Glitch utopia

Chapter 121 Transformation

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Hearing this, the expression on Sun Jack's face instantly became solemn, and he lowered his head to look at Lao Lu who was already tied up in front of him.

There was still that sneer on his face, and Ananda was still controlling his body.

"You're so fucking cool, aren't you? You're still showing off after you've lost!" Tapai rushed over and kicked Lao Liu in the face, knocking out half of his teeth.

"Jack, keep waiting. As I said, I will kill your body and spirit bit by bit, killing you from the inside out. As a monk, I will not lie. I will do what I say."

Ananda seemed to know that there was no chance of winning, so he controlled Si Ai and left directly after saying these harsh words. The Four Love Laos, Six Diamonds, and AA gradually regained consciousness, and soon all kinds of exclamations came one after another.

"My face! My gold teeth!! Bro!! What the hell happened!"

"Fuck! My hands! Pick them up quickly! They are so dirty when they fall on the floor!"

"Hurry up and disconnect from the Internet! Everyone, please physically disconnect from the Internet! Ananda just took control of my body! He invaded our system and turned us all into his cocks!"

As they began treatment, the entire apartment suddenly became chaotic.

Fortunately, AA was there, and she quickly reattached Si Ai's arm with some accessories.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Lu, who was covering his face, dragged King Kong who had turned into a human stick and rushed towards Si Ai's clinic. "Damn it, hackers are so powerful now? Can they still carry out physical attacks from a distance?"

"You go too, you lost a lot of blood, let Si Ai help you replenish the blood." Sun Jack picked up King Kong's limbs on the ground and put them into AA's arms.

"Okay!" AA nodded vigorously, "Boss, please wait for me for a while."

When everything was quiet, Jack Sun had already lit a cigarette, leaning back on the sofa, looking up at the hole in the ceiling.

"Is Ananda telling the truth? Is it me who betrays the Rat Alliance front? Am I the worm who betrays all my companions?"

A trace of confusion arose in Sun Jack's heart. Although there was only such a possibility, he began to feel a little repulsive and resistant to searching for the memories of the past.

He was afraid that if what Ananda said was true, if that were the case, the moment he retrieved his memory, he would become a selfish trash who betrayed his companions. Is that person really the person he is now?

The normal outlook based on false memories made Sun Jack reject that kind of distorted change and would rather die than become that person, even if Jack Li who had the betrayed memory was his true self.

At this moment, Jack Sun suddenly saw the dead priest standing in front of him, staring at him with his indifferent eyes. "No, I must avenge the priest!"

But just when Sun Jack made up his mind, the priest in front of him quickly turned into a ball of sand. When the sand regrouped, it turned into Ananda's face.

"But if I am a traitor, then it means that Ananda is a good person with firm beliefs. Then do I really want to avenge the priest and kill him?"

"What is the real Jack Sun? What is the real self?" Jack Sun began to have a headache, and it became more and more painful.

"Fuck! Look at your mother! I want to play with you or not, and peek at her secretly if you don't want me to! How fucking hypocritical!" The translucent bra was thrown down from the hole in the ceiling and covered Sun Jack's eyes.

Being scolded by Linda Linda, Sun Jack suddenly smiled. He suddenly realized that he was indeed hypocritical enough.

Why be confused? If something like this happened to someone else, wouldn't it be obvious what you would do?

If someone else has done something heinous and wrong, then you can kill them, but if you have done the same heinous thing, then you must also receive the same punishment.

Whether it was punishment or something else, he could admit it, even committing suicide to atone, but he had to figure out what all this was about! What happened to him in the past? Even if he died, he would die clearly.

After Jack Sun had sorted things out, the anomalies around him quickly disappeared. He picked up the synaptic head on the side and rushed out the door, "Tappa, let's go! Let's go find Xiao Ting%!"

"Aren't you waiting for them? They might be able to help."

"No, this is my private matter, there is no need to involve them!"

In the 69 Club, the shiny black panther limped from the stage to the backstage following the other big birds. As he adjusted the threshold of the pain editor to the minimum, he felt more comfortable.

Although it hurts in the butt, the Black Panther is very happy, especially after seeing the deposit in the lower left corner of the system change from a negative number to a positive number.

With the help of Jack Sun, who was looking for a job together before, he found a job, and it was a job with good income. He was very satisfied.

"I made a lot of money today, let's go have a good meal." Black Panther thought, took off the dangling nipples, put on his own clothes, and prepared to go home from get off work.

Just when he came out of Club 69, Black Panther saw Linda Linda walking over with a bad face.

"Sister Linda, what's wrong?" Black Panther greeted her friendly.

If she hadn't asked for help before, I wouldn't have been able to find this good job.

"Fuck! Forget it, there's a fight downstairs where I live, and the whole damn building is about to be demolished."

Linda took off her coat and threw it aside into the reception robot's hands, revealing her shiny three-point work uniform.

"Hey, it's inevitable. In the metropolis, fights are normal. I usually mute the system when I sleep." Black Panther said and walked out of Club 69.

Compared to the warm and soft purple-red interior, the outside seemed much damper and colder, and the black panther couldn't help but shudder.

"Navigation, nearest subway station."

Looking at the arrow suspended in front of him, the Black Panther stepped on high heels and walked towards it.

Just as he was walking past a store, Black Panther stopped and looked at the store inside the glass window. There were two sex robots, one male and one female.

He looked at the female model with a hint of longing in his eyes.

Emma800 entertainment version, this robot can not only provide physical companionship, but more importantly, it can provide family-like companionship.

This kind of luxury was something he couldn't even imagine in the past, but he can afford it as long as he works for 5 years.

Having solved the problem of eating and sleeping, the lonely Black Panther wants a lover, a family member who can comfort his wounds and a family member who can listen to his story.

He feels that only in this way can he truly live, not survive.

"We have to keep working hard. Next time, why don't we learn more skills from Linda Linda and learn how to get customers to tip more?"

The Black Panther pulled his collar, turned around and was about to leave when he heard shouting from the corner next to him. "Hey! Black Panther! Black Panther!"

When the Black Panther turned his head, he saw a thin man with acne on his face hiding in a corner, holding a green syringe in his hand.

"Skinny man? What are you doing here?" Black Panther asked him.

"It's nothing, I'm high."

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