Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 748: Back to normal

Jing Ye hasn't returned home for a long time, and I can't get half of the news from them. When Hull arrived at the hotel, he didn't see Jing Ye. His expression of joy instantly stepped down, and he secretly satirized me a few words.

It's nothing more than to say that I still make people run errands in the middle of the night, and I don't feel sorry for them at all. I also said that I am not worthy of being a boss. I didn't bother to take care of her and let Tan Wen arrange a room for her.

Jing Yi is from my Xi family.

All my life is from the Xi family.

Unless he voluntarily leaves Xi's house.

But he was even less worthy of Hull without leaving the Xi family.

Hull cares about Jing Yi. Although it is not for the sake of the husband and wife, Hull is obviously inseparable from Jing Yi.

Otherwise, she won't travel here all the way.

So as long as Jing Yi stayed in Xijia Heer, there was no way to take me, let alone do things secretly.

Because of this, I feel relieved to Hull.

At least she would not be an enemy under normal circumstances.

Even less willing to be my enemy.

Not so much as my enemy.

It is better to say that Hull does not want to be Jing Yi's enemy.

After all, I am Jing Yi's Patriarch.

Jing Yan is 100% towards me.

After Tan Wen arranged a room for Hull, Huawei sent someone to send me a letter, "Yunyi has been fine."

It was only after hearing that my uneasy heart was relieved.

Although Yunyi was okay, Jing Yi returned to the hotel with injuries. Hull was in the room and heard someone talking outside. She wore a nightdress and opened the door of the room. The moment she saw Jing Yi Instead of stepping forward to help him, he satirized me a few words and turned back to the room.

Jing Yi covered the wound and apologized reluctantly, "Sorry Patriarch, she is just like this, Patriarch doesn't have to care about her."

I am too lazy to care about these things with Hull.

I asked him, "How did you get hurt?"

"Mr. Suxi did something."

Jing Yi was with Xi Zhan, but now Jing Yi returned to the hotel with injuries but did not see him. Where is he now?

I asked anxiously: "Where is he?"

Jing Yi comforted me and said: "Patriarch rest assured, Mr. Xi has nothing to do. He asked me to go back to the hotel to dress up the wound. He also asked me to tell the Patriarch that he will return to the hotel before dawn.

Xi Zhan asked Jing Yi to give me a promise.

I believe he will be back to the hotel before dawn tomorrow.

In that case, I don't have to wait any longer.

Besides, with my physical condition, I can't wait any longer.

I must have plenty of rest.

Must have a stable schedule.

I can no longer spoil my body.

"Let Tan Wen bandage your wound first."

Jing Yi respectfully said: "Yes, Patriarch."

I turned around and went back to my room.


Xi Zhan said that there was no need to save Mo Yuanlian. Even so, he still took Jing Yi and some people to wait around Adrian’s villa. After a while, it was reported that Mo Yuanlian was shot half an hour ago. The injury was caught by Zhao Jin's people! !

And he is now imprisoned in the villa.

After Xi Zhan heard the news, he lit a cigarette and smoked slowly. After he spit out a smoke ring, Jing Yan dared to ask him, "Mr. Xi, are we going to rescue Yunyi?"

Xi Zhan asked him back, "Why did Zhao Jin catch Mo Yuanlian?"

Jing Yan was stunned and said, "I don't know."

Hearing that Xi Zhan gave a sneer, he happily took another smoke and said, "Mo Yuanlian is not enough to be his enemy."

Mo Yuanlian is not enough to be Zhao Jin's enemy, because Mo Yuanlian is not interested in who Zhao Jin is and what he does, but when he arrests him, it should be Zhao Jin who has offended him life and death.

Zhao Jin lost his wife and broke down.

"Mr. Xi mean?"

"Mo Yuanlian's only use for Zhao Jin is that he holds Chen Shen's power in his hands. This power can save Zhao Jin a lot of effort. I guess Zhao Jin wants to win Mo Yuanlian, but the latter is right. He is not interested, so Zhao Jin... He has always been a vicious person who can't figure out his identity. He should be trying to solve Mo Yuanlian and want to reduce the trouble in the future."

Xi Zhan guessed at the center.

"Then he is completely offended Yunyi, because he is a cold, unreasonable man who must be retributed."

Jing Yi still used to call Mo Yuanlian Yunyi.

After all, everyone had called him Yunyi before.

The man Jing Yi has always known about is also Yunyi.

Yunyi has always been willing to torture people as he pleases.

Zhao Jin is touching his bottom line.

But the premise of these is that Mo Yuanlian is still alive.

The only one who can save him now is Xi Zhan.

"Jing Yi, take someone to rescue him."

While Jing Yi was still guessing, Xi Zhan ordered him to save people. He quickly sneaked into the villa with a few people beside him.

The security system of Adrian's villa is not strict. After all, he is a local snake here. Few people dare to hit him on his body, let alone sneak into his villa.

Of course, except for Xi Zhan and Mo Yuanlian.

Mo Yuanlian went in just to torture Adrian.

Xi Zhan was too lazy to go in by himself, after all, the man inside was strictly speaking his rival in a certain sense.

Maybe it will be a strong opponent someday.

Therefore, he has done his best to send Jing Yan in.

After Jing Yi and the others entered the villa, they had been acting cautiously. They kidnapped a single security guard and asked him about Mo Yuanlian's whereabouts. Finally, they learned that they were in the warehouse.

Mo Yuanlian was thrown into the warehouse like a piece of rag. Zhao Jin originally planned to kill him, but Adrian insisted on keeping him, and said in a high-sounding manner that this was his son. No one allowed him. Move him, wait for his injury to ease, and Zhao Jin simply threw him in the warehouse in the backyard. Of course, he tortured Mo Yuanlian before.

Who made him just keep making death moves.

It almost made Zhao Jin lose here! !

There was only one incandescent lamp in the huge warehouse. Above Mo Yuanlian's head, he quietly watched as if thinking about something.

He is always like this, always in a trance.

About seven or eight minutes later, he blinked and shook the bell bracelet tied to his wrist. The crisp and sweet voice rang in his ears. After self-hypnosis, Mo Yuanlian's consciousness gradually blurred, and his mind repeatedly echoed Zhao All those words just said, but how could he hurt his Shi family girl?

Because he is Yunyi?

Will being Yunyi hurt her?

Yun Yi seemed to really hurt her a few days ago.

In that case, he should not be Yunyi.

In that case, he should be Mo Yuanlian.

Although he was so unwilling to be Mo Yuanlian.

Because he is Yunyi.

He was never Mo Yuanlian.

Yun Yi is the real him.

But being Mo Yuanlian would not hurt her.

"Yunyi, goodbye, I hope there is a chance to see you in this life."

I don't know how long it has been, what time it was, Mo Yuanlian opened his eyes and looked at the incandescent lamp above his head. Looking at the dazzling light, he slowly said to himself with tears: "Miss, I'm so sorry. Why did you get here?"

Why did you get here and hurt me? !

This made him feel guilty.

He remembers his foot...

He seemed to have kicked her in the kidney.

That location...

Mo Yuanlian closed his eyes fiercely.

Xi Nuo took the medical kit and opened the door of the warehouse. She squatted beside Mo Yuanlian and asked, "Are you still alive?"

Mo Yuanlian ignored it.

She said: "I will bandage for you."

Only then did Mo Yuanlian opened his eyes.

Xi Nuo was taken aback and asked him, "Why ignore me?"

Mo Yuanlian said in a cold voice: "Don't touch me."

Xi Nuo's expression was even more dazed, "Yunyi, your injury needs to be bandaged, otherwise you will..."

Mo Yuanlian said straightforwardly: "Don't do superfluous things."

Xi Nuo was surprised, "I don't know good people."

She really didn't bandage him.

In fact, she herself didn't know why she came here with the medical kit, but she always felt that this man was very similar to her.

But it's not very similar.

She remained silent for a long time and asked, "What is love?"

Mo Yuanlian naturally ignored her. A few minutes later, the warehouse door was opened again. Xi Nuo stood up and was surprised to see Jing Yan and the others. Jing Yan was also startled when she saw her face, and then he respectfully shouted, "Miss Xi, Xi Mr. is waiting outside the villa at the moment, he asked us to leave here with Yunyi."

Xi Nuo didn't stop, she still said diligently: "I will lead you away from the backyard, you are careful, and..."

She originally wanted Jing Ye to bring a word to Xi Zhan, but then she realized that she didn't have half a place with Xi Zhan.

The words she brought are naturally trivial.

"Thank you Miss Xi."

Xi Nuo wasn't a vicious heart. What she used to do was only for Xi Zhan. Now... she was just helping him. After all, Xi Zhan wanted this man to be safe.

She will help as much as possible as long as Xi Zhan wants.

With Xi Nuo's help, Jing Yi and they left with Mo Yuanlian smoothly, but they were still found after leaving the villa.

Jing Yi asked them to leave with Mo Yuanlian first.

This is also the reason why Jing Yan has injuries on his body.

They supported Mo Yuanlian and appeared in front of Xi Zhan. The man was already in a semi-conscious state. Xi Zhan looked at him in embarrassment and said, "Get out of here."

When they reached the nearby river, Mo Yuanlian was put on the lawn by them, and then someone treated his wound for him.

Mo Yuanlian's body was covered with dense wounds, but the injuries were not serious. It was thought that Zhao Jin deliberately tortured him.

There was a gunshot wound on his waist.

It's just that there are no bullets in the body.

The bullet pierced through Mo Yuanlian's waist.

Fortunately, the waist side did not hurt the internal organs.

About twenty minutes or so, two local doctors were brought here by Xi Zhan's people, followed by the injured Jing Yi. His injuries were not serious, and Xi Zhan asked him to return to the hotel first.

And asked him to give Shi Sheng a word.

Jing Yi led the order: "Yes, Mr. Xi."

"By the way, inform Mo Yuanlian's people to pick him up."

"Yes, I'll let you know."

Jing Yi drove back to the hotel. He was shocked when he saw Hull. After reporting some truthfully, he waited for Sheng to return to the room and talked with him, "Thank you."

Tan Wen said with a smile, "You are polite."

Hull suddenly opened the door, and she stared at Jing Yi with a cold face, and it took a long time for her to jump out of her mouth, "You enter the room."

Jing Yi respectfully said, "Yes, Miss Hull."

He is always respectful in front of outsiders.

No, he is respectful in private.

Hull enjoyed his respect.

But also hated his respect.

Jing Yi entered the room. Hull sat on the bed in a white nightdress and ignored him. He waited in front of her respectfully, and within a few minutes someone brought the medical kit.

Hull ran barefoot and opened the door to accept it. She turned around and told Jing Yi, "Sit down and take off your clothes."


Jing Yi sat on the edge of the bed and took off her clothes.

His profession is a bodyguard.

Because it is natural to exercise his figure all the year round.

Hull lowered his head and opened the medical box to take out the disinfectant alcohol in it and said dissatisfiedly: "You always get hurt when you do things for Shi Sheng. You are really stupid, and everything is at the forefront."

Jing Yi knew that Hull felt sorry for him.

It’s just that my heartache...

Jing Yi knew that she liked herself.

But her liking was just a whim.

"I will fulfill the Patriarch's orders."

Hull was even more angry when he remembered that his Patriarch was Shi Sheng!

"Be pedantic, why don't you follow me!"

Follow her and be her life's shadow?

Jing Yan was silent after hearing this.

Hull raised his eyes and asked, "Why don't you speak?"

"I do not know how to answer you."

Hull rolled his eyes. "So you were silent?"

He replied respectfully, "Yes."

"Silence will make me even more angry!!"

Jing Yi asked in confusion, "Is there any such saying?"

Hull is making trouble here unreasonably, not so much that she is making trouble unreasonably, it is better to say that she is always there with Shi Sheng for her life!

And it took a long time for Mo Yuanlian over there to wake up, and he waited beside Huawei, his other subordinates and the man...

He sat up, raised his palm and waved.

When Huawei saw it, she immediately took people away.

Did not leave completely.

It's just about twenty meters away from them.

A few minutes later, someone returned to Huawei and reported: "Miss Hua, the letter was delivered 20 minutes ago."

Hua Wei nodded and said: "Yeah."

The person beside him retreated, and there were only two of them left here. Mo Yuanlian stared at the slight wave on the surface of the river and asked him, "You don't have to save me, after all, I am an enemy to you."

Xi Zhan suddenly looked at him, "Is it normal?"

If the previous man wouldn't have the calm expression like Mo Yuanlian's now, he would definitely have an expression.

Mo Yuanlian did not answer him.

The moonlight was shallow, but the night was extremely heavy. Mo Yuanlian rubbed his temple and asked him, "Back then, I told you and Chen Shen that I wanted to live, so why did you kill me?"

Why do you want to kill him?

Mo Yuanlian is sure of this problem.

He asked Xi Zhan at this time, indicating that he still hated it.

Xi Zhan knew about this, he suddenly sat beside Mo Yuanlian and said, "Mo Yuanlian, do you want revenge against me?"

Does he want revenge? !

Mo Yuan Lian definitely wanted revenge.

He was never a man to suffer.

But now he is willing to suffer this loss because of Shi Sheng.

Who made him Shi Sheng's husband? !

He smiled and said: "Xi Zhan, you don't have to ask me such a question, I can't give you the answer, wait for time to test everything."

No one knows the future.

As long as he is sorry, Shi Sheng will have revenge immediately.

"Mo Yuanlian, your pattern is doomed to your failure."

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