Glitch utopia

Chapter 2: Intelligence

Jack Sun finally understood at this moment. Why are there doors in the ceiling and floor, and why are those walls made of metal?

Because that was not a door at all, but a space capsule. It turned out that I had been walking sideways on the wall since I woke up!

Jack Sun, who had been shocked for a long time, stretched his face over and pressed it against the glass to identify it carefully. Although it was gray, he was very sure that this planet was the Earth.

However, there were some changes from the previous situation. The blue planet was completely wrapped in a ball of gray metal garbage, as if covered with a layer of gray gauze.

Those metal garbage are all satellites, and densely packed satellite garbage of all kinds surrounds the entire planet.

Jack can barely distinguish the outlines of some satellites here with the naked eye, which is enough to show how big those satellites are.

"Why are there so many satellites? How many years are these?" Sun Jack was very sure that with the technology of the era he remembered, he would never be able to do such a thing, even if he added the five years of lost memory. .

And when Sun Jack's eyes moved away from the earth and looked to the left, he froze instantly. A silver-gray planetary ring wraps around the Earth's waist like a belt. But the moon, which should have existed, disappeared.

Most of the planetary rings are filled with rocks, spaceships and space station wreckage, and he is currently in it.

At this moment, Jack Sun finally figured out the problem that had been bothering him since he woke up, where he was. He is in a large space station surrounded by a planetary ring of the moon.

But then the second question came one after another, how should I go back?

The space station is in space, and this space station seems to be half-dead. It is undoubtedly more difficult to get back to the earth from the sky than to go to the sky.

But Jack Sun doesn't need to solve this problem, because the cruel reality has already solved it for him.

The tremors in the entire space station were increasing, and the screen behind him was also flashing continuously, and even felt a little warm to the touch. Sun Jack was shocked to find that the moment he just made it seemed that he had broken the gray electricity balance that had been maintained in this place for a long time.

Along with these movements, Jack Sun saw terrifying changes outside the glass. The top-like space station beneath him was slowly pulling out of the planetary ring and tilting towards the Earth's atmosphere.

A chill instantly went from the back of his spine to his brain. "Holy crap! You're going to fall right back! I want to go back, but I don't want to go back like this!"

"Do something! You must do something!" Jack Sun, who began to sweat on his forehead, quickly came to the flashing screen. After realizing that no matter what he did, there was no response, he quickly swam out of the place and floated towards other rooms.

Perhaps Sun Jack had just activated something, and some closed hatches could be opened. Sun Jack, who was so anxious that he broke out in a cold sweat, kept looking for the last chance of survival in various space capsules. No matter it was an escape ship or something, as long as he could survive That’s it.

"Quick, quick, quick!!" Sun Jack could already feel the increasing centrifugal force caused by the rolling of the entire space capsule, and he understood that there was not much time left for him.

Jack Sun found the cargo hold, sports cabin, and various cabins one by one.

With a "bump", the half-covered hatch was pushed open by Jack Sun, and rows of robots fixed on the wall, ceiling and ground appeared in front of him.

These robots are generally similar to humans except that their feet are anti-jointed iron hooves and their eyes are a row of monitors.

He had no time to be surprised by the technology of this robot. He just wanted to ask these robots if they knew where the escape ship was.

Seeing them, Sun Jack seemed to see the last glimmer of hope. He quickly untied the restraints and started looking for the robot's switch.

After fumbling around, when Jack Sun's finger crossed a screen under the opponent's armpit, the display that replaced the robot's eyes suddenly lit up, showing two simple simplified icons for eyes.

"Hello? Hello?! Can you hear me? Where is the escape ship? Where is the escape ship!!" Jack Sun grabbed the robot that was floating due to weightlessness and asked quickly.

The robot responded immediately, "Kinesiska paketet %....50%....70%....Chinese data packet loading completed," the voice was calm but mechanical.

"Dear user, welcome to Tapai Technology products, please customize a name for this product."

"I'll go!! Did I make a mistake?! It's so troublesome?!"

"Name customization successful: Did I make a mistake? Please select the initial mode." Three options appeared on the robot's display, guard mode, caregiver mode, and entertainment mode.

The anxious Sun Jack quickly clicked on the guard mode, but then various other options popped up. He really didn't expect that the new robot would require so many settings to use.

When the tremors of the space station began to shake off some capsule parts, which were already floating in the air, Jack Sun finally completed the settings.

"Hello Jack Sun, I'm glad to serve you if I made a mistake. I'm glad to serve you." Two smiling eyes appeared on the robot's display.

"Do you know this place? It's about to crash! Do you know where there is an escape capsule or a spaceship?" Jack Sun said in an urgent tone.

What people didn't expect was that the robot actually responded. "User level one red crisis, automatic alarm recording and recording of the entire process is enabled, emergency rescue is initiated... Ding~ Satellite positioning is not responding, network failure, insufficient data, and rescue cannot be performed."

At this moment, there was a terrible metal creaking sound coming from outside, as if the entire space station was about to be torn apart. The fear of death made Sun Jack's body unable to help but tremble together.

Just when he was about to give up on this useless robot and look for other solutions, the robot suddenly made new noises.

"Link to unknown subnet 12.128.C1, UU Reading data collection completed, planning rescue plan failed, error reason: insufficient logical thinking ability, unable to understand the subnet data logic, please agree to ROOT permission authorization, it will be opened after consent Start the AI ​​logic system iteration based on the subnet data and judge that the rescue probability will increase by 32.3%."

"Agree! Agree!" Although Jack Sun couldn't quite understand what the other party said, he still understood that the probability of rescue had increased.

"System iteration begins...." A progress bar began to appear on the robot's display.

At this moment, the entire cabin suddenly broke apart, and a metal plate was thrust into the robot's head like a guillotine.

Jack Sun pulled his metal arm hard towards him, but he forgot that he was in a weightless state. When he pulled the robot over, under the effect of conservation of force, he came to the position of the robot.

Seeing that the metal plate was about to pierce his head, Sun Jack kicked the robot hard, and the metal plate almost scratched Sun Jack's face.

Under this thrust, Jack Sun hit the wall and then stopped. Before he could take a breath, a rapidly spinning nut bounced towards his neck like a bullet.

Just as the nut was about to shoot through Sun Jack's neck, an iron hand suddenly stretched out from the side. With a "clang" sound, the two collided and a spark was produced, and the nut was knocked away far away.

Jack Sun looked along the metal arm and found that the robot he had just started blocked most of his left side with its metal body.

The robot slowly raised its head with its metal head, and met Sun Jack's eyes.

"What the hell, what a stupid name." The robot spoke.

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