Glitch utopia

Chapter 328 Dad

Lao Liu was lying in his office, puffing away, happily enjoying the services of the three mouths under the table. As he took out an electronic drug and inserted it into the port behind his ear, his whole body twitched with pleasure.

With his eyes glowing blue, he regained his composure and proudly showed off to his live broadcast room, "Did you see it? This is the fucking life people live!! Family members! Did you see it!"

Even though he is in this position, Lao Liu still has not forgotten his original intention and is still doing his old job of anchoring. It's just that he was a battlefield anchor before, but now he is a wealth-showing anchor.

Looking back now, Lao Liu is still very grateful for his decision to save those two SBs. The development of his group from a makeshift mercenary group to the current situation is all due to his own difficult choices.

Just when he was enjoying it so much, he suddenly heard an irritated voice coming from his ears, "Song 6pUS! What's going on with your HR side! Why don't the books match up! It's so annoying!!"

As soon as he heard the voice, Lao Liu knew that it was the finance department that was causing trouble for him. She was the only one in the entire company who would cause trouble for her.

“Girl~ If it’s not right, it’s not right. It’s probably a mistake~”

"How could the error be as high as 2 million? Did you use it for prostitution?"

'waht?! How can you say that to me? Am I that kind of person? "Old Liu put on his pants angrily.

"Anyway, the accounts don't match up! You can figure it out on your own! If they don't match up before this quarter's settlement! I'll report it directly to the BOSS! It's really annoying."

Thinking of Jack Sun's hyperthyroid face, Lao Liu couldn't help but take a breath. His bro was not in a good mood recently, and he couldn't get into trouble by himself.

"How about I give the finance woman a share of the money and let her help me make false accounts? If my bro finds out, can I just blame the accountant?"

But after thinking about it, Lao Liu couldn't help but sigh, but he had already spent all his money on prostitution and could no longer afford to bribe the accountant.

"What should we do?" Lao Liu thought for a while, then suddenly his eyes lit up and he turned around and ran towards the logistics department.

As soon as I arrived at the logistics department, I found that there were more rags on the ground, and there was no place to stand on the ground.

Seeing AA with half of her body buried in the machine, Old Liu immediately walked towards her with a mouth full of gold teeth. "Beautiful little AA with outstanding skills~ Lend me some money~~"

"No! No money, and you never pay back the money you borrowed." Two AA heads emerged from the two gaps in the circular machine, looking at Old Six angrily.

"How come you don't have money? You don't have money anywhere else, so you must have saved a lot of money." Lao Lu suddenly looked at her with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Of course I want to use it! It's of great use!"

"What's the big deal?"

"We'll pay to fix it - I won't tell you!" The two AAs made faces and got back into the machine.

Seeing that he couldn't borrow money here, Lao Liu went to find other people who had eliminated Hanks, but still to no avail. It seemed that he was not very popular within the company.

"Why can't I use the skills that Jack can use? Are they treated so differently?"

Just when he was still worrying about money, when he saw that the children's gang in the system had withdrawn, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he was ready to take advantage of the lack of manpower to demolish one wall in the company's operation to make up for the other.

However, before he could operate for long, the clones Jack filled the vacancies one after another, making it difficult for him to start.

Just when he was leaning in the office and secretly feeling sad, feeling that the whole world was targeting him, the company's AI assistant popped up directly from the system interface. "Minister 6, someone is looking for trouble. He said he is your father."

"FUCK!! I'm your dad!" Old 6 started arguing with his AI.

"Based on the comparison of your facial features and database search, the probability that the visitor is your father is 95%."

"Father?" When Lao Liu heard this, he was slightly startled. The memories of the distant past gradually emerged in his mind. He immediately stood up and walked towards the company hall.

As soon as he arrived at the lobby, Lao Liu saw a bald old man in ragged clothes and full of stench standing cautiously by the door.

When he saw the gorgeously dressed Lao Lu, his eyes suddenly lit up and he limped towards Lao Lu.

Only then did Lao Liu see that one of the other party's feet was broken and was wearing a tattered prosthetic hand.

The bald man came to Lao Lu and smiled shyly, showing the few teeth left in his mouth, "Hi, kid, long time no see."

Then he panicked and touched up and down, took out a rain-soaked hamburger from his arms, and carefully handed it to Lao Lu.

Linda, who was watching the show next to her, came over curiously, "Is this your father? I didn't expect that a person like you could be born in this life."

"Hmm~~" Seeing this scene, Lao Liu made a long nasal sound, "Did you see it? It's my biological father at first glance. Look, how filial he is."

After saying that, he reached out to take the burger and walked out the door. Lao Liu's father nodded to Linda Linda in good faith and quickly followed behind.

The two of them, one in front and one behind, were walking on the street.

Old Liu didn't say anything, and the old man who was following behind was uneasy and didn't dare to speak, as if he was a little afraid of his own children.

Just as he walked into a small alley, Lao Lu suddenly ducked in sideways.

Just as his father followed his example and walked in, he was grabbed by the neck by the newly replaced mechanical arm of Old 6, which was shining with gold, and pressed against the wall and lifted up.

Then he smeared the hamburger in his hand, which had already been kneaded into mud, on the other person's face like painting, "yoyoyo~ Look who this is, isn't this 5E? I'm Dmotherfucker? How come I'm so tired after not seeing you for a few years?"

5E struggled and coughed, and said excitedly: "I was wrong~ cough cough~ I was wrong, child."

"Dear Dmotherfucker, what's wrong with you? What did you do wrong?"

Old 6's artificial hand tightened quickly, pinching the other person's face red. "I shouldn't have sold your mother~!"

"You just said 'sell'? Did you miss something?"

5e grabbed Lao 6's fingers and forced them apart, saying hastily: "But it's not my fault! I sold your mother after she died!"

"Hehe~myfather! Is it that simple? If you can't remember, I'll remind you again! You sold all her internal organs first! Then you stuffed a succubus + applet into her dead brain, and then sold it to the brothel madam as a corpse sex doll!!"

Every time Lao 6 said a word, the strength in his hand became heavier. As he finished speaking, 5E's neck had been pressed into a thin tube. At this moment, his face became ashen due to lack of blood, as if he was going to die in the next second!

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