Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 727: Meet Xi Zhan

Mo Yuanlian's eyes were filled with impatience. Thinking of the words he reminded me last night, I knew that his patience was very limited. I must have a reason to stop him.

I suddenly remembered what he said, "You said you are called Shi'er."

Mo Yuanlian is a devastating personality.

Yesterday he hurt the person I chose...

So I think I can try the radical method.

In front of Yunwan, I boldly said nonchalantly: "I want to take a day off because my family introduced me to a blind date. I want to see you! Sir, I'll be home in the evening."

Mo Yuanlian said repeatedly, "Blind date?"

I must not let Mo Yuanlian see that I am lying.

I must be 100% calm.

"Yes, I want to see him."

Mo Yuanlian made a straight decision: "I'm afraid it won't work today. You follow me on a trip, and you can go on a blind date when you have time."

I resisted the ecstasy in my heart, "Yes, sir, then I will go home later, and wait for another time to meet again."

Hearing this, Mo Yuanlian turned and left. I followed him closely. Yun Wan gave me a thumbs up where he could not see. I smiled and said with lips: "Small."

Yun Wan sat in the co-pilot, and Mo Yuanlian and I sat in the back position. Mo Yuanlian was silent all the way. Thinking of his reminder last night and what Jin Younian said, I naturally did not dare to provoke him. I had to sit quietly in the back for three hours, and finally the car stopped in a place similar to a warehouse. I got out of the car and stood beside the car. Mo Yuanlian got out of the car and kicked the surrounding stones and asked: "Is it here?"

He asked Yun Wan.

"Yes, I have been locked here for this period of time. I'm afraid that he will increase the number of people around him when he escapes, and also block all the communication equipment inside. His people will never find it here."

I know that Yunwan refers to Xi Zhan.

Block all communication equipment...

No wonder Assistant Yin couldn't find out the whereabouts of Xi Zhan.

At this moment, I am very worried about Xi Zhan.

Hope he is not injured.

"Let's go, go in and see."

Mo Yuanlian rubbed the bangs in front of his forehead, his expression looked haggard, did he not rest last night?

I dared not ask, and followed him in silence.

And Yun Wan walked beside me.

Although the warehouse looked dilapidated on the outside, it was quite tidy inside, and there was an elevator specially set up. I followed Mo Yuanlian into the elevator, and Yunwan pressed the second floor underground.

Mo Yuanlian stood in front of us. Since meeting him this time, he has always been standing in front of me. His back is wide and arrogant, and there is silence. Looking at him, I feel very uncomfortable, as if he is here. The world is destined to be miserable.

The elevator stopped, and Mo Yuanlian took the lead after the elevator door opened. I walked out with Yunwan and saw many people guarding the Yongchang aisle. I kept my eyes behind them, ten meters in front. There is a huge iron gate.

As Mo Yuanlian approached, someone pushed open the iron gate.

After Mo Yuanlian entered, I followed Yun Wan. The first thing that caught my eye was that there was an iron stool in the center of the room, and the iron chain was tied around the stool. Following the iron chain, I could see a man with his back facing us. Looking at the skylight overhead.

His back is unusually broad and straight, and it is a familiar curve. Even if he is imprisoned, his temperament will never appear embarrassed because of his deep troubles, but will be completely clean.

Seeing him safe, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo Yuanlian didn't speak. He walked over and sat on the iron stool. It seemed that he wasn't afraid that the imprisoned man would go and kidnap him. Instead, he closed his eyes and waited for the other person to speak.

But Xi Zhan is also a man who can be calm.

I want to see the front of Xi Zhan.

Want to see if he is injured.

I only took a step, Mo Yuanlian heard the movement and opened his eyes to look at me, and asked in a low voice, "You don't like this place?"

I answered gently, "Never, sir."

It was never a word that Xi Zhan used to love.

Hearing my familiar voice, Xi Zhan quickly turned his body. There were shallow scars on his cheeks, his tie loosely tied around his neck, the buttons widened to the bottom of his chest, and the white shirt was scattered. Stained with blood.

Xi Zhan suffered a lot during this time.

Seeing him like this, my heart is full of distress and sorrow.

I want to go forward and give him a hug.

Feel the temperature in his arms.

Seeing that it was me, his expression was incredibly unbelievable, but in an instant, Xi Zhan recovered his composure and asked Mo Yuanlian, "Yunyi, who is this woman in front of you?"

As soon as Xi Zhan heard me calling Mo Yuanlian as her husband, he guessed that Mo Yuanlian did not know my true identity, and he wanted to know the current relationship between me and Mo Yuanlian, wanted to know the reason why I was here, wanted Knowing whether Mo Yuanlian is a threat to me, he can't ask me now, but he can only test Mo Yuanlian.

He had all kinds of thinking in an instant.

Xi Zhan has always been a smart man.

Mo Yuanlian stared at me with clear eyes. He seemed to be thinking about something again. After a while, he asked, "Are you interested in her?"

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