Global Abilities: Opening Awakening Of The Purple Cloud God Thunder

Chapter 64 Wilderness Area! The Desire To Kill Is Running High!

Different places have different rules.

The rules of the school are learning and training.

The rule in the wilderness area is that the weak eat the strong, and the big fish eat the small fish.

Even the supply bases outside the wilderness area are also the same law of the jungle.

Because of the huge benefits brought by the flesh and blood of ferocious beasts, exotic flowers and plants, and exotic fruits.

Supply bases are generally mixed with fish and dragons, and the forces of all parties are intertwined.

Under such an order, even the Public Security Bureau, which is responsible for crimes, can't control it.

This is a veritable gray area.

As long as you are strong enough and you don't make too much trouble, no one cares at all.

Of course, if you are blind and offend someone you shouldn't, no one can help you.

This was the case for Zhao Chunlin, relying on his second-tier median strength to crush Xu Jingming.

Unexpectedly, Xu Jingming is the giant dragon, and he himself is the crushed ant.

After swiping the adventurer certificate at the entrance of the wilderness area, Xu Jingming successfully entered the wilderness area.




Compared with the test site of the martial arts college entrance examination, this source water wilderness area is obviously much larger.

The ferocious beast was also more brutal and bloodthirsty, just after walking in, Xu Jingming heard the roar from the ferocious beast.

The roar was extremely distant, but still majestic and powerful.

"At least they are all Tier 4 ferocious beasts."

Xu Jingming said silently in his heart.

The higher the level of the beast, the higher the wisdom.

The intelligence of the fourth-order ferocious beast is already similar to that of a child in his teens, and he knows how to maintain his territory.

The roar from time to time is also signaling that this is his own territory.

If a beast of the same rank breaks in, it will surely usher in the most terrifying blow.

Of course, these more delicious human supernatural beings are also the targets of hunting.

"The source water wilderness area is roughly divided into two areas, ruined towns and mountain forests."

Xu Jingming opened the map on the smart watch and checked it carefully.

Although his current level is only at the top of the first level, his real combat power is at the peak of the second level.

He needs to find a place with a lot of beasts and not so many high-level beasts to hunt and kill beasts to harvest power points.

In comparison, in the source water wilderness area, the ferocious beasts active in the ruined towns are slightly weaker.

The fierce beasts living in the mountains and forests are slightly stronger.

Xu Jingming found that the current target was naturally placed in the ruined town.

"There are a lot of beasts in City A, but most of them are Tier 1, which is too low."

"Town C has a lot of Tier 2 beasts, but there have been traces of Tier 3 or even Tier 4 beasts around, so the risk factor is higher."

"Look at the other towns..."


After some selection, Xu Jingming finally chose a ruined town called 'Pingan County'.

Most of the ruins in this county are Tier 2 beasts, and there are very few Tier 1 beasts.

None of the third- and fourth-tier ferocious beasts were present.

Moreover, the area is very large, and there are at least five or six hundred fierce beasts entrenched in it!

It is currently the most suitable place for him to hunt.

"Ping'an County, go here."

Xu Jingming focused his eyes slightly, and after confirming his position according to the map, he jumped out like a vigorous cheetah.


Ping'an County is about 20 kilometers away from the entrance of the wilderness area.

Running at full speed, it will take less than forty minutes to arrive.

But this is a dangerous wilderness area, not a plastic runway where you can run freely.

Xu Jingming proceeded cautiously along the way, carefully avoiding areas where high-level ferocious beasts might appear.

It took almost three hours to arrive.

"Ping'an County, here we are..."

Appearing in Xu Jingming's line of sight was a city in ruins similar to a military college entrance examination site.

In the city, the once glamorous high-rise buildings have long been extremely dilapidated.

On the ground, the vehicles abandoned by the people who were busy fleeing for their lives can be seen everywhere.

After decades of baptism, these vehicles basically only have iron frames left.

The original concrete pavement was also overgrown with weeds, and among the weeds, you could even see some skeletons that had been eaten clean.

Among them, there are ferocious beasts and human beings...

"Ho Ho-"



Horrific roars sounded from the ruined city, one after another.

Different from the ferocious beasts that were raised in captivity in the martial arts college entrance examination test center, this place is truly a paradise for ferocious beasts and a nightmare for human beings.

The ferocious and violent roar alone is enough to make the legs of some weak-willed supernatural beings tremble.

Xu Jingming didn't respond to this, and there was still a burning fighting intent in his eyes.

He can even feel that his heart is very eager for the upcoming killing!

"Is the negative emotional impact of Thunder Tyrannosaurus?"

The Dark Cloud Gale Gun was already held by Xu Jingming.

"It's just that this time you don't have to be patient anymore, let's start killing..."

Holding a spear in his hand, Xu Jingming entered the county seat in a dodge.

Ping'an County is very large, and there are many beasts entrenched in it.

Although Xu Jingming has the strength of the second-order peak, at most he can only deal with two or three second-order peak beasts at the same time.

If the number is too large, even he has to escape.

Therefore, there cannot be too much noise.

Otherwise, hundreds of Tier 2 beasts in the entire county will join forces to chase and intercept them, even if there is a lightning flash, they will not be able to escape!

Therefore, after entering Ping'an County, Xu Jingming gave priority to picking the single beasts.

Or the number of beasts is less than ten, and there is no group of beasts with more than three second-order peak beasts.

"Ding, kill a second-tier low-level shadow cat and get 18 power points."

"Ding, kill a second-tier median one-horned rhinoceros and get 22 power points."

"Ding, kill a second-tier low-arm sword tiger and get 19 power points."

"Ding, kill a shadow cat in the second-order median, and get 21 power points."


Just like that, Xu Jingming shot one shot at a time, shuttled through Ping'an County like a ghost, and started a crazy killing!

I don't know if it was the influence of Thunder Tyrannosaurus' blood during the whole process.

Not only was he not tired at all, but he became more and more excited as he killed more and more.

And with the start of Xu Jingming's killing, the power points on his system panel also increased rapidly at a terrifying speed!

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