be home tomorrow night."

I have witnessed Xi Zhan’s running around day and night recently, and witnessed his hard work. The more I understand him, the more I feel sorry for him. From the bottom of my heart, I really don’t see him so tired. I hope he can do well after coming to Finland. A few days of rest.

It will be close to two days from now to tomorrow night.

"Muyi, why do you think the second brother is so hard?"

Hearing me calling it, Mu Yi raised his head and looked at me.

"Forget it, I told you that you don't understand."

I turned on the mobile phone WeChat and saw Fu Xi in the group Rio Tan Yang returning to Tongcheng to play, Tan Yang replied to him, "I am on a business trip in Finland."

Fu Xi was puzzled, "How did you go to Finland?"

"I'm married and naturally find a job to support myself. I can't let Gu Lanzhi think that I don't even have the ability to make money!"

Fu Xi didn't know that Tan Yang was Xi Zhan's.

Tan Yang did not intend to tell the truth.

"Then wait for you to make an appointment after you return home."

I left this group and joined another group.

Another group with only me, Ji Nuan, Tan Yang, and Yi Leng, and of course our four husbands, but those four are all background walls. The purpose of existence is to gather the number of people. No matter what we talk about in it, we will not see them. Several people talk!

Yi Leng asked in it, "Where have you all been?"

Ji Nuan replied: "Iceland, what?"

Tan Yang replied, "Finland is on a business trip."

Yi Leng asked, "Where is Shi Sheng?"

Tan Yang replied for me: "Travel around the world."

Running around with Xi Zhan is indeed traveling the world.

"You are not in the country. No wonder I think the teahouse is deserted. I'm so bored, as if I have become a waste."

Ji Nuan returned to her and said: "Help me take care of the teahouse. I will pay you double salary when I come back and bring you a gift by the way."

"Well, that's it!"

No one in the group chat anymore.

I quit and clicked into the group that Yuanyou.

Hemingite me, "Where are you?"

Yuan You helped me replied: "Following the second brother."

He Ming said: "She didn't, I mean where exactly is it now? I will pick her up, and we will have dinner together at noon."

He Ming asked me two hours ago.

At that time he knew that I was not following Xi Zhan.

I sent a message in the group, "I'm in Finland."

Soon He Ming contacted me.

I picked up the phone and heard him say: "Xi Zhangang said that you have arrived in Finland and let us have time to play with you. Where are you?"

"I'm at home, where are you?"

"I'm at the company, come over to pick you up right away."

It was three o’clock in the afternoon when He Ming came to pick me up. I hadn’t eaten yet. He asked me to hold on for another two hours to have dinner together. He also said that Tan Yang and Yi Zheng were both here. Gathering, we haven't been together for a long time.

I asked him, "Where is Tan Yang?"

"At headquarters, we are all at headquarters."

I have never been to Xi Zhan's company.

I have never had a concept of their headquarters.

He Ming seemed to know what I was thinking. He drove the car and said to me: "You haven't been to the headquarters, right? I'll take you there. In fact, there is nothing special, it's just a building."

I squinted at him, "Is it a problem with a building?"

He reacted and said: "It's a problem you haven't been to."


I was too lazy to talk to him and asked, "How are you and your ex? Is she still reluctant to talk to you?"

"I'm too lazy to care about her, I have a mentality. I don't see any hope in her. I'm tired and don't want to care about her anymore."

He Ming said it was an understatement.

"She grew up in the environment that made her be like that. You should understand that she actually needs someone to save her, but she is not sure if this person can bring her a new life, she should say that she is not sure whether she will become The burden of this person."

He Ming sighed, "I know, so I let her do everything. I will talk to her after the Finnish affairs are over. She is currently doing research and has no time to talk to me."

"Female scientist, I really didn't expect you to find such a girlfriend, and her future will be surrounded by glory."

"When I was with her, I didn’t know what she was doing. She concealed a lot of things from me. She was inexplicable even when we were separated. Once the Finnish matter is resolved, I will resolve my matter with her. I need Resolve the depression in her heart."

He paused and asked, "Does Gu Lanzhi know about Tan Yang?"

"I'm not sure, but I reminded Gu Lanzhi to get to know Tan Yang before, and I don't know how he did it, but when I saw Tan Yang's appearance, she seemed to have never told Gu Lanzhi about herself. Maybe Gu Lanzhi Lan Zhi knows about it, but he hasn't told Tan Yang. They are already husband and wife. Whether they know it or not, it is their own business. Take care of yourself!"

He Ming hummed: "I just asked casually."

"What is Tan Yang up to?" I asked.

"I am studying a new program. This program is a very good tracking system, which can know the whereabouts of everyone in the Xi family.

"The employees of the Xi family have lost their freedom?"

He Ming sneered, “It’s certainly not easy for people who can use this type of tracking system. As long as they are in a mirror, they are not afraid of being restrained by the Xi family, and those who are afraid of being restrained do not need to stay at the Xi’s family, and this project is unanimously approved by the board of directors. Yes, Xi Zhan did not force everyone to use it. He just stated that whoever uses this software and who wants to be known by the Xi family will have greater power than before. Only fools are unwilling."

Xi Zhan intends to delegate power.

I asked Heming, "Do you think such measures are effective? I mean, can this restrain them?"

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