Global Advent: Apocalyptic Desert Island Game

Chapter 132-Desperate Island Arena, the First Fight

It was a special night, and almost none of the billions of surviving players in the world fell asleep.

Everyone is nervous, waiting for the dawn to come.

The novice period is over, what will be waiting for everyone?

Meng Hao didn't sleep well either. The sun hadn't risen yet. He had already walked out of the wooden house and stood on the open space in front of the house.

Looking at the sky, the belly of the fish was white, he knew that Heavenly Horse was about to light up.

When he couldn't sleep at night, Meng Hao got up and ate Hailan Bingxin, like a jelly bean, and ate more than a dozen.

As a result, he successfully broke through to the fourth level.

Now, he has become a veritable Tier 4 magician.

This kind of skyrocketing strength has never occurred in the world of desert islands.

Even the strong in the desert island world, it takes a long time to reach the Realm of the fourth-order magician.

For example, Irina, her talent is considered middle-to-high in the desert island world, but it took nearly two hundred years to break through to the third level.

If it hadn't been for Meng Hao to give her a sea blue ice heart in the end, she might have stopped at the second order.

As a Tier 4 magician, Meng Hao is now considered a master among magicians.

As Mental Energy skyrocketed, Meng Hao's energy also became a lot more vigorous.

Even if I haven't slept all night, my spirits are still very good.

He quietly looked at the east, silently waiting for that moment to come.

The sea breeze hits, blowing the fog on the base islands.

These mists don't seem to want to leave, but they can't stop the surging of the wind.

Until a certain moment, a bright red appeared on the eastern sea level, the morning sun appeared, and a fiery red round edge was already exposed at this time.

The sun is coming out!

[Dear players, the novice protection period has ended, and the chaos mode is on. 】

[Survival is your only goal, if you want to live, please remember the following points:]

【1. Cancel the limit on the number of times of rafting on the base island, you can raft unlimited times. 】

【2, the fog dissipates, you can clearly see the surrounding waters, and the enemies in the surrounding waters can also see you. 】

[3. There are pirates at sea. Run quickly when you encounter pirates. If you are caught, you will be sold into slaves. Of course, you can also defeat the pirates and kill them. 】

[4. The desert island arena is open. You can enter the underground arena to participate in the battle. You can get rewards for victory, and double the reward for winning streaks. 】

[5. The desert island combat power list is opened. The system will rank according to your combat power, refreshed every hour, and you can get the corresponding reputation value when you are on the list. 】

[Hint: Unity is strength. When you feel that one person cannot face a powerful pirate group, forming an alliance may be a good choice. 】

Seeing the game system prompt, Meng Hao couldn't help being shocked.

Sure enough, the novice period is over, and the chaos mode has begun.

There are several important information in the system prompt.

The first is the removal of the limit on the number of times of drifting on the deserted island, the second is the information of the pirates, and the last is the information of the arena and the battle list.

Meng Hao has a keen interest in the desert island arena and the desert island battle list.

He entered the interface of the game system and saw that a new column was unlocked with the words Desert Island Arena on it.

[Desert Island Arena: A place where the strong are born, where players can choose their opponents, and defeat them to get a lot of rewards. 】

Seeing this column introduction, countless scenes emerged in Meng Hao's heart.

There are the ancient Colosseum, the modern arena, and there are many static battle scenes that appear in movies.

In other words, the desert island arena is a place to fight.

Meng Hao couldn't help being enthusiastic, not to say how aggressive he was, but because he saw the word reward.

He has a god-level air transport system, and any reward can get a hundredfold increase.

In this way, the emergence of the arena is a natural harbor for him to rapidly increase supplies.Immediately afterwards, Meng Hao shifted his gaze.

Next to the desert island arena, there is a very conspicuous list: the desert island combat power list.

The current desert island combat power list is empty, and there is no information about anyone on it.

Meng Hao had a clear understanding in his heart that the power list should be feedback of players participating in the arena.

In other words, the player who took part in the battle first can definitely be on the list.

[Desert Island Battle Power List: A list that gives feedback on the player’s true combat power level. It is refreshed every hour. There is no handling fee for battles in the same area, and 1 coin is required to pay for cross-zone battles. 】

[Desert Island Battle Power List shows the strength level of the top 100 players. Players on the list can get reputation rewards, which are awarded once every hour. 】

[The lowest reward of regional power list is 1 prestige value, and the highest is 100 points. 】

[The lowest reward of the world power list is 100 prestige points, and the highest is 10,000 points. 】

Seeing the information prompt of the desert island combat power list, Meng Hao thought in his heart.

It turns out that the desert island battle list is divided into the regional battle list and the world battle list.

The regional power list should be the battle between players in the region, and the world power list should be the battle between players in the world.

Meng Hao didn't know what the reputation value was for, but he knew that it would definitely be of great use in the future.

The key is that as long as you are successful on the list, you will receive a prestige value reward every hour.

If this is successful, it would be invincible.

Start first to be strong, then start to suffer.

"Enter the desert island arena!"

The heart is not as good as the action, Meng Hao chose to enter the arena for the first time.

There is no one on the desert island battle list now. If you take the first step in the battle, no matter what your record is, you can definitely be on the list.

[Hello player, welcome to the desert island arena, please choose:]

【1, regional battles. 】

[2, Cross-regional battles. 】

"Choose 1."

[You have selected the area to play, the system will automatically match the opponent. 】

[Reminder: After the number of wins reaches 10, the team mode can be activated, and the maximum number of players is five. 】

[Matching opponents, please wait. 】

[The match is successful, please start fighting! 】

As the system prompts continued to appear, Meng Hao felt black in front of him, as if he had entered a distorted space.

When his eyes lit up again, he found that he had come to an arena.

This is a large round arena with a diameter of more than two hundred meters, surrounded by wooden fences, it looks a bit old, but intact.

The ground seems to be made of a special material. It looks like brown land, but it doesn't look like soil.

The surrounding circle is a huge arc-shaped wall with many square screens on it, displaying the avatars of all the players in the area.

In other words, if players in this area do not want to play, they can watch the game for free.

At this point, many avatars are already lit, indicating that someone is already watching.

Opposite, a thin guy wearing a T-shirt was standing there, looking at Meng Hao with a dumbfounded look.

Meng Hao also looked at the opponent curiously.

This mode is the first time I have seen it, so I can't help but be a little curious.

Just when the two wanted to say hello first, the system prompt appeared again.

[Warning: Please start fighting as soon as possible, otherwise you will be kicked out of the arena after 5 seconds and you will be punished to escape once. 】

Seeing this prompt, Meng Hao couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

What's so special, can you escape?

My opponent can never run away!

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