Glitch utopia

Chapter 300 Counterattack

"They are not monolithic. I guessed it right. This time it was just Gaofeng Technology using the excuse of the association to suppress me." Jack Sun immediately guessed the trick.

He knew that his identity was too sensitive, so he involved Eve and the Federation in order to prevent Gaofeng Technology from taking the blame alone.

When he figured this out, Jack Sun immediately decided to divide the other party first.

"Everyone, do you really want to be used as a weapon by Gaofeng Technology? You have never sold hooks! If you leave now, it will only be a personal grudge between me and Gaofeng Technology."

"I don't care who you are, but you have to think clearly, I am a Holy Grail person. If I regain my memory now, then when I return to the Holy Grail, I will talk about it and talk about the management of Metropolis. He is so diligent and conscientious and never uses his power for personal gain.”

"If you kill me, are you guys really not going to get into big trouble?"

When Jack Sun said this, he saw some of the digital people hesitate, and some of the surrounding combat units also slowly retreated.

"Do you think you can escape like this? Mr. Sun, it's useless for you to sow discord like this, because you have already violated the rules. You can't scare the federation by scaring us."

Hearing what No. 13 said, Sun Jack smiled. He looked around, looked at these people with disdain and said, "Who said you wanted to scare? Hehehe, you said you wanted to really kill a real Holy Grail man, then outside What kind of rhythm will it be brought to by those clones of mine?”

"Tell me, if this situation is blatantly broadcast live, will people living in the metropolis have more thoughts in their minds? Can my clone use this to formulate any conspiracy theories?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Jack Sun, their hearts suddenly thumped, and a strong sense of uneasiness surged into their hearts.

The next moment, Jack Sun's eyes narrowed, he pulled out his lightsaber and rushed towards the fighting mechanical dog next to him. Faced with their attacks, Jack Sun did not dodge at all and forced his head upwards.

He wants to risk his own life to gain hope! !

Everyone in the Federation has considered one thing wrong about Sun Jack from the beginning, that is, since he dares to come, he is not afraid of not being able to go back. His clones are all over the metropolis. Even if he dies, clone Sun Jack He will also persevere with his belief.

As long as it can cause big trouble to the enemy, Jack Sun doesn't care whether he or his clone dies.

The first person to react was Eve. As her translucent body kept flashing, Sun Jack's prosthetics malfunctioned one after another. Then all the robots quickly rushed forward and tightly controlled Sun Jack's limbs.

However, at this moment, there were constant and abnormal noises coming from Jack Sun's abdomen, which was the movement of the nuclear reactor.

Almost instantly, seven or eight mechanical arms inserted into Sun Jack's abdomen. In the bloody mess, they took out the reactor and quickly stopped the explosion.

The nuclear explosion crisis was resolved, but this scene was actually spread to the Internet. For a time, the entire Metropolis network was in an uproar. Sun Jack's public opinion completely suppressed all hot spots. The Metropolis Federation was really attacking Holy Grail Man! !

For a time, various Holy Grail conspiracy theories emerged on the Internet, and the citizens of Metropolis naturally did not react so quickly. Some of them were led by the clone Sun Jack.

Seeing that the situation was starting to get out of control, No. 2, No. 4, No. 6 and No. 10 in the federation did not know when they went offline, leaving only cold empty shells standing there.

As they withdrew, some of the surrounding combat units also began to withdraw in an orderly manner.

Jack Sun was right before he said that the benefits given up by Gaofeng Technology were not worth offending a Holy Grail man. The whole matter had nothing to do with them anyway.

Seeing that someone actually quit, No. 13 knew that he couldn't wait any longer. God knows how much trouble this guy would cause if he waited any longer.

"Don't worry so much! Forcibly enter his memory! If he continues to cause trouble like this, the entire market will be destroyed!" As No. 13 issued a new order. The memory-implanted machine was quickly carried up by two drones.

Seeing that the machine was getting closer and closer to Sun Jack, Tapai wanted to rush over to help, but was blocked directly. Both the chicken and the main body were blocked out.

The situation became extremely critical. When Jack Sun felt that the tentacles were about to wrap around his head, he immediately yelled: "Did you really offend me?! If my memory was stuffed back! I would still be the Holy Grail." People! Do you really want to offend me because of Gaofeng Technology?”

Just after Jack Sun yelled this sentence, No. 7, who had no sense of existence before, spoke up, "Anyway, it involves the Holy Grail, should we apply to it?

When No. 7 spoke first, other digital people also suggested. The machine approaching Sun Jack also stopped instantly, just one centimeter away from Sun Jack's head.

Jack Sun broke out in a cold sweat and looked at No. 7. He was not very grateful. If he hadn't used his identity to fool these people, he would have almost been thrust back into Sun Zhan's memory.

Sun Tzu Zhan's memory lasts hundreds of years. If it were input, his short-term memory would not be diluted enough.

The application process was not slow. Not long after, a white light suddenly fell on the heads of thirteen people.

When he saw No. 13 snorting coldly, Sun Jack immediately understood that things had taken a turn for the better.

Soon, Sun Jack's network was restored. Not only was it restored, but they also thoughtfully helped him reopen the live broadcast room.

In front of Sun Jack's live broadcast, No. 7 finally spoke, and he said in his unique official tone: "Metropolis is a free city. There are no taboos in Metropolis, and everyone can choose their own lifestyle."

As if to take care of the people who didn't understand in the live broadcast room, No. 7 even thoughtfully briefly summarized the relationship between Sun Jack and Sun Zizhan.

"Yes, this Mr. Sun is a Holy Grail man, but he refuses to accept any past memories and is only willing to be a citizen of Metropolis. We respect everyone's freedom of choice, so according to the decision of the Holy Grail Conference, Sun Jack's inheritance rights to Sun Zizhan's assets will be cancelled, and Sun Jack's identity as a Holy Grail man will no longer be recognized."

"Here I want to tell all the citizens of Metropolis that Metropolis is a very healthy city. If someone drops the Holy Grail, naturally someone will ascend to the Holy Grail. The ascending channel will always exist, as long as everyone holds a dream to fight! Everyone has the hope of becoming an immortal Holy Grail man!"

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