Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 607: Not seen in nine years

Although the two children have nurses to take care of, they are new nurses after all. They are full of strangers to them, so I coaxed them to sleep before letting the nurses take care of them.

Bringing a baby is a personal effort. I walked down the stairs tiredly and saw Yuan You playing games in the living room. On the large TV screen, Yuan You was playing games that I was familiar with when I was young.

I sat down and said, "I know this game. When I was a kid, Shi Cheng used to play with me, but he never beat me."

Yuan You refused to accept: "Chee, you are great?"

"I will play a game first and then we will single out!"

Twenty minutes later-

"It's boring, why always I lose!"

"I said I'm great!"

"Yoona didn't even know to let me go."

Yuan You complained very cutely.

He threw down the gamepad and lay on the sofa with no energy. I was about to say that when I asked him to give him a message, Yue Chun sent me a message. I remembered what I told him before my death, and quickly picked up the phone and opened WeChat. .

Yue Chun sent me a photo.

The man wore a black cloak, the length of the cloak reached below the knees, and the hem of the cloak fluttered with the wind, revealing a small piece of straight long legs of the man. He was standing on a flat high place, far away. The lush black forest and the distant dense and dazzling starry sky, as well as the white and bright moonlight softly fell on the sharp silhouette of the man! !

The night forest, the starry sky, the moonlight and the man's cold profile face, and the right eye that I can only see... His eyes were dark and deep, and the direction looking at the distance was so quiet and far away.

"Xi Zhan is so handsome!"

My blood tank is empty.

I really am...

I know Xi Zhanshuai, but Shuaicheng is so angry.

What's more frightening is that he didn't deliberately pose any Poss in his actions, and he still felt disapproving in his heart.

"Yoona, why are you crazy?"

Yuan You sat up and snatched the phone from my hand. He was also surprised when he saw Xi Zhan's picture: "It really is my second brother!!! If I had the courage, I would bend him back then!"

I grabbed the phone, "Xi Zhan is mine."

"Hey, I'm just kidding! Do you say I dare to hit him? This idea has just passed for so many years! Fuck, I dare to have this idea! Am I going to die? What a sin Ah! I will burn incense and worship Buddha tomorrow!"

Yuan You talked a lot to himself. I saved this photo with joy and sent it to Moments after a long absence.

The text content is: my brother Jingci.

He Ming was the first to comment, "Kill the dog at night?"

Yuan You returned to him, "Kill your single dog."

He Ming retorted: "What is the difference between you and single?"

"Master hasn't been broken up yet!"

"Oh, can self-comfort be paid?"

Yuan You and He Ming quarreled in my comment area. I was a little speechless. Then Ye Ge commented on me, "He is handsome."

I replied: "Thank you!"

Ji Nuan's comment followed me and shouted, "Brother Jingci~"

I replied, "What?"

"Sour me."

I countered her, "Didn't you call Young Master Lan Brother?"

At this moment Chen Shen commented, "..."

His comment...

It's really redundant.

Just to prove that he can see that our interaction makes us converge, Ji Nuan did not reply to comments when he saw him bubbling.

A few minutes later, Young Master Lan came and said, "What? Can't my wife call my brother?"

Why did Young Master Lan suddenly comment on me? !

Could it be that he has Chen Shen's WeChat?

Could it be that he deliberately showed it to Chen Shen?

If this is the case, Master Lan is quite capable!

At least he is good at fighting against rivals.

Yuan You and He Ming were quarreling in my comment area. More and more people commented on me later. I didn't have the energy to reply. Yuan You suddenly sent the photos to the group.

I asked Yuanyou next to me, "What are you doing?"

"Praise your second brother and see if he ignores me!"


Yuan You started to blow Xi Zhan's rainbow fart in the group, and also at him, Xi Zhan finally gave him a voice like pitying him, with a cold voice, "Huh, haven't seen me?"

After receiving Xi Zhan’s response, Yuan You started to praise Xi Zhan crazy again. This time, Xi Zhan ignored Yuan You completely, but Yuan You and He Ming quarreled in the group again. I was a little tired and faced the humanity sitting next to me: "Brother, you guys didn't quarrel before! Could it be that he lied to you once and you have to bear hatred for a lifetime?"

"Who told him to let Lao Tzu work for him for nothing?"


the other side--

The helicopter flew at a low altitude for about half an hour, crossing the forest and passing the bay in front of it was another country.

Yuan You ate Xi Zhan in the group.

Xi Zhan's face condensed when he saw the photos in the group, and then he remembered that when he left home, Sheng pulled over Yue Chun and said for two or three minutes, his woman's purpose should be this.

He was not interested in replying to Yuan You, but he wanted Shi Sheng to know that he was safe, so he sent a voice in the group.

After sending the voice, he quit and clicked into Shisheng's Moments. He clicked into her Moments, but it was a habit of playing WeChat every time, because this software was of no use except for contacting Shisheng. , When he is free every day, he just sees if there are any new trends in her circle of friends.

"Brother Jingci?"

Xi Zhan bends his lips and immediately clicked like.

He put down the phone and closed his eyes to rest, and Yue Chun sat opposite him in silence, sleeping for three hours.

Xi Zhan opened his eyes and asked, "Are you here?"

"Mr. Xi, there is one hour left."

Xi Zhan was relatively lazy in front of Yue Chun. He rubbed his eyes and asked Yue Chun, "Are you just afraid of it?"

Yue Chun shook his head and nodded: "You are here."

The man sighed softly, "Don't you be afraid if I am here?"

After a pause, he said again: "It is not good to develop the habit of relying on me. After all, I have no plan to let you rely on me for the rest of my life."

Yue Chun widened his eyes and heard his shallow voice saying: "You will try to solve every problem and overcome every fear by yourself in the future...Yue Chun, you are still young. I can understand you afraid of these two years. I won’t force you too much. If you learn to adapt to this kind of life, you must step into it.”

Yue Chun seemed to have found the target suddenly.

He seems to know what he should do.

The boy hesitantly asked, "Will Run'er experience this?"

"Run'er is my biological son. I will treat him more severely than you. You should be lucky to meet me now."

Yue Chun was shocked, "What does father mean?"

"He won't enter my world so late like you."

Yue Chun hesitated and asked, "Where shall we go next?"

"It's all here, it's all solved by the way."

Xi Zhan didn’t tell Yue Chun what to do here. He could see everything he did anyway. An hour later, the helicopter stopped on the top of a building. When Xi Zhan got off the helicopter, his eyes were full when he saw the people waiting for him. Contempt.

"Yin is against the sun, is it you?"

This building is owned by Xi Zhan’s name, but there is a mess inside. The middle-aged man standing in the front staring at Xi Zhan’s cold eyes and his body has begun to tremble. He tremblingly said: "Mr. Xi, this matter. It's my son..."

Xi Zhan took over, "He betrayed his own person?"

The spy he had just planted inside the enemy was arrested because he had committed an internal rape. Xi Zhan would never take it lightly.

Because it has exceeded his bottom line.

"No, no, Mr. Xi, it's my godson, he is my only seedling, please let him go, I am willing to be a cow..."

Xi Zhan looked at the man who was **** on one side. He was about twenty years old, the age when he was just doing things recklessly. At this moment, he stared at Xi Zhan fearlessly.

Xi Zhan asked with interest: "Why betrayal?"

The young man accused him, "You are a tyrant!"

Xi Zhan's eyes did not fluctuate at all, "Tyrant?"

"Sorry Mr. Xi, he is young and naive..."

Xi Zhan said: "It's really not sensible."

Xi Zhan asked him in a low voice, "How does your father know what I do, but I have a question. Are the people you submit to are not tyrants? Oh, you are indeed young, but..."

"Mr. Xi, please forgive my son!!"

"Three months of imprisonment, starting from scratch."

The middle-aged man was shocked, "From scratch..."

The Xi family has a strict hierarchical system, which means depriving him of everything he currently enjoys from scratch, eliminating the help of his father's relationship, and returning to his original position with his own strength.

Back to the second in command of this building!

It is obviously difficult without external help.

Starting from scratch is equivalent to being abandoned by Xi Zhan.

Only very good people can truly start from scratch, but there are very few such people in previous records.

This punishment is particularly severe for these powerful people. After all, their extravagant lives depend on Xi Zhan! !

"Mr. Xi, this punishment..."

"You should be thankful that those spies are safe, otherwise your son will not only...I'm tired of talking so much."

Xi Zhan meant he would not listen to him anymore.

"Yes, Mr. Xi."

Xi Zhan didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore. When he was about to leave, he saw a familiar figure in the crowd. He paused and shouted in a low voice, "Yang Sheng, haven't seen him in nine years, right?"

The familiar figure walked out of the crowd and said to Xi Zhan in a respectful tone: "Yes, I haven't seen Mr. Xi in nine years. Mr. Xi once said that if I meet again, I will be free."

Xi Zhan frowned and asked, "Did I say that?"

He can't remember things too long ago.

Zhang Sheng was startled, and said firmly: "Mr. Xi said it."

Xi Zhan asked him quietly, "Have you waited for me for nine years?"

"Yes, Mr. Xi."

"If this is the case, then you will do things for me for another three months, and after three months you and the Xi family will be completely cleaned up."

Zhang Sheng calmly said: "Yes."

At the moment he was ecstatic in his heart.

For nine years--

He can finally leave here.

"Yue Chun, he will be yours in the future."

Yue Chun asked in surprise, "Father, is this?"

Xi Zhan's ability is clear from the bottom of his heart.

It is most suitable for him to teach Yue Chun.

"Your bodyguard, Zhang Sheng."

When the figure froze, he muttered to himself: "Mr. Xi still remember my name?"

Xi Zhan ignored him and got on the helicopter so that he didn't hear the gratitude, "Thank you, Xi Zhan."


Zhang Sheng left everything here and went on the helicopter with them. In the helicopter, he sat at the farthest point and watched the man who was dealing with the documents. He has not been seen in nine years that he is more mature and stable than before, and he has handled things more vigorously. .

Yang Sheng waited as if he had no sense of existence. Yue Chun waited for Xi Zhan to finish processing the documents before asking, "Are we going home?"

"I go to the company, you go home."

The man answered him briefly.

Yue Chun was silent, and he looked at his new bodyguard.

Seeing Yue Chun staring at him, Xi Zhancai faintly explained: "Zhang Sheng, you will teach the young master fighting skills in the future."

"Yes, Mr. Xi."

Yang Sheng is a very obedient man.

He must be obedient if he wants to go home.

The helicopter finally landed on the top of the company headquarters. Xi Zhan's helicopter took a rose from Assistant Yin and handed it to Yue Chun and said: "Yue Chun, I will give it to your mother later."

This rose was prepared by Xi Zhangang by texting Assistant Yin, and it was a gift prepared by Xi Zhan for his wife.

"Yes, father."

Xi Zhan turned and left. After the helicopter took off again, Yue Chun dared to ask Yang Sheng, "You and your father met nine years ago?"

"Well, I used to be Mr. Xi's bodyguard."

Zhang Sheng was once one of Xi Zhan's bodyguards.

It was also one of the three who were hunted down.

He was very grateful to Xi Zhan for letting him go.

Not only did he spare Xi Zhan but also gave him a promise.

He exchanged that promise for her life!

"Father asked you to teach me how to fight."

"Yes, master."


Gu Tingchen agreed to marry Ye Ge.

But Gu Tingchen bluntly explained that there is no love.

He said: "I will give you a respectful marriage, but you know... Ye Ge, my heart lies with another woman."

Ye Ge didn't feel sad to hear this.

Because she also seeks for benevolence.

"Well, I know."

What about a loveless marriage?

At least she is in love.

He is also willing to respect her as a guest.

She is already very satisfied.

At this time, Ye Ge was taking care of Gu Tingchen who was drunk. He is a man who is often drunk recently, and it seems that there is something particularly sad about him. If he thinks about it carefully, he must be sad to lose her.

Gu Tingchen suddenly grabbed her wrist, "Sheng'er."

He has always cherished her in his heart.

Ye Ge said softly: "I am Ye Ge."

Gu Tingchen still shouted, "Sheng'er."

Ye Ge didn't correct him again, because she and a drunk man corrected this, obviously boring, she took care of him after sleeping, picked up the phone, and happened to see Shi Sheng's circle of friends.

Shi Sheng is happy now.

Because of this, Gu Tingchen didn't bother her again.

Because his heart also hopes her happiness.

He hoped that her happy heart had overcome his possessiveness.

In fact, Gu Tingchen has always been changing for her.

But no one knows his painstaking efforts.

Ye Ge sighed lowly and wished: "Hope will pass, I hope everyone is happy, I hope everything settles."

Ye Ge loves Gu Tingchen, but her love is never selfish. There is tolerance, understanding, and empathy in her love. It is precisely because of this that Gu Tingchen finally chose her.

"Gu Tingchen, I will stay with you forever."

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