Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 878: Tan Yang is pregnant

I never thought that men were so patient when taking wedding photos. Five hours were spent taking photos and changing clothes. At the beginning, I was patient. Later, I told Xi Zhan that it was enough to not take pictures. Xi Zhan didn't let me give up.

Because he said: "This is only once in a lifetime."

Originally planned to leave at night, but because I was too tired to move at all, Xi Zhan couldn't bear to say that I had enough rest the next day before leaving, and also reminded me to exercise.

Ah, my physical fitness is extremely poor.

Maybe it was the night before yesterday or yesterday that I had a cold. When I woke up today, I felt a sense of collapse. My whole person was dizzy. When Xi Zhan saw that I was awake and still lying in bed, he knew that my mental state was poor. I tried my forehead with my hand, his palm was cold, I rubbed against him and didn't want him to withdraw.

The man has a low voice, "I have a cold."

I asked sadly: "Do you want an infusion again?"

"Well, I will call the family doctor first."

Xi Zhan took the phone on one side and made a call. It was for Assistant Yin. Assistant Yin sent two family doctors to the villa according to his instructions. The doctor checked my body. Perhaps it was because of my illness. His heart is more sensitive and fragile than usual. He stares at Xi Zhan eagerly and doesn't want him to leave my sight. He also fits people's wishes and stays in the room all the time.

The infusion process was long and boring. I stared at him and fell asleep. It was three o'clock in the afternoon when I woke up again.

Xi Zhan was not in the room, and I was very hungry. I got up and got out of bed barefoot. I opened the door and went out without seeing Xi Zhan. He was not in the room nor in the living room.

The villa is the only two of us, and he also plans to take me out for travel, so he will never go down to work.

Where will he go?

I went back upstairs to find Xi Zhan. There was none in the study, neither on the second floor, nor on the third floor. Gradually, my heart began to panic. In fact, I knew that Xi Zhan would have nothing to do and would not go too far. The reason for the illness is that I need him urgently now, and I need him to appear in front of me immediately.

I went downstairs out of the living room and looked in the garden. There was no man in the front garden, so I ran to the back garden.

When I saw the man bending over to trim the rose branches, I was relieved, and hurried over to hug him tightly from behind, Xi Zhan asked in a gentle voice: "Are you hungry?"

"Why are you here?"

"You are asleep, I will do something to pass the time."

As if perceiving that my emotions were not right, Xi Zhan turned around and pulled me. He lowered his eyes and saw that I was not wearing shoes and immediately lowered his face and asked, "Why didn't I wear shoes if I knew I was sick?"

Xi Zhan blamed me, he took off his jacket and put it on my nightdress in action. I rubbed his chest with my cheek and said, "I want to see you, and I feel a little worried."

As soon as the words fell, Xi Zhan bent over and hugged me sideways.

I snuggled into his arms in the position of a princess, and when I saw him like this, I greedily said: "Recently, my second brother has hugged me a lot. Yesterday, the photographer praised you for your strength. , I have tasted the sweetness."

"Don't change the subject."

"I was wrong, I should wear shoes."

Xi Zhan has always been very principled in terms of right and wrong.

He hugged me back to the living room and put me on the sofa. I took the pillow and put me in my arms and said coquettishly, "Second brother, I'm hungry."

Xi Zhan sighed secretly: "You really are..."

He obviously wanted to blame me, but he couldn't bear it.

Xi Zhan bent down and rubbed my cheek. I pressed his palm and turned my head and kissed, "I want to eat noodles."

Xi Zhan hooked his lips, then turned and went to the kitchen.

My spirit was still tired. I fell on the sofa and clicked on the hot search with my mobile phone and saw that the family portrait photo has been searched, but Xi Zhan miraculously appeared on the hot search.

The title is: Mr. Xi, a peerless man.

I clicked in and saw the envy, coveting and jealousy of those fans. I quit and clicked on WeChat and saw that they were in group chat. Ju Shutong asked Tan Yang, "Why are you in the hospital?"

Yes, I saw the news of Jushutong as soon as I entered.

Tan Yang replied, "Check your body."

Ju Shutong caringly said: "Pay attention to your body."

Tan Yang replied politely for a few words, Yuan You sent a photo of him in the office and said: "I'm working normally."

I aite he asked, "Where is Yoona."

Yuan You answered me: "Muli took it with him."

Muri actually helped me with the baby.

I love Yi Zheng, "Where is Runer?"

"Watching a cartoon."

Yi Zheng posted a video of Run'er watching a cartoon. The little man sat on the sofa and stared at the TV.

Sitting beside him was Jushutong.

I asked Yi Zheng, "Are you in Wucheng?"

"I am in Tongcheng, Yuanyou is in Wucheng, and Heming is in other cities. Everyone manages an area and works for the second brother."

I looked at Xi Zhan in the kitchen.

His back is tall and straight, and he is tall and tall.

He was originally an elite man who managed a huge company and many outstanding talents, but now he patiently cooks for me in the kitchen. I am only touched to think of this.

I replied to Yi Zheng: "It's not that you don't pay you wages. Besides, the second brother used to do a lot. Now it's your turn to pay him back. I will secretly ask the second brother to give you a raise."

Yuan You Aite said to me: "Your third brother wants to have a holiday."

I pretended to say: "You should call my second wife."

"Well, Yoona is higher than me."

I posted a wildly laughing expression in the group, Yuan You and the others returned me a despised expression. I did not interact with them in the group anymore, but privately contacted Tan Yang to care about her physical condition. After all, it was in my subconscious mind. Li Tan Yang is the healthiest. Why did she suddenly go to the hospital for a physical examination? !

Twenty minutes later, Tan Yang returned to me and said: "Still waiting for the results of the examination, just want to check and then perform the operation."

I was surprised, what disease needs surgery? !

I immediately asked her, "What's the situation?"

"I'm pregnant, but want to kill the baby."

Tan Yang actually...

I thought she would keep contraception.

If you accidentally get pregnant, you should keep it.

After all, her relationship with Gu Lanzhi went smoothly.

Never thought that she was pregnant with the idea of ​​getting rid of it.

It's normal if you don't want a child.

Killing Gu Lanzhi after being pregnant would definitely hurt Gu Lanzhi.

But Gu Lanzhi should be able to understand Tan Yang.

After all, he is such a transparent man.

And he always knew that Tan Yang was an indifferent person.

I respect Tan Yangdao: "You have your ideas, so no matter what you decide to do, I will support them, but I want to talk about my ideas. Motherhood is the most pleasant identity in the world."

Tan Yang asked me suspiciously, "More happier than being Gu Lan's wife?"

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