Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 831: He Xi Zhan

Xi Zhan has been panicking recently. Seeing him really aggrieved, I don't want to do any more actions that would make ripples in his heart.

I lay on his back properly. He paused for a while and walked in the direction of the inn in silence. He walked extremely slowly. He walked for a full 15 minutes for five or six minutes. We went in and registered. , And the inn’s front desk requires both of them to have ID cards at the same time.

Xi Zhan asked her in a low voice, "Is the marriage certificate okay?"

The staff at the front desk said: "That's okay."

Xi Zhan took out his mobile phone and made a call. Within two minutes, the driver delivered Xi Zhan's black briefcase. Xi Zhan opened the briefcase and took out the marriage certificate to the front desk staff.

After registering at the front desk, I quietly asked Xi Zhan, "When did the second brother bring the marriage certificate with him? I thought you were locked in which safe, and what did you do with this?"

Xi Zhan handed the black briefcase to the driver. The driver took it and left the inn. Then the man took the room card and put his arm around my shoulder into the elevator before explaining: "There is no safe in the world that can beat me. It's more reassuring here."

So Xi Zhan carries the marriage certificate with him every day?

This man is really unexpected.

"You really surprised me."

Xi Zhan smiled and didn't say a word, as he responded to me.

The inn has three floors. The room Xi Zhan booked is on the top floor, which is the best location and the most expensive room.

Money is fine, after all, we are the least bad money.

Will this kind of thinking be beaten on the street?

Thinking of this, I laughed myself first.

Xi Zhan looked down at me, "What are you laughing at?"

"I suddenly felt that I was not low-key."

Xi Zhan raised his eyebrows in confusion, "Oh?"

"In my heart, I don't feel bad for money."

Xi Zhanzheng'er asked: "When did you miss the money?"

I smiled and said: "Yes, I am a rich wife, like the rich wife on TV. I watched a variety show some time ago. There was a rich man who built an ice rink and an amusement park at home. The audience felt strangely shocked. Fake, actually think about it carefully, we also live this kind of life, but it’s not that high-profile.

Xi Zhan and I make money, but don't spend much.

It's not that we don't spend money. The main reason is that there is no place to spend money, so the money is basically enjoying it, such as villa sports cars, high-end clothes, jewelry, and helicopters.

In addition, there seems to be no place to spend money.

But the money spent on these places is not small.

It's just too small in proportion to our income.

Xi Zhan asked me back, "Is it low-key?"

"Forget it, I think you are very low-key."

Xi Zhan smiled and said, "You don't have to be low-key."

"I just said it casually."

Xi Zhan took the room key and opened the room. The decoration inside is very beautiful. It is a very strong couple's suite. There are... Oh, indescribable. I went in and hid those things. Xi Zhan saw it and walked silently. To the window.

After placing the things, I walked behind him and put my arms around his waist and asked him, "What are you looking at? Can I see the river here."

This is the ancient town scenic spot. The lights on both sides of the river were not extinguished, and the river was sparkling, so it was about to explode.

"I was thinking about what the rich lady said."

He called my rich wife...

Xi Zhan is making fun of me.

I asked him in surprise, "What did I say?"

"Not so high-profile, I seem to have wronged you."


I definitely didn't mean it.

"I just remembered saying something casually."

"Well, I'm thinking about our wedding."

I was even more surprised: "Are we going to have a wedding?"

"You don't like cold weather. Waiting for a warm climate, I am thinking that our wedding will be world-class."

Xi Zhan has his own ideas about weddings.

"I want to host a high-profile wedding for the wealthy wife."

Xi Zhan's voice is soft and his expression is solemn.

I said joyfully in my heart: "Thank you."

He curled his lips and said: "The rich lady is a rich one, so that my money has no chance to be used by you. Think carefully about the money earned over the years has always been in my name, but there is no chance to transfer it to you. I asked Assistant Yin to transfer all of them to your name."

"I didn't ask you for money..."

"I know, I want to give it to you."

I hugged her waist and said, "I don't have to think about everything for my sake. In fact, I'm very satisfied with this state."

"I know, but I want to give it to you."

He knows everything, but he just wants to give it to me.

Xi Zhan pulled my arm to the side and led me to the window so that he was standing behind me. He bent over to hug my body and said in a low voice: "Baby, I like you."

Xi Zhan rarely expresses his emotions. I am naturally happy to see him like this. I kissed him on the cheek and said, "Me too. I like the second brother very, very much. I just hate you when you ignore me. Ignoring me makes me feel scared."

Xi Zhan's voice said solemnly: "Sorry, I won't be an example."

This is not an example, he said to himself.

I shook my head and said, "It's okay."

Suddenly, Xi Zhan hugged me by my waist and sat on the window sill. My legs were exposed out of the window, and there was a rushing river below. This action was too dangerous. I stared at the handsome face of the man with some fear. : "I have little courage."

The man smiled and asked: "Really?"

He hugged my waist and coaxed: "I think you are quite courageous. Don't be afraid. I'll be with you here. Look at the scenery outside, isn't it clearer?"

He said this, but the clothes behind me were lifted by the man, and the thin lips seemed to be lightly pressed against my back. I condensed my breath: "Don't treat me like this."

Xi Zhan's lingering voice asked: "How do I treat you?"

"Second brother is not like my second brother anymore."

"How was the former second brother?"

The man is getting too much, I can't stand it, and my posture is so dangerous that I don't dare to move.

I held his arm tightly and remained silent. Xi Zhan was more flirting than before. After teasing me enough, he pulled me back from the window sill and my whole body fell into his arms.

He held me in my ear and smiled in a low voice, jokingly: "Yooner like this is pretty good."

"You will lose me like this."

"Really? I don't think so."

"Second brother's face is really thicker than before. If you let the third brother know that you are like this, I'm afraid you will be shocked, and in private, you and me will definitely gossip everywhere.

"Yuanyou won't bother me in the short term."

I subconsciously asked: "Why?"

"He can't even handle his own affairs now."

"Third brother, did he tell you something again?"

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