Yuan You went upstairs only seven or eight minutes before going downstairs. He gave me an OK gesture and said, "It has been solved perfectly!"

I was surprised and asked: "Muri is so easy to persuade?"

"He still makes sense. You are sitting here. I'll see if you need help. If you are bored, play games."

"Well, third brother, leave me alone."

"There will be a lot of people, I will find you a room."

Yuan You took me to a guest room to stay. I just started playing games, and then I was bored and swiped on Weibo. After I finished the Weibo, I was so bored that it was about to explode and I simply watched Ting Ziyu's movie.

Ting Ziyu's team has a good vision, and the scripts he received are all thought-provoking themes. I searched the Internet for domestic science fiction films. There are very few and few high-scoring works.

The most important thing is that Ting Ziyu hasn't filmed this type of film. If he and Yi Leng shoot together, it will definitely cause great enthusiasm, and more importantly, this is Ting Ziyu's final work.

Ting Ziyu brought Yi Leng's final work as a foil. Seeing his intentions, I think he should especially love Yi Leng.

Yi Leng enters the entertainment circle, and Ting Ziyu leaves again. This is going round and round, and poor Yi Leng wants to enter the entertainment circle.

I guess her future focus will not be on the entertainment industry. After all, Ting Ziyu has left, and she has to take care of the Yijia family business.

I sent a message and asked Yi Leng, "Does Yi Zheng still contact you?"

Yi Leng returned to me and said, "I will contact me before, but it has disappeared in recent months. Maybe Yi Zheng suddenly wanted to open it."

"Yi Zheng may have fallen in love with Jushutong."

Yi Leng knew who Ju Shutong was, she then voiced me, her voice relieved: "This is the best ending."

"Yeah, there is no end to entanglement."

Each ends well.

Gu Tingchen and I are both well now.

This ending is what I want to see most.

It's just Mo Yuanlian's side...

I still owe him after all.

Thinking of this makes me feel uncomfortable.

It didn't take long for me to receive news from Xi Zhan on the sofa.

"The baby is beautiful."

I asked him, "Is my face round?"

Xi Zhan returned to me, "Yeah."

I feel a bolt from the blue sky above my head!

I immediately went to the bathroom to watch my face.

"How can it be round?"

How can you say that girls have round faces?

On closer inspection, it seems to be a little rounded.

I sat back on the sofa depressed, and after half an hour Won Yoo entered my room and asked, "Is Yoona being bored?"

I ignored him and got angry.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

I am still silent.

Yuan You came over and put his arms around my shoulders and asked, "What was the shock to you all of a sudden? Your words made me feel flustered!"

I sighed, "My face is rounded."

Yuan You said inexplicably: "Dare to love you for a long time because of this thing? I took a look, I said, it is the reason for your hairstyle, in fact, you are not round at all! You should not try this kind of thin curled hair in the future. One hundred percent of people with this hairstyle can’t stop shouting! If you’re unhappy, I’ll tie you up."

"Does the third brother get braids?"

"Uh, not so good."

"Then I still have this hairstyle."

The door was pushed open again. Yuan You and I looked over and saw Muli with a gloomy face. He put his eyes on where Yuan You was resting on my shoulder, and I quickly got up and said, "I will sleep."

Yuan You got up and said, "Then I will keep busy."

I was relieved after Yuan You and Muli left.

Is that jealous look in Murray's eyes just now?

I lay on the sofa and slept. I don’t know how long there was a sound at the door. I opened my eyes and heard someone say outside: “I heard that Xi Zhan will take his woman to LG’s funeral today. If LG is still alive, I’m going to kill! Oh, LG should be really dead this time, Chris, have you seen her again these years?"

Is Chris here? !

Oh, I remember that Chris was also organized by W.

I heard Chris' voice replied: "I have seen it, but the woman still looks down on me. It's annoying to go her own way!"

The human said: "It's like she looks down on me."

"Don't be so sad. She treats everyone except Xi Zhan with the same attitude, saying that LG's death should leave a lot of resources."

The two outsiders actually started to comfort each other.

The person continued: "Yes, I heard that she has cultivated a lot of people secretly, and she should have a lot of resources. After her death, someone should take over her influence. I feel that there will be a lot of trouble."

Chris was surprised, "Hey, your Chinese has improved!"

"The W organization can speak Chinese, I can't hold back! I have been studying all these years, but I am still not as good as you."

Chris said: "I am taught by Xi Zhan, can it be the same!"

"Oh, you are quite proud!"

I got up and opened the door. There were two small stools in front of my door. Chris was chatting with another foreigner happily with his legs up. He turned his head and saw me when he saw that it was me he was surprised when he saw a sudden noise behind him. Asked: "Why are you?"

"What? Shouldn't I be here?"

Chris smiled and said, "How can it? I don't know you are coming, but I am surprised that it is still early!"

I explained: "My third brother and I were here first."

The person beside Chris asked, "Is she?"

"Xi Zhan's wife."

The man sighed, feeling embarrassed and said: "So we are gossiping about others at their door? Then I should leave first."

"Sit here, let's chat together! Anyway, I'm bored too, chat with you to kill the time and wait for Xi Zhan."

The man was startled and said: "All right then."

I went back to the room and moved a stool to sit with them at the door. I asked Chris, "What is the name of your friend next to you?"

The man said back to me: "My Chinese name is Umbrella."

umbrella? !

What a strange name.

However, the Chinese name for foreigners is a mess. I smiled and opened the topic: "My name is Shi Sheng. You just talked to someone from LG. My girlfriend was raided by LG people last time, but she was not injured. Because I was saved by Yunyi."

When Umbrella heard me mention Yunyi, his expression was horrified. Chris calmed him and said, "Don't be afraid, Yunyi is not here!"

I wondered: "Are you so afraid of him?"

Chris was melancholy: "We have all been poisoned."

"I'm curious, tell me about it!"

Umbrella told me: "You won't want to listen."

"What makes you so afraid of him?"

Seeing that I kept questioning, Chris sighed and said: "Back then, Umbrella and other partners were ordered to arrest him. Of course, you know the ending. We were arrested if we arrested. He tortured us for three days! Those three days Day I now..."

I interrupted him, "Chris said the point!"

"Yunyi has never been a man of personal ethics! There are ten major tortures in your country, right? Yunyi has let us try it all over! And it doesn't let us die! It is simply torturing us and making us fear him! Three days later Although he promised to let us go, Umbrella and I have been injured for two years!"

Chris suddenly pulled up his pants and said, "Did you see these white spots on my calf? That's why there is no skin!"

I was surprised and asked: "What does this mean?"

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