Glitch utopia

Chapter 290 Book

Flying in the air, Sun Jack looked at the crowd holding various LED umbrellas on the street below. He suddenly felt that perhaps the people in the metropolis were not all abstract.

There are normal people too. The reason why he rarely meets them is that they changed early after suffering a loss.

The entire metropolis is like a big dye vat. Anyone who enters will be dyed black, otherwise they will not be able to survive.

They are already black, and it is too difficult to pull them out again.

Before, Li Jack wanted to mobilize the people of the metropolis to help him fight against the Holy Grail, but there was no hope at all. Even without Solomon, he would be betrayed by others. The tolerance rate was too low.

When the big Buddha head appeared in the distance, it was already half an hour later. Sun Jack lit two more cigarettes as soon as he landed.

"Why are you so addicted? If you keep smoking like this, don't get lung cancer." Tappai on the side reminded.

"With the current level of technology, why should we be afraid of lung cancer? If that happens, we can just get a new lung."

Sun Jieke stood in the rain and smoked for a while. Suddenly, he thought of something and asked directly, "Where is the matrix? Send me her current coordinates."

The matrix was not too difficult to find. As a person who didn't even have a system, she couldn't even take the subway, and she couldn't go anywhere except near Statue Street.

Sun Jieke found the matrix in the attic of the church. There were two yoga mats in the dusty attic, and there was no need for a cover. This was the temporary residence of the matrix.

Linda Linda helped her find this place, otherwise she would have to sleep in an unfinished building in Queens at night.

At this moment, she was wearing nothing but a tattered white T-shirt. She ate the nutritional paste in her hand one bite at a time and looked ahead blankly.

Sun Jieke glanced at her lower body and asked in confusion, "Where are your genitals?"

"I sold them. I replaced my face first. The doctor said that if you don't have a face for a long time, you will easily get cognitive confusion. Anyway, if you don't have a face, you can't sell your lower body for a high price." Matrix answered calmly, not surprised at all by Sun Jieke's arrival.

"How does it taste like what you earned from your own labor?" Sun Jieke sat down beside her and asked, looking at her profile.

"Ugh~" Matrix retched when she heard this, but she didn't spit it out and swallowed it back again.

Because she was holding back vomiting, tears welled up from the corners of her eyes. She turned around and looked at Sun Jieke in front of her, and her expression, which had just been tense, collapsed again in an instant. "Sun Jieke, why are you torturing me!"

Sun Jieke suddenly felt a little funny. "Did I torture you? How did I torture you? Did I torture you? Did I retaliate against you? Did I still abuse you in various ways?"

"Why did you force me to stay in this desperate hell!" Matrix said this with trembling hands and red eyes. It was obvious that she had not been very happy during this period, and it could even be said that it was very difficult, just like Sun Jack who had just entered the metropolis.

"I didn't torture you. This is not hell. This is life. Don't easily define other people's food, clothing, housing and transportation as hell. People in the metropolis have lived like this for thousands of years. You didn't see it in the past, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

Matrix collapsed and cried. She knew that her memories were all false, but compared with the days of the Holy Grail, life was too bitter.

She had been dreaming every night during this period, dreaming that she had returned to the Holy Grail again, and everything she had experienced before was just a wonderful experience directed by the Game Life Company.

But every time she woke up, the cold ceiling easily destroyed her hope.

Seeing the other person crying, Sun Jack was a little disappointed. He stood up and was about to leave, but Matrix grabbed his sleeve and said, "Don't go!"

"Let go!!" Sun Jack's expression instantly became extremely cold.

Matrix was frightened by Sun Jack's changed face, and immediately let go of her hand. After a while, she said with tears and sobs: "Jack, I really don't want to die, but my life has no meaning. I don't know why I am alive now. I am really in pain."

Sun Jack picked her up and said, "I am really surprised. Who has reduced you to this situation? Who treats you like a monkey? Who treats you as a disposable tool and throws you away after use? Are you a rubber? Are you really not angry at all when others treat you like this? Don't you want revenge at all?"

Hearing this, Matrix's tears stopped and looked straight at Sun Jack.

Sun Jieke let her go and lifted the rag beside him. Under the rag was a pile of books. These were all books of the dead priest. On the top book, there were three big words, Capital.

"If you have no goals in life and don't know why you live, maybe you should read these. I believe that based on your own experience during this period, you can find out who really tortured you and figure out what class you are in now."

After saying that, Sun Jieke turned around and left without looking back, leaving Matrix alone in the attic.

This was just an attempt. Whether it succeeded or not, he could do it anyway.

Matrix sat in the same place and looked at the pile of books beside her. She had lived in this place for some time, but she had never noticed that there were still these paper books under these dusty cloths.

Matrix touched the book, and the special touch felt very strange. She had never touched a book in her hundreds of years of memory. These antiques from the previous era should no longer exist.

She recalled Sun Jieke's words and subconsciously turned to the first page. The book was very obscure, but Matrix didn't even have a system and had nothing else to do, so she tried to read it.

As a Matrix with the memory of the Holy Grail, it was not difficult to understand the whole book, because she had experienced everything mentioned above, and even did it herself.

It was late at night, and Matrix was still reading until the day gradually brightened, and Matrix's hand stopped turning the book.

She suddenly found out why she lived so painfully. Who caused it? They created her own pain!

Matrix's lifeless eyes were bright again, and she began to have a goal in her heart. She wanted revenge!

"Revenge? Is the meaning of my existence just revenge?" Matrix was suddenly stunned. She continued to flip through these books. Except for Das Kapital, all the books here were read once.

Her missing cognition, world outlook and everything were gradually filled with something.

The invisible Sun Jack watched everything that happened silently from the side.

"Is it true that only when you are really beaten will you feel the pain?"

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