(Chapter 270: He Can’t Beat Me)

“What stupid thing are you talking about! ……”

Suddenly, Ye Xin said, “Yes, Jelf is indeed still alive.” ”

“You know? Ye Xin! Several people were very surprised to hear Ye Xin’s words.

Ye Xin nodded and said, “Well, I know, a little more than they know, Jelf is not asleep, and the reason he lives is not because of his longevity, but because he has been cursed by the god Anxelam and has become immortal.” ”

“Immortal and immortal?!!”

Rebi was surprised and said, “The curse of the god Anselam? Isn’t that just a legend? She had seen a record of the curse of the god Anselam in the history books, but she had always thought it was just a legend.

“It’s not a legend, it’s a fact.”

“Ye Xin, how do you know so clearly?”

“A record seen in an ancient relic when doing a hundred-year mission.” He couldn’t say that he had seen the anime before and could barely remember it now.

“How come? So Jelf is really alive and on this island? ”

Ye Xin nodded and said, “Eight or nine is not far from ten, but don’t worry too much, Jelf is only a magician after all, and his strength alone should not be my opponent.” ”


A few people don’t know what to say, Jelf, that is known as the strongest and most vicious magician in history, a well-known legend in the wizarding world for 400 years, you just say that he can’t beat you, is this really good.

“Hades’s direct subordinate troops are coming soon, and you’d better not underestimate the Seven Dependents of Purgatory!”

“Seven dependents of purgatory?”

“Time magicians Urutia, Rastiros, the bosses of the underlings, Kabulik, Huayuan Sikar, Zamkro, Melti, and one else are already on the island.”

“What do you say?!”

At this point, Wendy pointed to the red signal flares and asked Mester, “Mester, what does that signal flares mean?” ”

“That… I want to know! I want to know!! ”

“Huh?! Mr. Mestre, don’t you remember that too? ”

Suddenly, Xia Lulu’s voice came from the sky: “Wendy!! You’re going to get out of that guy!! ”

“Charlotte! Lili! Wendy looked up and saw two kittens flying over and landing between Wendy and Mester.

Charlulu asked, “Mestre, what the hell are you?!” ”

Mestre was shocked, but still with a puzzled expression on his face, he said, “Huh? You…… What do you mean by that? I am a disciple of Mistergang! ”

Li Li heard Mester’s words and immediately transformed into a giant cat, posing in a fighting posture and punching the stone behind Mester’s face: “Prince, he can’t take disciples in this world, using people who are no longer in this world to confuse everyone, this is really good, but your identity is wrong.” ”

“Wait a minute! What’s wrong? Why did the fight suddenly start? Wendy had no idea what was happening at this point.

“Wendy, don’t talk!”

“What the hell are you?”

“You… What are you talking about? Mestre said stiffly.

Li Li analyzed Mester’s magic and said, “Your magic may be able to manipulate people’s memories, you cast magic on the members of the guild, and then disguised yourself as a member of the guild, plus you claim to be a disciple of the prince, there are too many doubts in you, and we can’t think of who you have contact with, not to mention that you don’t even know what the signal bomb representative of the guild means, so you can’t argue anymore.” ”

Mester’s face sank, “Sigh——! Mestre’s figure disappeared.

“He’s gone!!”

“Wrong! It’s instantaneous magic! ”

Mestre appeared in front of Wendy in an instant, then grabbed Wendy and pulled her to the side.


“Boom boom!!! boom boom

Just now, Wendy’s location suddenly appeared a series of explosions.

“Attack? What’s going on? ”

“He actually saved Wendy?”

Mestre shouted in the direction of the empty man, “Who?” Give me out! ”

At this time, a face suddenly appeared on a large tree, and then this face was constantly squeezed out of the tree.

“Nice! You found out. ”

“Somebody in the tree?!”

“You… Who is it? ”

“My name is Azma, and I am one of the Seven Dependents of Purgatory in the Heart of the Devil.”

“The heart of a demon?” Wendy was confused.

Xia Lulu said, “One of the Dark Guilds.” ”

At this time, Mestre also understood what the signal bomb just now meant: “It turns out that the signal bomb is telling us that there is an enemy.” ”

“Ahem! It’s too late to know! ”

Li Li shouted, “What the hell is going on? What the hell are you? ”

Mester, who was not a member of the Guild, had appeared again, and he had no idea what the situation was.

Mestre said, “Haven’t you found out yet?” I was a member of the Jurchens, and I infiltrated the guild to find evidence of the defeat of the Fairy Tail. ”

“The Jurative?!” Xia Lulu was a little surprised.

“How come?” Wendy couldn’t believe that Mestre, who was so kind to her, could be a spy for the House of Representatives.

Azma, one of the Seven Dependents of the Purgatory of the Demon Heart, said, “This is really surprising. ”

Mester said with a proud smile on his face, “Now I don’t have to disguise anymore, I didn’t expect that the heart of that unknown demon would appear on this island, hahahahahaha~!” As long as I catch them, my days of getting ahead of the curve are not far away! Just in case, it seems wise for me to place the main warships of the House of Representatives in this vicinity for the forcible supervision of the troops, and I will sweep you all away and crush the heart of the demon once and for all. ”

“Battleships? Do you mean that ship? ”

At this moment, a heavy fire warship of the Magic Council was approaching this side.

“Boom boom!!! boom boom

The battleship exploded violently, and the explosion blew the hull apart and soon sank into the sea.

“What?!” Mester’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Huh? What did he do? ”

“The boat… It was actually by…”

Azma came down from the tree and looked at Mester and the Fairy Tail and said, “So can I get back to work?” Mr. Judge. ”

Li Li said solemnly, “You all back off!” ”

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