"How is it? Not bad."

Liu Wentao asked with a smile.

"It's really good." Xu Jingming didn't deny it.

Whether it's figure or appearance, this girl is much better than the Internet celebrities under the beauty camera in her previous life.

"But don't you claim to know everything? Do you know who she is?"

Xu Jingming joked about Liu Wentao's Know-it-all nickname, but he didn't expect him to say it.

Unexpectedly, Liu Wentao puffed up his chest again, and proudly said:

"Of course I know. Her name is Song Qiuyun. She's a first-level superior. She has a natural light-like A-level ability."

"Yo, not bad."

Xu Jingming was a little surprised.

It seems that Liu Wentao's self-proclaimed "Knowledge" nickname is not all bragging.

"Of course, Song Qiuyun is from Sichuan Province.

The total score of this year's college entrance examination is more than 8,000 points, which is the third place in our Sichuan Province. "

Liu Wentao replied with a playful smile.

In fact, long before the martial arts college entrance examination, Song Qiuyun relied on her proud appearance and figure, as well as her formidable strength.

In Rongcheng, the capital of Sichuan Province, it is well-known.



On the other side, Song Qiuyun, who was walking with her friends, suddenly stopped.

Her A-level natural light-like ability is called the light of the morning light, in addition to bringing her good lethality.

It also brought her a very keen sense.

It is also by virtue of this sensory power that she can avoid the area where dangerous beasts gather in advance in the martial arts college entrance examination room.

And just now, she seemed to feel the terrifying gaze from a beast.

This kind of gaze does not seem to be malicious, but it is full of oppression.

The gaze came and went quickly.

However, Song Qiuyun was still very keen to discover the source of this line of sight, which came from the slightly tall figure not far in front.

"It's just how can a human being exude an aura similar to a beast?"

Song Qiuyun frowned slightly, a little confused.

In the end, it can only be attributed to my own illusion.

But the tall figure of Xu Jingming in front quietly left a faint impression in her heart.


The Thunder Martial Arts School in Jiangcheng serves millions of people in Jiangcheng.

The Thunder Martial Arts School of the Magic City University of Extraordinary Abilities only needs to serve more than 10,000 teachers and students of the Magic City University of Extraordinary Abilities.

However, the Thunder Martial Arts Hall here is even bigger than the one in Jiangcheng!

Opposite the Thunder Martial Arts Gym is the Violent Bear Martial Arts Gym, which is also six or seven stories high, crawling there like a giant beast.

"It has to be said that the Magic City Ability University has almost achieved the ultimate in the construction of such supporting facilities."

With a sigh of admiration, Xu Jingming and Liu Wentao stepped into the Thunder Martial Arts Gym.

The first floor of Thunder Martial Arts Hall is a wide hall with a reception desk at the front.

In addition, there are some sofas around for rest. At this time, people who have finished training are sitting on the sofa drinking drinks and chatting.

"Welcome to Leiting Martial Arts Hall, what do you two students need?"

A waitress in a short skirt greeted me enthusiastically.

"We're looking for a training room with a strength tester."

Xu Jingming replied.

The Thunder Martial Arts Gym is only open to high school students for free. For college students, membership fees are still charged.

The membership fee is the same as that of the Violent Bear Martial Art Museum, 100,000 Da Xia coins a year.

It's just that the Magic University of Ability University pays membership fees for students every year.

Therefore, for them, the facilities in the martial arts hall are free to use.

"The training room is on the third floor, please follow me."

The staff showed a sweet smile and led the way, while Xu Jingming and Liu Wentao followed behind.

Thunder Martial Arts will treat every guest with such enthusiasm.

You can choose to accept, or you can choose to decline.

Because it was the first time to come to the Martial Arts University of Magic City, Xu Jingming chose to let her lead the way because he didn't know the layout.

"Ding dong~~, the third floor is here."

Accompanied by a pleasant sound, the elevator door opened.

What came into view was a wide hall.

There are many people in the hall, but most of them look a little strange.

Some were on fire, some were two or three meters tall, and some even transformed into some kind of animal with their limbs.

Accompanied by various noisy noises:

"Haha, my C-level combat skill Anode Flame has finally been refined!"

"Hehe, so what if I practice it well, I still can't break my metalized skin."

"You are all rubbish! My triple gigantic size can slap you all on the wall!"


These people seemed to be training, and some of them knew each other, and from time to time they even fought with each other and bickered with each other.

"This is the public training room in our hall, which can accommodate 300 people for training at the same time."

"The entire hall is also made of C-grade alloy doped with memory metal, so there is no need to worry about damage caused by abilities or combat skills."

"Of course, if it's too noisy, you can also choose a single training room."

The staff explained.

Xu Jingming was not too surprised when he heard this.

There is also a public training hall like this in the Thunder Martial Arts Hall in Jiangcheng.

The atmosphere in the public training hall is better. After all, there are so many people around who are training, and I won't be lazy.

Many people with poor self-control will choose to train in public training halls.

In addition, when a certain combat skill is successfully practiced, the cheers from the surrounding people will also make people feel a sense of accomplishment.

But the disadvantage is that one's own combat skills and training results will also be known to others.

"Okay, just here."

Xu Jingming originally planned to go to the private training room, but since he had a roommate next to him, he chose to stay in the public training room.

"Okay, please follow me."

The staff took the two of them to the hall.

Those who can be admitted to the Supernatural University in Shanghai are basically all supernatural beings.

Therefore, while walking in the hall, from time to time, he could feel the powerful energy fluctuations brought by other supernatural beings testing their combat skills.

"Good guy, are these guys trying to compete with anyone? The movement is bigger than the other."

Liu Wentao, who felt the floor was shaking under his feet, couldn't help complaining.

As a psychic power user, he naturally couldn't make such a move.

On the other hand, Xu Jingming's attention was attracted by the five pillars erected in the center of the hall.

On these five pillars, many names are densely written, followed by a series of numbers.

The three names at the front of each pillar are the largest, and they also shine with golden light, making them extremely conspicuous.

"This is our boxing challenge list. There are five lists in total, corresponding to the first to fifth ranks of supernatural beings."

"Are you two going to try it? If you enter the top 3,000 on the list, you can get a credit reward of 50 points."

The staff on the side explained with a smile.

"You can get rewards if you enter the first three thousand? Is it that simple?"

Liu Wentao at the side suddenly became interested.

After all, there are only more than 4,000 students in the entire Demon City Ability University.

"You just need to swipe your student ID card on the pillar, and you can start the challenge. However, the use of powers and combat skills is not allowed in the fist challenge, otherwise it will be a foul."

"Okay, Amin, you wait for me here, I'll try."

Liu Wentao nodded, and walked directly into the center of the hall.

Then he swiped his student ID card on the sensor of the first pillar.

"Welcome, Liu Wentao, whose student number is 203701256, is starting a boxing challenge! Please cheer for him!"

As if a switch was triggered, the high-pitched voice of the host resounded throughout the hall.

Afterwards, spotlights shone on Liu Wentao.

And everyone in the hall was also attracted to it, subconsciously looking this way.

"Hey, someone started the fist challenge!"

"Haha, judging by his aura, he's only in the middle of the first rank, so he seems to be a freshman."

"Hey, it's fun to watch now."


In the hall, many seniors and sisters gloated and looked at the figure in the center.

And Liu Wentao, who was in the center, was paralyzed. He didn't expect the movement of starting the challenge to be so big!

But at this point, it is impossible to back down.

So he took a deep breath, mobilized all his strength, and punched the target in front of him with all his strength!


The target made a muffled sound, and then shook violently back and forth.


Liu Wentao let out a breath of foul air slowly, he was quite satisfied with this punch.

It shouldn't be a problem to enter the top three thousand.

"Punching strength is 476 kg! Very good performance."

The voice reappeared, first announcing the power of this blow in a high voice, and then said in a slightly low voice:

"Unfortunately, your punching power ranks below 100,000."

"After 10...100,000 people?"

Liu Wentao was completely shocked. Isn't the entire Demon City University of Abilities only more than 4,000 students?

However, he quickly realized that this punching power list not only counted the current students, but also included the previous students!

And the Magic City University of Abilities has been established for more than a hundred years, and it recruits more than a thousand students every year.

Accumulated, isn't there more than 100,000 students!

"I'm cheating! No wonder everyone is looking at me, it turns out I'm waiting to see a joke."

Only then did Liu Wentao come to his senses, feeling his cheeks were burning hot, and hurriedly walked down dejectedly.

"After 100,000, I laughed to death. I was not so low when I was a freshman."

"Looking at the little guy, blushing like a monkey's butt, it must be the freshman who didn't run away."


In the entire training hall, there were also various joyful discussions because of Liu Wentao's performance.

"Amin, do you want to go up and try? You must be better than me."

Liu Wentao, who couldn't stand the discussion, quickly encouraged Xu Jingming who was on the side.

Losing face for two is better than losing face for one, right?

"Okay, I'll go up and try too."

Xu Jingming did not refuse when he heard the words.

The purpose of his coming here was to test his physical strength, and punching strength is also part of his physical strength.

In addition, he also wanted to see.

With his current strength, among all the geniuses who have gathered since the founding of the Magic City University of Supernatural Powers, where can he be ranked?

"Welcome, Xu Jingming, whose student number is 203701204, is starting a boxing challenge! Please cheer for him!"

When Xu Jingming swiped his student ID card, the same high-pitched voice sounded again.

"Hey, someone started the challenge again."

"It seems to be the companion of that person just now."

"Tsk, this one's strength is even lower, it looks like it's just a lower rank."

"The lower rank of the first rank? It's hard to say whether the fist strength is 400 kg or not."


Unsurprisingly, the audience is not optimistic about Xu Jingming, who has only a lower level of strength.

But Xu Jingming himself in the center was not affected at all and took a deep breath.

Afterwards, Xu Jingming's whole body's energy and blood were mobilized to the limit!

The body is straightened, the waist is exerted, and the waist drives the arms to twist.

And with this force, the fist turned into a black phantom like a powerful arrow that left the string, and smashed fiercely on the target in front of him.

Boom! !

A deafening sound like a heavy hammer falling exploded in the hall, followed by the high-pitched cheers:

"Punching power is 4589 kg! Peak punching power! Congratulations, breaking the record!"

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