Glitch utopia

Chapter 107 Alienation

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"Why is it always like this?"

AA took a few steps back, away from the weird old lady. With a frown on her face, she looked at the carriage full of mercenaries and suddenly made up her mind. She could not let these people chase the boss and must stop them.

AA did whatever she wanted. She immersed herself in each carriage, looking for something.

Suddenly she found her target. AA's slender body quickly ducked under a row of seats, took out a screwdriver and started tinkering with the screw holes in the metal plate.

Within a few seconds, the subway suddenly stopped with a "pop" sound. The carriage was dark, and there were complaints.

"What are you doing! The power has to be cut off at this time!? I want to make a lot of money!"

"It's near the north!! Lin Bei's combat prosthetic body was only rented for three hours!!"

No matter what others shouted, AA had quietly got off the bus at this moment. When she found the subway entrance with a lot of effort, she saw a fierce explosion in front of her.

"It's the boss!" AA quickly loaded the drum into his pistol and rushed over there with all his strength.

As he got closer, AA saw the boss standing on top of a truck in the distance. He was shooting wildly with the mercenaries in the convertible car next to him.

With a "boom" and an explosion, the convertible turned into a ball of fire.

Although an enemy was eliminated, this did not change anything about Sun Jack's situation. More and more mercenaries are chasing him, firing guns and drones constantly.

At this moment, everything he looked around was filled with enemies, as if he was not an enemy against a specific person, but against the entire city.

Faced with this lively scene, the people in the metropolis seemed to be accustomed to it, and they gathered to watch.

Suddenly the sky darkened, and Jack Sun looked up and saw a floating car floating above his head.

As the car door opened, a cyborg, fully armed like a layer of metal armor, hit him like a bomb.

With a muffled sound of "crash", the metal cyborg hit the front of the truck directly. As the front of the truck collapsed instantly, the truck tilted up completely, and he was thrown directly away.

Before Sun Jack could stabilize himself in mid-air, four lasers were already marked on his body.

When Jack Sun finally landed after paying the price of two holes, the mercenaries surrounding him quickly surrounded him with eager eyes, including Lao Liu, who was currently live streaming passionately online.

He put up a POS in front of his live broadcast room and asked Sun Jack the question that the other party asked him. "bro! Now tell me! What's more important, money or people!?"

"Fuck you uncle! With your character, I never expected you to save me!" Jack Sun raised his head and shot him directly.

And just when Sun Jack was about to face the mercenaries who were all around him, the priest rushed through the crowd like a wild beast and came to Sun Jack's side, while AA stood on his left shoulder, holding the gun in his hand. . "Boss! We are here to rescue you!"

Looking at them, Sun Jack felt warm in his heart. It seemed that he still had some true friends.

"Our chances of winning are too low and we need to break out as soon as possible." The priest said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I have a plan. You guys will follow me later. I've worked hard to come here, and I'm not looking for death." Jack Sun handed his back to them, picked up the weapon in his hand, looked at the mercenaries in front of him, and estimated time.

Just when several television stations' aerial vehicles appeared in the sky, the mercenaries rushed towards Sun Jack at the same time, as if they had agreed.

At this critical moment, an understatement came from the side, but no one paid him any attention.

The next moment, with a bang, Jack Sun's reward was canceled directly. All the mercenaries were stunned and froze on the spot, not knowing whether to rush or retreat.

"Didn't you hear me when I said wait? I paid for the bounty. I'm the employer. If you don't listen to me, you won't give you a dime." As Synapse walked out of the crowd, his Above the head is the floating chariot of the Micro Medical Team.

The next second, Jack Sun's bounty appeared on the Internet again, and this time everyone present did not dare not listen to Synapse's words.

"That's him!" Sun Jack stared at the other person, he was the cause of all this.

However, what he didn't expect was that before Synapse could speak, there were sudden bursts of screams from the nearby onlookers.

"Ahhhh!!! It's the synapse! He is the R\u0026D director of the fertility factory!!"

"Synape! I love you! I want to do it with you!!"

"Look! I have your face and name tattooed on my back!"

Not only the onlookers, but also the mercenaries were screaming and cheering.

When Synapse heard the cheers, he turned around with a smile and waved to the crowd around him, which caused another wave of screams.

"Is this guy a star?" Jack Sun just asked with a frown.

"No," the priest replied simply. "He's just a rich guy."

"Are there any rich people?" Jack Sun was confused.

"The desire for money among some people in the metropolis has been distorted. They will deify the rich. They feel that the rich are superior to others, and everything they do is right and has their own reasons. "

The priest's words were also heard by the distant synapse, and he smiled and nodded.

"Isn't it right? You can't earn what I earn in a day in a year. My savings are hundreds of times more than yours. This is enough to prove that my IQ is higher than yours and my moral character is nobler than yours. Otherwise, why should I You can make so much money, why can’t you make it?”

As he finished speaking, a group of people behind him immediately agreed. "Yes, yes!"

"Ahhhhh!! What a man, I like him so much."

"Wow, Synapse speaks with such style. He is indeed a rich man."

The priest held the shotgun in his hand and looked at him coldly, as if he was chanting and answering.

"The greed of capitalism is endless. When the means of production are completely deprived, they will not stop and start using money worship to distort people's spirits."

"Ouch." Synapse was originally looking at Sun Jack, but now it was looking at the priest.

"It's interesting, liberation theology? I thought they were all dead. For the sake of being black, I'll give you the 400 @, and you get out of the way."

The priest clenched the weapon in his hand and shook his head firmly. “I am the Black Bishop of Liberation Theology.”

"Then I'm going to give it a try. How much is your bishop worth? 600 @!" Synaptic Key shouted this. Seeing that the other party was still silent, he added more money layer by layer. "800, 1000!!"

Hearing this, the breathing around them became heavier, and everyone wished they could stand there instead of the priest.

The priest looked at the synapse in front of him, his voice was low at first, but became louder and louder.

"I am a human being! A person with absolute free will! I will never accept any alienation of my spirit from capital!"

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