Glitch utopia

Chapter 90 Attack

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At this moment, Jack Sun finally understood why this guy became the mainstream of corporate warfare. The various functions were too complete and powerful.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Faced with this completely unsolvable problem, Jack Sun really couldn't think of any solution at this moment.

Just as Sun Jack was about to die, a completely black circular drone suddenly stood between the two. There was a blue mountain logo on the drone.

With a snap, a virtual projection popped up from the circular drone. Inside was a cartoon fat man wearing black sunglasses. He could speak with extremely exaggerated expressions. "Sir, Career Ferry Company is happy to serve you!"

Faced with this sudden change, Sun Jack and Sextant froze in the distance for a while. Sun Jack was stunned, but Sextant stayed in place and did not attack. Sun Jack was also unable to understand, perhaps because he was afraid of affecting the subsidiary company. make money.

"Sir, are you going to die? Sir, do you have a friend who is going to die? Sir! Are you still eager to chop up your dead relatives and friends and throw them at the gate of BCPD headquarters because of BCPD's long body collection process? It's okay? Now, the professional soul ferry will serve you all the way! Let you walk away innocently and die happily!" Along with the exciting BGM, the cartoon fat man began to introduce it passionately.

"As long as you purchase our company's standard package, our company promises that the corpse collection process will be started immediately after your brain death, and it will arrive in 3 minutes at the fastest. Not only can you choose the corpse collection model, the on-board BGM, you can even choose who will do it. You collect the bodies!”

As he spoke, the holographic projection of the cartoon fat man quickly disappeared, and various choices appeared in front of Sun Jack. There were sexy and enchanting beauties, strong men with dark skin, and even stuffed girls with rabbit ears. Of course, faith. There are also candidates for this job.

When he saw the virtual image of the priest appearing inside, Jack Sun couldn't help but open his mouth. The priest actually has this kind of business?

"Our company promises to go through big data matching! We will intelligently match cemeteries based on "people you may have known" during your lifetime and create an underground dead zone traffic ecosystem so that you will never be alone again!"

"The company also promises that after burial, the company will automatically format all the contents in your nervous system to protect user privacy and solve users' worries!"

As the drone kept talking over there, Tapai on the side leaned into Sun Jack's ear and whispered: "I think your alarm information is monitored by their big data, so they are holding on to it for seconds. The locals came here to sell, tsk tsk tsk, big data is so powerful now. (lll¬ω¬)”

"Holy crap! Is this the main problem now? Can you tell the priority?" Jack Sun, with a distorted expression, pouted at the mechanical fortress that was eyeing the side.

At this moment, all the weapons of the sextant have been opened and pointed at them. They are waiting for Jack Sun to sign the funeral package and send them directly to the west.

At this moment, the virtual projection in the drone is still urging. "Sir? Sir, have you thought about it? Sir, sir, you don't have any money, do you?"

"That shouldn't be the case, sir. We've tested that there is money in your account. Money is something you don't take with you until you die. If you don't use it before you die, there's really no place to use it."

Jack Sun's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to get out of trouble while following the drone to delay time. "Don't be busy now. If you have any other packages, I'll pick them first."

"Sir, don't choose. Based on your deposit, you can only buy the basic package."

"Damn! Who are you looking down on!" Sun Jack quickly followed the virtual AI and kept talking nonsense. Sometimes he didn't know what he was saying. At the moment, his mind was full of thinking about how to get out of trouble.

Just as Sun Jack's eyes moved over the bottomless circular pit, his eyes suddenly focused on it.

Indeed, as an ordnance, the sextant is indestructible, has the strongest offensive means, and also has the strongest defensive armor, but what if the sextant attacks itself? An idea popped into Sun Jack's mind.

At this moment, Jack Sun noticed that the priest had come down from the unfinished building. He was aiming a rocket in this direction, and AA, who had replaced a metal skeleton leg on the other side, came back again.

The priest in the distance raised three fingers toward Sun Jack, then two, and finally one. With a whoosh, a rocket flew over and hit the left side of the sextant heavily.

However, there was no explosion sound or any fire after the rocket hit. The raging white foam poured out directly, directly covering Sun Jack, the funeral drone, and the sextant.

The priest knew that ordinary explosive weapons were useless against the sextant, so he used not attack rockets, but foam rockets conventionally used to extinguish power supply fires. The sticky foam isolated all sensing equipment, giving Sun Jack a brief moment of relief. Escape time.

After the sextant flew out of the bubble, it was discovered that Jack Sun had disappeared. Then its gravity sensor sensed that something was crawling on it, and he was on top of it.

The drones in the sky immediately began to continuously attack the tower faction and Sun Jack on the sextant with lasers.

Jack Sun suddenly felt a heat in his chest, UU reading www. When he lowered his head, he found that where his heart was supposed to be, there was only a transparent circle left in his chest.

The desperate situation of near-death made Sun Jack's mind feel empty. He took out a painkiller and inserted it into his neck. He raised the sharp blade and inserted it into the metal gap, and stood upside down. Bright electric arcs continued to sputter on the sextant's body.

"Not enough! Not enough!" Jack Sun directly inserted his hand into the wound on his abdomen and touched the reactor, while the screen on Tapai's face beside him began to glow red and flash.

Seeing that both of them were about to self-destruct, the sextant immediately changed its attack method, and a huge laser cannon quickly took shape.

"Jack! It's coming! It's targeting you!"

At the moment when the huge beam of light shot down, Tapai forcefully pulled the induction line that had been wrapped around Sun Jack's leg.

The moment Jack Sun was dragged out, a laser beam the size of a concrete pillar almost grazed his clothes and hit the sextant's back.

When the dazzling light disappeared, Jack Sun, who was standing on the garbage pile nearby, looked immediately. He saw that the sextant was not penetrated, but a large piece of the armor on the top was cut off.

However, Jack Sun didn't expect to finish off the opponent with just one blow. He turned to look at the priest and shouted loudly: "Father! Is it okay?"

"Okay! Run! The sextant is equipped with a reactor! The power of self-destruction is a miniature nuclear bomb!"

Hearing this, Jack Sun instantly felt his scalp numb. He immediately rushed out as far as he could, but he didn't expect it, but there was a sound of the ground shaking behind him. That thing was chasing him!

"Self-destruction process initiated."

At this moment, with a whoosh, a jet drone flew down and inserted its sharp top directly into Sun Jack's hollow chest, spraying flames and pushing him forward.

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