(Chapter 485: Fierce Battle (II))

Wendy immediately recognized this attack, and Ye Xin had used a similar move when dealing with Nirvana.

“Ye Xin also moved, did something happen?” Li Li opened his mouth and said, originally according to the original plan, Ye Xin would not have attacked until the last resort, after all, the number of enemies was too many, and the terrifying Guardian Saint Twelve Shields were also a huge threat, and Ye Xin must have happened if he struck.

Suddenly, the voice of Valen came from the head of the three people and three cats: “Guys, just a large army of millions of people in the Albarres Empire. ”

“Million?!” Suddenly hearing this number Naz several people were shocked.

“But don’t worry! Ye Xin had just destroyed about 100,000 enemies, and now he was in chaos, and the enemy’s large troops could no longer support him, so he could destroy the enemy in front of him with all his might. ”

“One hundred thousand?!!!” Harby spat out loudly.

Several people in Naz were also frightened by this number, although the million army sounded very terrifying, but it was not as terrifying as Ye Xin had already destroyed a hundred thousand enemies.

“Snap!” Naz clapped his burning fist with his hand, grinned and said, “It’s worthy of Ye Xin, either don’t shoot, or come to a big one, it seems that we don’t need to worry about anything, otherwise we should be underestimated by these guys.” ”

Gagiru grinned and said with a horrible smile, “Oh! Fire Dragon, you’re right! Compared to Ye Xin, we do seem a little petty, it’s time to let these guys know the horror of the goblin’s tail! Hee-hee! ”

“I… I’ll cheer on too…”

Alyssa is now fighting Agil, the king of the desert who guards the Twelve Shields.

In terms of magic alone, Agil, who has been personally trained by Jelf, has far more magic than Elusa, but Alyssa has often fought with Ye Xin over the years, and her combat skills have improved much compared to the original, even if Ye Xin, a martial arts genius, has to admit that Elusa has surpassed him in swordplay, which is the result of unremitting efforts.

“Bastards! I can’t imagine that there is such a difficult guy as you in the tail of the goblin! It looks like I’m getting serious too. ”

“The Giant Soldier of Sand!”


The ground suddenly began to shake, and a huge monster formed by sand appeared at Agil’s feet.

“Go and die!”

Agil controlled the huge sand monster beneath his feet and raised his hand to shoot at Elusa.

“Dress up and fly armor!”

Elusa is dressed in a leopard-like animal suit with a double sword, which greatly increases Elusa’s agility.


The sand monster punched Alusha in front of her, and Elusa quickly rushed towards Agil along the arm of the giant soldier of sand.


“Desert bat!”

Agil attacks Alyssa in the shape of a bat with sand.

But Alyssa was very agile to dodge, and in the blink of an eye, she came to Agil.

Agil quickly dodged Elusa’s attack backwards, but Alyssa, who was already very fast, was still wearing flying armor and was faster.

“Snort!” Agil was cut with two more wounds on his body, because he could sandify everything he touched, and Elusa’s attack did not cause much damage to it, this power was like the power of the Rustle Fruit Awakening Ability, which could sandify the object.

“Damn! You’re dead! “The injury again made the already hot-tempered Agil even more irritable, he was the Guardian Saint Twelve Shields, and it was a great shame that he was continuously injured by a magician with a goblin’s tail.

Lucy’s home

“You… You are one of the Twelve Shields of the Holy Guardian…! You…… Why are you in my house?! Lucy looked at Brandish warily, now that the Empire of Albarres was the enemy of the Fairy Tail, she did not expect that her home would be burst into by a Saint Twelve Shields.

What to do now, whether to fight or escape, fight, the other party is one of the twelve shields of the Holy Protector, just now she felt the magic, the other party’s magic is far beyond her own, the possibility of winning is unlikely.

Running away for support? However, he couldn’t leave such an enemy here alone, otherwise the goblin’s tail would be prone to danger.

Brandish said to Lucy, “Come and wash it too.” ”

“What?!” Lucy was a little confused when she heard that.

Lucy’s spitting instinct overwhelmed the other gibberish thoughts in her mind: “What are you doing!” How can you casually go into someone’s bathroom and take a shower?! What else do you say to wash together? Is there something wrong with your brain?! ”

“Don’t make me say the same thing twice.”

Lucy immediately prepares to use her magic, but just after taking out the key, she finds that her magic cannot be activated.

“How can that be?!”

Brandish said, “You use astral magic.” ”

Lucy’s eyes widened, “Why would you know?!” ”

“Sure enough… The reason you can’t unleash magic is simple, because within the space of my subordinates, no space magic can be unleashed. Brandish said as he tugged at a little man.

“Qualified! Qualified! Lord Brandish has always been qualified! ”

“Annoyed, Ma Lin.” Brandish said and put the little man in a sealed jar.

“If you don’t want to be like this, it’s better to listen to me, from the moment I enter your city, you have already lost, I can shrink the whole city, and you will be finished with a snap!” 」

“The goblin’s tail won’t be as fragile as you think!”

“Is it because of the man named Ye Xin?”

“Although there are some of them, there are also many strong people in the tail of the goblin.”

“Can it be compared to our Guardian Twelve Shields?”


Lucy couldn’t speak, she believed that her partner could defeat the Guardian Twelve Shields, but in terms of magic alone, the oppression brought to her by the Guardian Twelve Shields was still too strong, and she couldn’t imagine that there was another monster as powerful as the girl in front of her.

“If you want to say that you rely on the man named Ye Xin, forget it, Your Majesty has made up his mind this time, and in order to deal with him, he even personally invited Akunorolia to join the war.”

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