Glitch utopia

Chapter 456: The Resistance

"Wait, are you advertising in a dream?"

When Jack Sun asked this, the monk named 4sever suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Jack Donor, actually, you can't blame me. In Gomorrah, advertising in dreams is completely legal."

Through Jack Sun's constant questioning of this man, he finally understood that in Gomora, advertising for dreams was actually a formal business, similar to the overwhelming 3D holographic projection advertising spaces in Metropolis.

The dreamland in each area is like an advertising space. Anyone or any organization can advertise in the dreamland as long as you pay, whether it is selling something or promoting something else.

Of course, as a capitalist city, it is very humane, and this is not mandatory.

You can also use Gomora's currency of 30 rubles to upgrade yourself to a noble VIP user, and then you will have the power to block all dream advertisements.

"Tch, you still have to spend money if you don't watch ads? What a waste? Are you stupid? Didn't you know that hypothalamic surgery blocks sleep?" Gang Xin complained.

As soon as he said these words, a legal regulation of Gomorrah popped up directly, "According to research by psychological experts, canceling sleep will greatly increase the probability of developing cybernetic disorder. Therefore, after unanimous deliberation by the Gomorrah Elders Council, in order to Everyone's physical and mental health, therefore, in the city of Gomorrah, any hypothalamus modification surgery and the sale of some hardware and software that can block sleep are absolutely illegal. "

"If someone knows the law and breaks the law, then there will be no tolerance for such criminals who harm the physical and mental health of the people of Gomorrah, and they will be punished with death."

Jack Sun also received this message. Obviously, every city has its own differences, but everything remains the same. In essence, it is nothing more than the monopoly of capital.

This so-called night-time company is very capable. In order to monopolize its own advertising business, it directly forcibly changes the city's laws.

It is precisely because of this kind of local capital that other advertising capital cannot penetrate and cannot break its monopoly, so Gomorrah is completely different from Metropolis.

Whether it's an advertisement or not, it doesn't matter to him. Jack Sun doesn't care. What he cares about now is the other uses of this thing.

"Has the technology you call Night Style Company been weaponized?"

If this so-called night-time company has the technology to make people fall asleep directly in place, it will be troublesome.

If we don't understand the science and technology that the other party has, we may be in serious trouble when the troops from Metropolis arrive.

I came here early this time to explore the way and avoid these things from happening.

"They have indeed weaponized this technology, and there are many types of it, but don't worry, we have been fighting with them for so long, and we have specially designed a dream shielding software c.41, which can avoid night-type companies to the greatest extent. The intrusion." As he spoke, the monk took out an electronic chip from the green cassock made of 0s and 1s and handed it to Jack Sun.

Just as Sun Jack was about to take over, Tower Pai on the side directly reached out to take it and inserted it into his own system slot. "I'll help you go through it and kill the virus. If there's no problem, I'll install it into your system remotely."

Jack Sun nodded. "OK, remember to ask the hacker to completely decipher the software, and then send it to the company channel so that everyone can install it in their nervous systems."

"no problem."

After briefly contacting these people and learning the general situation from their mouths, Sun Jack directly added all the resistance forces in Omorah to the online channel.

"How many people can you mobilize here now? If my troops start to attack by then, how much help can you provide?" Sun Jack asked directly to the people in front of him.

"Uh" Hearing this, everyone's faces showed embarrassment.

Seeing the expressions on their faces and what he had seen outside before, Sun Jack immediately had an idea. "It's okay to say it, I'm mentally prepared."

If this group of people had the ability to overturn the Holy Grail, they wouldn't have come to help themselves.

"Borrow me," a nun stepped forward and said to Sun Jack.

Jack Sun glanced at the black fishnet stockings, and the nun's name was covered in black cloth in one eye. “揸Fit.”

The name is weird, but Jack Sun is used to it.

"In fact, at the beginning, we were indeed very close to success, but in the end we still fell short. Our technological levels are too different. Even if you open source DNA programming technology, there is still a clear gap."

"If the lurking people are allowed to take action at the same time now, Gomorrah has a total of 21 urban districts and can probably control three slums."

"Only 3? And they are all in slums?" Sun Jack knew that this was not enough, this was far from enough. If the Gomora resistance army had this strength, even if they won, the Metropolis troops would suffer heavy losses. Got to be heavy.

"Let's go, send your people! Follow me to get the supplies."

With the help of the Tower Pai, a group of people passed through the strict blockade and surveillance, and finally arrived at the shield machine.

Facing the materials and resources sent by Jack Sun, the Gomora resistance army was suddenly excited and quickly called for people to transport them carefully.

"What happens after we have all this? When the time comes to allow the Holy Grail of Gomora to compete with Metropolis, can it let the backyard catch fire?" Sun Jack asked again.

JiFit, who was injecting himself with DNA strengthening potion, nodded excitedly, "If you can close the network! Then our winning rate will be at least 50% higher!"

After hearing what the other party said, Sun Jack turned to look at Tower Pai, "How are you doing here? Can Gomora's Holy Grail network be breached?"

"No problem, now all the servers in Metropolis are under my control. I have never fought such a rich battle." Tapai said confidently. "When the time comes, I will try to seize control of their combat machinery."

"Don't be too careless. You and the digital personality should pay more attention to things on the Internet. I will leave all the above matters to you." Jack Sun patted the other party's shoulder lightly.

"Jiu Wang, what should we do then?" At this moment, Jia Fit walked over and asked with great concern.

Jack Sun glanced at the other person, and the other person's luminous inverted cross earrings made him take another look.

"Don't worry, please send me the specific situation of Gomora and all the military data obtained when fighting them. I will let my think tank sort it out first."

As Jack Sun spoke, he took over control of all the spy nano bugs that had been spread out.

At this moment, the nun stretched out her hand towards Jack Sun.

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