Global Abilities: Opening Awakening Of The Purple Cloud God Thunder

Chapter 7 Ruin Town, College Entrance Examination Rules

The college entrance examination is a grand event in the Great Xia Kingdom.

In order to ensure that students get enough rest, all provinces and cities began to implement night noise management one month before the college entrance examination.

Even some high-end communities will invite people with special abilities of the sound wave system.

As soon as nine o'clock in the evening, he used his supernatural ability to isolate all the sounds from the outside world from the community.

On the day of the college entrance examination, the protection of the candidates has reached a strict level.

Not only has traffic control been implemented on the road, there are even squads of armed soldiers and supernatural beings patrolling important traffic arteries back and forth to prevent emergencies.

It was precisely because of this that the more than forty buses taking part in the martial arts college entrance examination drove unimpeded all the way in the urban area, and soon drove into the military area located in the outskirts.

Then the bus drove to an open space, and the students got off one after another.

Around the open space, every three meters, there was a soldier standing there tall and straight with a gun in hand.

The seriousness on that face left no doubt that if someone dared to attack the phalanx, he would be greeted by a hail of bullets!

At the front of the open space is a temporary rostrum.

Behind the rostrum, there is an area surrounded by barbed wire.

Inside the area are the ruins of a dilapidated town. This area is so large that you can't see the end of it.

Between the ruins, the shadows of ferocious beasts flashed faintly, and at the same time, the roars and roars of ferocious beasts could be heard.

"Huh, that's our test site."

"Fuck, I seem to have seen a one-horned rhino just now!"

"One-horned rhinoceros? No way, this year's exam questions won't be so difficult and perverted?"


The ruined town in the military region was originally called Weiyuan Town, a small village under Jiangcheng.

It was breached by the beast tide decades ago and became a ruin.

Although it was recaptured by the army, it was already in ruins and was of little value for reconstruction, so it simply became a training ground for the troops stationed there.

However, on June 7 every year, it will also be used as a test center for the martial arts college entrance examination.


The types of ferocious beasts placed inside will not be as random as in normal military training, but will be determined by the question maker of the Jiangnan Provincial Martial Arts College Entrance Examination.

All the martial arts college entrance examination centers in Earth Grade cities in Jiangnan Province will use the same combination of beasts to ensure the absolute fairness of the martial arts college entrance examination.

The breed and strength of the beast determine the difficulty of the martial arts college entrance examination.

Generally speaking, there won't be any powerful beasts around the ruined town.

It will only be common beasts like shadow cats and iron pigs.

However, in the college entrance examinations over the years, rare and powerful beasts such as the one-horned rhinoceros and the saber-armed tiger have also appeared in the outskirts of the ruined town.

However, this also means that this year's martial arts college entrance examination is more difficult than usual, and the risk of death is also greater.

Therefore, when they saw the one-horned rhinoceros in the ruined town through the barbed wire, many people turned pale and split open.

"So what about the one-horned rhinoceros? If you can't even deal with a beast of this level, even if you are lucky enough to be admitted to the University of Supernatural Powers, you won't be able to become a master!"

A high-pitched voice suddenly sounded from the crowd of students, overshadowing the students' discussions.

This is a young man wearing a light blue battle suit, like an ancient swordsman, holding a long sword in his hand.

His own temperament is also somewhat similar to that of a chivalrous man, open and sharp, and his eyes are like an eagle, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Many students turned their heads angrily, wanting to argue.

But when he saw that it was him, he suddenly lost his temper and dared not speak out.

Such a scene made Xu Jingming feel strange, and curiously said to a tall boy with a sword and shield behind him:

"Who is this person? His tone is so loud?"

The tall boy's name is Liu Jie, and what he awakened was the C-level ability of the enhancement system to become gigantic.

After casting the ability, the body can expand more than twice, and the strength will be improved accordingly.

In class 5, except for his buddy Zhang Hao, Xu Jingming has the best relationship with him.

"Who else could it be? Qingfeng Sword Zhou Mingyang from No. 1 High School."

Liu Jie pouted.

"It turned out to be him."

Xu Jingming suddenly understood.

Jiangcheng No. 1 High School is the high school with the deepest education background in the entire Jiangcheng.

There are not only courses taught by genuine supernatural beings, but also actual battles with fierce beasts are arranged from time to time.

The students trained are also more vigorous than each other. Almost all the top ten candidates in the Jiangcheng martial arts college entrance examination are from No. 1 High School.

And this Zhou Mingyang is one of the best students in No. 1 High School!

Possesses the elemental B-level wind ability 'Light Swift Wind'.

After casting the ability, not only can the wind blade be condensed, but also the air resistance can be reduced, so that the running speed and attack speed of oneself can be greatly improved.

Among all the awakened abilities in the entire Jiangcheng, 'Light Spirit Gale' can be counted as the first echelon.

And not only that, Zhou Mingyang is also one of the very few candidates in Jiangcheng who has broken through the awakened and advanced to the supernatural.

Before the college entrance examination, he was a popular candidate for Jiangcheng's martial arts champion, and he also won the title of "Light Wind Sword".

Such a powerful person, ordinary candidates naturally dare not provoke him.

"That's right, to practice swords is to have this indomitable momentum!"

Among the team, the principal of No. 1 High School couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction when he saw this scene.

Soon, all the students on more than 40 buses entered the open space and arranged them neatly according to school and class.

In front of each class, there is a teacher in charge of each class to accompany them.

At this time, a middle-aged man in military uniform also came up on the rostrum in front of the open space.

The man was tall and had a long scar on his right cheek.

He just glanced away, and the students who were whispering in the open space suddenly shut their mouths.

If Zhou Mingyang's eyes only made people feel oppressive, then the officer's eyes were like beasts, making people feel palpitations!

"Definitely a supernatural user above the second level."

Xu Jingming in the team said silently.

"I am Wang Haiyang, the commander-in-chief of the Jiangcheng martial arts college entrance examination. Before the examination, I will reiterate the precautions."

"This martial arts college entrance examination starts on time at nine o'clock in the morning and ends at nine o'clock in the evening, with a total duration of 12 hours."

"The test location is the ruined town behind me. It is the same as the previous college entrance examination. The ruined town is divided into peripheral, central and core areas."

"The outlying areas are all low-level beasts, and the central area is full of peak-level non-level beasts and first-level beasts."

"The core area is full of ferocious beasts above Tier 1, and the most core area is occupied by Tier 1 high-ranking ferocious beasts and Tier 2 ferocious beasts."

The voice of the commander-in-chief Wang Haiyang echoed in the open space. He didn't use a microphone, but his voice was clearly heard by every student.

"Peripheral, central, core, and the most core, this is actually the same as a math test paper. Different areas correspond to different difficulties."

"The core area occupying the first-level high position and the second-level fierce beast is equivalent to the last question of the math test paper, which is specially reserved for top students to break through."

Xu Jingming in the team smiled.

If it was placed before, at most he would only dare to kill ferocious beasts in the outer area.

But now, he not only has the confidence to enter the core area, he can even explore the most core area!

"You can get different points for killing different types and levels of ferocious beasts."

"The higher the level of the beast, the stronger the strength, and the higher the score after killing it."

"However, everyone should do what they can and choose an area that suits them to kill the beast."

"Okay, now start distributing resources."

Wang Haiyang on the ceremonial stage waved his right hand, several groups of soldiers came out from the side, and at the same time a large truck drove over from a distance.

The cargo door of the truck was opened, and inside were black tactical backpacks one by one.

Under the distribution of soldiers, each candidate got a tactical backpack.

There are three items in the backpack.

One is a smart watch, which is used to count the number and types of beasts killed and accumulate points.

At the same time, there is also a map of the ruined town inside to confirm the candidate's location.

The other is compressed energy bars, there are three in total, which can quickly replenish physical energy after consumption.

The last item is the safety ball, which is a silver-white metal ball.

After activation, it can form a high-voltage power grid around the body that cannot be broken by ordinary beasts.

Of course, once the safety ball is used, it means that the college entrance examination ends early.

Xu Jingming wears the smart watch on his wrist, puts three energy bars in the tactical backpack, carries it behind his back, and hangs the safety ball on his waist.

In this way, when encountering danger, the safety ball can be activated as quickly as possible to save lives.

Most of the other students also choose this way of equipment.

But even with a safety ball, it does not mean absolute safety.

After all, in the process of fighting fierce beasts, life and death are in the blink of an eye, and it is too late to even use the safety ball...

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