Global Abilities: Opening Awakening Of The Purple Cloud God Thunder

Chapter 30 Result Announcement! Jiangnan Provincial Champion!

In the previous decades, the provincial champions of Jiangnan Province were generally born in Ning'an City, the capital of Jiangnan Province.

Or it was born in a relatively affluent city near Ning'an City.

Of course, this is also very normal, after all, the rich and the poor.

Those who are able to live in these cities have small assets in their families, and the offspring they cultivate are also very strong.

The final provincial champions are also like the capital city of Qingjing, with A-level abilities and the strength of a first-level superior.

But now the provincial number one scholar in Jiangnan Province is not only not born in the cities in Jiangnan Province that are familiar to the teachers of the magical university of supernatural powers.

And it's not even a power user, it's just an awakener, and even the power is only the penultimate E-level power.

Who would believe this? !

Therefore, when Xu Jingming's message echoed in the ears of many teachers, their first reaction was to not believe it.

"Awakened people can also become provincial champions? Isn't this a mistake?"

"Is it possible that the information was collected wrongly, and it was collected on the person with the same name?"

"Hey, it's possible."


The scores of each candidate in the martial arts college entrance examination have been professionally reviewed by the National Education Bureau.

No one doubted the authenticity of the results, but only wondered whether the information was collected wrongly and collected on the same celebrity.

Given the information gathering capabilities of the Magic University of Ability University, it is impossible to make such a low-level mistake of mistaken people.

"Eva's information is not wrong!"

As if feeling questioned, a holographically projected light ball with a particularly cute shape was projected in the room, and there was even a humanized angry expression on the light ball.

It is the artificial intelligence responsible for the information collection and management of the entire Magic City Ability University, Eva.

"Eva is the most advanced artificial intelligence and will not make such low-level mistakes. Xu Jingming's information may have been problematic when it was registered in the information database at the beginning."

The slightly chubby middle-aged man waved his hand, "Won't it be clear after watching his martial arts college entrance examination video? Eva, open Xu Jingming's college entrance examination video."

"Okay, Director."

With the comfort of the director, the angry expression on Eva's light ball disappeared.

At the same time, Xu Jingming's figure was also projected above the center of the round table.

At the beginning of the screen, it was the scene where he entered the most core area and faced many first-order high-ranking beasts and second-order beasts.

"Hey, it turns out that a spear is used as a weapon, which is rare."

Looking at the tall and straight figure with the spear on his back, a teacher's eyes lit up.

Among the more than ten provincial champions, almost all of them used long swords or broadswords as weapons.

This is the first time gun weapons have appeared.

"A spear is harder than a sword."

A teacher also nodded slightly.

Although Xu Jingming's weapon attracted the attention of the teachers, they did not forget their main purpose.

Determine Xu Jingming's power and level.

The ability has not been cast yet, so it cannot be determined, but the level is very easy to determine.

Before there was a fundamental difference between the supernatural and the awakened, there was breath!

Although Xu Jingming's aura in the screen was fierce, it did not make the admissions teachers present find the characteristics of a supernatural person.

"So, Xu Jingming is really an awakened person?!"

After repeated confirmation, all the teachers present were shocked.

What is the concept of the provincial champion of the awakened?

This has never happened in the past few decades!

Immediately afterwards, the battle in the holographic projection began.

When Xu Jingming's Zixiao Shenlei broke out and killed many first-level high-ranking beasts, many teachers were stunned.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! This is definitely not an E-level ability!"

"This power is at least A-level! How could it be an E-level weak electricity ability!"

"How did those guys who registered the ability do it? Can it be wrong?"


The experienced admissions teachers immediately saw that there was something wrong with Xu Jingming's supernatural power. The director of the admissions office in front of him narrowed his eyes and ordered:

"Eva, analyze Xu Jingming's ability level."

The ability needs to be tested with a professional instrument to determine the level type.

However, with the presence of advanced artificial intelligence, the analysis is not bad.

"Xu Jingming's power belongs to the lightning power of the natural system, because it cannot collect elemental information in the air.

From the analysis of the video screen only, Xu Jingming's ability has a 4% probability of being B-level.

10% probability is A grade, 83% probability is S grade, 1% probability is SS grade, 0% probability is SSS grade. "

The artificial intelligence Eva quickly came up with the analysis results, and the director of the admissions office who got the conclusion shrank his pupils suddenly:

"S-level probability... is 83%?"

As an advanced artificial intelligence, Eva's judgment is almost infallible.

With a probability of 83%, it is almost certain that Xu Jingming's ability is S rank!


All the teachers present became short of breath in an instant.

What is the concept of S-class?

Once it grows up, it will be an absolute peak combat power!

And now in the Great Xia Kingdom, there has been no S-level power awakener for three or four years!

At this time, Xu Jingming in the holographic projection also ended the life of the second-order bloodthirsty storm bear with a single shot in an extremely violent posture.

"Suspected S-level ability, coupled with this powerful actual combat ability, Xu Jingming's provincial champion is well-deserved!"

The director of the admissions office in front of him let out a long breath, and after thinking for a moment, he said with serious eyes: "Xu Jingming, it is designated as an S+-level special recruitment quota, and we will recruit at all costs!"

"S+ Rank Special Recruitment Quota!"

"Hasn't this special move specification been used for many years?"

"S+ level special move, it seems that we can't do without some good things."

"Director Zhang, I was the one who recruited Jiangnan Province last year. Why don't I go this time?"

"Director, I also want to recruit in Jiangnan!"


The S+-level special recruitment quota, coupled with the basically definite S-level ability, immediately made Xu Jingming a fragrant bun.

Many teachers are scrambling for the special move for this trip to Jiangnan Province.

But Zhang Chaoyang, the director of the admissions office in front, shook his head: "You don't need to go, this time I will go there myself."

"The director will go in person, then it will be safe now."

Although the other teachers were a little disappointed, as a fifth-level spiritual power user.

Zhang Chaoyang, the director who has recruited many potential students to enter the Demon City University of Abilities, is indeed the safest choice for this trip.

"S-level ability...Xu Jingming, I hope you don't let me down..."

Looking at the tall and straight figure on the holographic projection, the director Zhang Chaoyang couldn't help murmuring in a low voice.


June 12th, the fifth day after the martial arts college entrance examination.

"Jingming, don't worry, the results will be delivered by today at the latest."

"Principal, I know, I'm not in a hurry."

"Okay, okay, don't be in a hurry, I'm just afraid that you young people are too anxious..."


Xu Jingming walked in the community, talked for a long time, and finally hung up the phone call from the principal.

"Good guy, everyone tells me not to worry, but in fact, I am more anxious than anyone else."

Xu Jingming couldn't help shaking his head.

During the few days waiting for the ranking to be announced, he received more than one call from the head teacher, the principal, and even the director of the Education Bureau.

The meaning inside and outside the words is to let yourself not worry, the ranking will be announced sooner or later.

However, their tone did not seem to be in a hurry, and they even wished that the results and rankings would be announced the next day after the college entrance examination.


Xu Jingming can also understand.

After all, Jiangcheng desperately needed a chance to prove themselves.

"But it's the fifth day, so the results should be announced, right?"

Just as Xu Jingming was muttering to himself, there was a ding dong, and the text message notification sounded.

He took out his phone, unlocked the screen lock, and checked the content of the text message:

‘Xu Jingming, a candidate for Jiangcheng No. 2 High School, the ranking of the Jiangnan Provincial Martial Arts College Entrance Examination has been announced, please check it in time. '

There is also a URL link below the text message.

"The college entrance examination rankings have been announced!"

Xu Jingming's eyes lit up, and he clicked on the link without hesitation.

Immediately, a document densely filled with the rankings of all candidates in the province appeared on the phone.

Xu Jingming looked directly at the first line of the document:

'The first place in Jiangnan Province: Xu Jingming (Jiangcheng No. 2 High School), total score: 11124 points. '

"No. 1! Jiangnan Provincial Champion!! I did it!"

At this moment, even Xu Jingming, who had a calm personality, couldn't help showing joy and punching excitedly.

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