Glitch utopia

Chapter 481 Who is it?

I don't know how long it took, but Sun Jack woke up in a trance, and he kept hearing the continuous warnings of the system.

"Warning! Warning! The subject's vital signs data deteriorated sharply, the heart rate has dropped below 30 beats per minute, the blood pressure dropped sharply to below 70/40 mmHg, and the blood oxygen saturation was less than 73%. Brain activity shows severe ischemia and hypoxia, the situation is critical, please immediately start the emergency rescue plan, or purchase medical rescue services."

"Damn, why is this broken system still installed?" Sun Jack shook his head in the dark, and when he found that he was still alive, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Sun Jack wanted to move, but found that his limbs could not move at all. He didn't know whether they were buried in the soil or directly broken.

Turning on the night vision device that came with the artificial eye, Sun Jack saw that his head was stuffed into a solid armor plate.

When he saw the smiley face graffiti on it, Sun Jack realized that this armor plate was the armor plate on Tapai's body.

"Is anyone still alive? Tapai? Poet?" Sun Jack asked in the local area network.

"I'm here." The poet's voice sounded vaguely. Soon, accompanied by the sound of soil digging, not long after, Sun Jack, who was unable to move, was dug out by the poet.

When the cold acid rain dripped on his face, Sun Jack realized that he could see the sky again.

But he didn't come out by himself, but the soil between the ground and the shield machine was directly vaporized, and an extremely huge pit appeared in the concrete forest in the wilderness, and he himself was at the bottom of the pit where acid rain was constantly gathering.

Fortunately, he was still alive.

Sun Jack's body was miserable, with blood and flesh all over his body, half of his body was deformed, including the titanium alloy bones in his body. If his DNA had not been strengthened, he would have died long ago.

The poet on the side was not much better, two steel bars pierced his head, and his lower body had disappeared.

The poet looked at his own reflection in the puddle, and suddenly his face was filled with ecstasy. He raised his index finger with his right hand, "Aha! I have inspiration again!"

"Don't think about your crappy poem! Hurry up and find someone else!" Sun Jack controlled the remaining nanoworms and drilled into his paralyzed body, acting as a temporary exoskeleton for movement.

He opened his prosthesis and began to quickly scan the bottom of the muddy pit, looking for other living people. When he switched to thermal imaging, he immediately made new discoveries.

Soon, Sun Jack found Tappai without armor in a bubbling puddle. He looked very serious, and his core was constantly smoking, as if he would spontaneously combust in the next moment.

"Hey! Are you okay? Cheer up!!" Sun Jack instinctively patted Tappai's body twice, just like patting a TV with a bad signal when he was a child.

Ta Pai grabbed Sun Jack with one hand, and his screen kept flashing like a malfunction, "Quick! Go! I can't stop them, they have located us!"

The next second, low warnings sounded outside the pit, and spaceships flashed red light through the clouds and rushed down to surround them.

When Sun Jack saw this scene, his heart sank. He should have thought of it earlier. In this decapitation operation, FFP used all means. How could it be so easy to let him escape?

"Am I going to die here?" Sun Jack thought unwillingly.

Soon, various combat units began to aim various weapons at Sun Jack in the pit.

Facing this inevitable situation, the dilapidated Ta Pai reached out and pulled Sun Jack behind him. "Don't be afraid, I'll protect you."

The next second, an explosion sounded, and various flames exploded on FFP's combat units.

The various missiles and lasers shot over deviated from their positions.

"BOSS!! Don't worry! We are here to save you!"

Accompanied by a strange voice in Sun Jack's system. Fighter planes flew through the clouds and began to attack the FFP combat units frantically.

When Sun Jack saw the rough plastic bags and cockroach graffiti on the fighter planes and mechas, he realized that it was the reinforcements of the nearby savages who had arrived.

The savages who had been saved by Sun Jack picked up various weapons and began to save Sun Jack. This scene touched Sun Jack's heart a little. He was not doing useless work during this period.

"Main body! Overlap consciousness!" Another clone of Sun Jack connected to the local area network.

As Sun Jack's consciousness overlapped with the clone that came, his body returned to the best condition again, and everything came back.

Thinking of the situation where he almost died just now, Sun Jack was furious.

"Fuck you!" Sun Jack waved his hand, and the laser stick in his hand suddenly became longer, directly piercing a fighter plane.

"Rest here! I'll be back soon!" The nanoworms wrapped Sun Jack and rushed directly to the FFP team.

Obviously, the wilderness here is the home of the savages. In addition, it is obvious that this is a decapitation operation. The combat units dispatched by FFP are mainly single-soldier assassinations, and they do not have the strength to fight a small-scale war.

When the reinforcements of the savages are increasing, the battle is doomed.

Soon, when Sun Jack controlled the automatic howitzer and blasted the liquid robot into slag, the crisis was finally over.

"Go! Don't be targeted again!" Sun Jack issued a retreat order.

When Sun Jack brought everyone back to the AA space carrier between the clouds, they were finally completely safe.

Inside the space carrier, most of the combat equipment has been replaced with residential areas, and the huge mothership is like a small city.

When thousands of Sun Jack's clones reconnected with himself, Sun Jack's sense of security was instantly restored.

He immediately sent the tower to repair AA. Fortunately, Tapai is a robot, so as long as the core is not broken, other problems are not a problem.

"It's not UO, it's not him who betrayed me."

After calming down, Sun Jack said to Tower Pai: "As soon as I finished talking to him, FFP took action. The time between them was too short, so short that unless the combat units of FFP could teleport, it would be impossible. He told the secret."

"And logically speaking, he and I are in the same boat. It is not in his interest for him to betray me."

"Then who do you think betrayed our position?" Tapai asked.

Jack Sun shook his head. "I don't know, no matter who he is, I must find out!"

Jack Sun said, patting Tapai on the shoulder, "You rest first, I'll go to the medical department to see the poet. This guy helped a lot at that time."


Seeing that Ta Pai was issuing emojis again, Sun Jack knew that nothing was wrong with him, so he went to find the poet with peace of mind.

But just when he arrived at the medical department and was about to rush to the poet's ward, suddenly a familiar figure in the transparent operating room next to him pinned him in place like a body-fixing spell.

Sun Jack watched her gently remove the deformed spine of the savage, gently install the titanium alloy skeleton, and gently tighten all the screws on the curved bones.

The person seemed to feel Sun Jack's gaze. She subconsciously raised her head and smiled slightly at Sun Jack.

The other person's appearance was deeply imprinted in his mind, that was the Four Loves.

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