Glitch utopia

Chapter 52 Beast

Jack Sun checked the cannonball launching device again, opened the door and walked towards the Colosseum. After taking a few steps, he stopped with a strange expression. "Wait for me a few minutes."

"Are you scared?"

"I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach. It's probably because I'm not used to Ke's food. I need to go to the toilet."

Hearing Sun Jack's words, Si Ai's face suddenly showed disgust. "You still have to poop? How disgusting."

"Damn! Is it disgusting to go to the toilet? Don't you usually go to the toilet?!"

"Of course not, my digestive tract system has been modified."

"..." Jack Sun was speechless. The ancients had no status. They would be looked down upon even for taking a shit.

Jack Sun opened the map and located the toilet. The toilet was very clean and had no smell at all. There was even a holographic TV opposite the toilet. The only drawback was that it cost money.

Just when Jack Sun was about to turn off the TV, Song 6PUS in the TV commercial made him stop.

Human anchor Song 6PUS VS animal anchor Mark, the odds of winning or losing are 5/3, and the odds of death are 1/2.

The live broadcast will be at 3.45pm tomorrow, so stay tuned!

"I go!"

"You can't be wrong! Song 6pus is here. I just saw his advertisement on TV." Jack Sun walked back and said to the others.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go in quickly and mingle with the people on 18th Street. Remember we are not here to kill people, so keep a low profile." Si Ai said and walked towards the Colosseum in the distance.

As soon as the five people approached, a fat man who was eating pizza jumped out from the side with two followers. "Stop! Damn it! If you don't want to die, Satan's bastard, get out of here! You're not welcome here!"

The targeted priest pulled off his trench coat a little, revealing the ring of thorns under the inverted cross.

"Fuck! I don't care if you quit! Get out of here!"

"Hey! Damn you, fat man!" Si Ai spoke vulgarly and pushed forward with a strong attitude.

"The doorkeeper should keep a good watch on the door! Don't get into trouble! We are here to find your boss! Who the hell are you!!"

Not to be outdone, the priest on the side directly raised the shotgun in his hand and pressed it against his stomach.

The fat man seemed to want to say something more, but in the end he gave up and gave way.

"Is this what you call low-key?" Sun Jack looked at her with a strange expression.

"I don't have a high profile. This is the normal conversation of these people. If you are soft, others will not take you seriously at all."

"Oh, I learned it." Jack Sun nodded clearly.

As soon as Jack Sun and others entered the Colosseum, they were greeted by harsh, noisy roars, which forced AA to turn down the system volume.

Inside the building is a wide square space with a deliberately high ceiling. Within the iron fences inside the building, desperate fights are taking place. There are people fighting against humans, animals fighting against humans, and cyborgs fighting against animals. Above the cages. The entire series of projections updates the odds on both sides at all times.

As if to show off their strength, the wall on the left is filled with all kinds of ferocious beasts.

The animals in these colosseums are not only like humans, but not only are they equipped with various prosthetic limbs, but their eyes are bloodshot and they look irrational.

Surrounding the iron cage are those crazy men and women, who frantically cheer for their chosen players. Every time the body is torn apart and bloody death, they will be greeted with bursts of cheers.

Just as Sun Jack was observing the dim interior decoration, a waiter wearing a Roman dress came over and smiled and said please come with her. It was obvious that they had been noticed.

Jack Sun and others were brought to the VIP private rooms located at the four corners of the Colosseum.

The wall of the private room that was hung on the wall slowly opened, and Jack Sun saw a bald head. Sun Jack felt that he seemed to have a taboo with bald heads, why was he bald again.

It was a bald man wearing a studded jacket, with the thorns 18 symbol on the left side of his face. His eyes had obviously been modified and turned into square black-framed one-piece sunglasses. A huge red dot, like a blood-red eyeball, moved from left to right, and then from right to left. It keeps shaking back and forth on the screen.

Although his eyes were very special, Sun Jack's attention was entirely focused on the beast with bulging veins behind him. It was a dog, but it was not much smaller than a lion, and most of the dog's body was almost completely numb. Integration.

The remaining flesh and blood had veins popping out, and it looked very cruel and weird.

Just by looking at it, Jack Sun knew that this dog was basically a fighting machine.

At this moment, it was riding on the back of a mechanical dog equipped with combat prosthetics, constantly thrusting and drooling. The mechanical dog also had a row of words carved on its forehead, "Company Dog".

"My name is: Angswer.01 Nice to meet you all." The bald man introduced himself, causing Sun Jack's eyes to shift from the dog to him.

"I've heard about you. I heard that you dug up the dirt on that celebrity. I also heard that you destroyed a small graffiti mine over there?"

The bald man said, raising his hands and looking at the gemstone rings on his ten fingers. "Hmm~ You have some skills."

This guy had obviously investigated them. After thinking about it for a moment, Jack Sun asked: "We saw Song 6pus in the advertisement. UUReading "

"It seems that he is your broker? Why do you want to help him?" The bald head looked at Sun Jack below through his fingers.

Jack Sun shook his head, "Not anymore, and I don't want to help him. He owes us money. We are here to pay that kid back. Once the money is paid, you can do whatever you want with him."

"What a coincidence, he also owes me money, hahahaha!!" The bald man laughed as if he had heard something particularly funny.

Then he changed the expression on his face. "But, everything is done on a first-come, first-served basis. When he pays off the money he owes me, I will hand it over to you."

"How much does Diaomao owe you?" Tapai interjected and asked.

"120 @" The astonishing number from the bald man's mouth made Jack Sun's pupils shrink immediately.

He raised his head and looked at the bald head in front of him. "Are you kidding me? 120 @? Does he dare to lend you money? Are you afraid that he will die on the way?"

If Song 6PUS had 120 @, would he still have to fight for his life in space junk?

"But he did lend me 120 @. If you don't believe me, let him tell you. I am a businessman, and everything must be well-reasoned."

Soon Jack Sun saw Song 6PUS again. Compared with before, he was now very embarrassed, his face was bruised and swollen, and he looked like he had been beaten.

"PUS, do you owe him 120 @?" Si Ai asked with a frown.

" seems...there seems to be something like this. I borrowed it a few months ago."

"Fuck me, where did you spend it?" Jack Sun couldn't help but curse.

"I gambled, prostituted, and smoked, maybe, I can't remember clearly." Song Liupus, who looked a little painful, hit his head with his hand.

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