On the old streets, the Hei Yao gun made of F-grade alloy is as nimble and swift as a black dragon in the hands of Xu Jingming!


When Xu Jingming suddenly stopped waving, the head of the black Yao spear changed from extremely dynamic to extremely quiet.

The temperature rose due to the intense friction with the air, and a burst of hot air evaporated!

"With this marksmanship alone, you can kill a Tier 1 beast!"

Xu Jingming originally thought that marksmanship was not as good as the two basic attributes of physique and spirit.

But when he really acquired advanced marksmanship with the help of the deep blue system, he found that he was wrong!

His marksmanship has been upgraded to an advanced level, and his shooting speed is more than twice as fast as before!

And the various skills of using the spear are also well integrated, no matter what kind of enemy it is, it can find a way to deal with it.

It can be said that even a Tier 1 ferocious beast whose physique is several times stronger than him, will only be played to death with this kind of marksmanship!

Xu Jingming then glanced at the system panel.

It took him 200 power points to upgrade his marksmanship to advanced level, leaving only 13 power points on the panel.

"It's a pity that there are not enough power points, otherwise I really want to see how terrifying the master-level marksmanship will be."

Shaking his head, Xu Jingming opened the map.

The white light spot representing himself is already located on the edge of the green peripheral area, not far from the yellow area in the middle.

"There is still about half an hour before we can enter the central area, and the central area is full of beasts that are not at the peak level and first-level beasts.

There, the speed at which I harvest power points will be faster. "

Although Weiyuan Town, the predecessor of the ruined town, was built decades ago, it is not much different from a modern city.

Buildings are also made of cement, and are also divided into urban and suburban areas.

The location where Xu Jingming is now is in a community on the outskirts of the ruined town.

After experiencing the invasion of ferocious beasts and the erosion of time, the entire community looked dilapidated.

Most of the six-story residential buildings are in a state of collapse, and the ones that have not collapsed are also seriously weathered.

The stone pavement under our feet is also overgrown with weeds, a desolate scene.

When Xu Jingming put away the Black Glory Spear and was about to turn around and leave.

At the end of the opposite road, several other candidates appeared.

This is a group of five people, three women and two men.

The leader was a tall girl in a silver-white battle suit.

And this girl was Lin Qingyuan, the monitor of Class 5 who invited Xu Jingming to join the team before entering the examination room.

"Xu Jingming?"

Lin Qingyuan who was on the opposite side also spotted Xu Jingming. Surprisingly, she walked up with slender steps, three steps in parallel.

Most women's battle suits are tighter and have a slimming effect.

The one Lin Qingyuan was wearing was no exception. The silver-white battle suit that was close to her skin outlined her curvy figure.

The legs wrapped in the battle suit looked very slender and tight when they were moving.

"Squad leader."

On the road before this, Xu Jingming also met other candidates.

But these candidates are either from other schools or from other classes.

This was the first time he met a classmate, so he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Huh, I didn't expect to meet you here. Did you come here by yourself?"

Lin Qingyuan looked around, but didn't see anyone else, so she asked curiously.

As for the four players following behind, Xu Jingming was also a little surprised to see Xu Jingming who was alone.

Generally speaking, E-level power awakeners will be eliminated within one or two hours after the martial arts college entrance examination begins.

And now it was almost past twelve noon, more than three hours had passed since the martial arts college entrance examination started.

Why is it that Xu Jingming is not only fine, but has gone deep here?

"It's more convenient to be alone."

Facing Lin Qingyuan's question, Xu Jingming nodded without hiding anything.


Lin Qingyuan's beautiful eyes lit up, and she gave a thumbs up, "We all came here with the help of Xiaoqiao."

In the line behind her, a petite girl nodded shyly.

This girl named Xiaoqiao has awakened the auxiliary D-level ability 'speed', which can increase the movement speed of herself and her teammates to a certain extent.

It is precisely because of the small bridge that Lin Qingyuan's team can run so far.

"I'm lucky, and the beasts I encountered along the way are not too strong."

Facing Lin Qingyuan's smile, Xu Jingming also said a few more words, which is rare.

After all, in a place full of hideous monsters, what could be more satisfying than seeing a beautiful woman?

After chatting with Lin Qingyuan for a few more words, Xu Jingming bid farewell:

"Squad leader, time is running out, let's talk after the exam."

"Well, go ahead, I wish you a good grade."

Lin Qingyuan also knew that this was a race against time during the martial arts college entrance examination, so she didn't stop her.

"I really didn't expect Xu Jingming to come here."

"Sure enough, he signed up for the martial arts college entrance examination because he has his own considerations."

Xu Jingming, who lost his parents since he was a child, is also a pitiful person in Lin Qingyuan's eyes.

It would be even more unfortunate if she died in the martial arts college entrance examination. Now that Xu Jingming is living well, she is also relieved.

"Captain, come and see, this one-horned rhino seems to have died not long ago!"

An exclamation attracted Lin Qingyuan's attention.

I saw a few other people gathered around the one-horned rhinoceros corpse, discussing with one another.

"The blood from the wound has not yet dried up, indicating that the time of death should have been in the last few minutes."

"There are many wounds on the body, but the fatal wound is on the head."

"Looking at the shape of the wound, it seems to be a penetrating wound caused by a long-handled weapon. It looks... a bit like a spear!"

The members of Lin Qingyuan's team had seen this one-horned rhino corpse for a long time, but they didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that it was killed by a team of examinees before.

But when he took a closer look, he found that the one-horned rhino hadn't been dead for long at all, and the wounds on his body seemed to be caused by spears.

"You don't want to say that Xu Jingming killed this one-horned rhino, do you?"

One of the boys looked weird.

The one-horned rhinoceros is a very formidable beast.

It was also because there were five of them that they dared to fight the one-horned rhinoceros.

They would never believe that an E-level power awakener could kill a one-horned rhino alone.

"Isn't it enough to see Xu Jingming's score and rank?"

A boy turned on his smart watch and quickly found Xu Jingming's name in the score ranking:

'No. 46: Xu Jingming, 256 points. (Jiangcheng Second High School)’

"Xu Jingming, number 46?!!!

Fuck? ! Did he break into the top 50? ! I am not wrong, right? "

Seeing this ranking, the boy was taken aback for a moment, then rubbed his eyes vigorously.

After confirming that he was not mistaken, he screamed out as if he had seen a ghost.

"What 46?"

"Have you found Xu Jingming's ranking?"

The remaining team members also leaned over.

After seeing Xu Jingming's ranking on the virtual screen, his expression also became extremely shocked.

Even Lin Qingyuan, the captain, couldn't help but stare wide-eyed with a cute expression.

A doubt arose in the hearts of several other people at the same time:

"Damn it, can E-level power awakeners be so fierce these days?!"

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