Global Advent: Apocalyptic Desert Island Game

Chapter 140 Base Escape, Trapeze

In the sky, a huge blue sky draped across the sky.

A large number of spears burst out like sharp arrows, but they couldn't break through the light curtain. They were shot out and fell into the sea.

Although the spear thrown by the goblin guard is domineering, it is extremely difficult to break through when encountering the defensive magic of a Tier 3 magician.

When Meng Hao's spirit returned to the real world, the first scene he saw when he opened his eyes was the scene of a spear attacking his base.

"Someone dared to attack himself?"

Meng Hao was really surprised.

He felt that if he didn't take the initiative to attack others, the players in this sea area should burn a lot of fragrance.

Unexpectedly, someone took the initiative to attack him.

Meng Hao's speed was so fast that a few flybys had already rushed to the vicinity of the west coast.

Seeing Meng Hao's arrival, everyone was overjoyed.

In the darkness, Wandering Xia's face was horrified, showing shame.

"These bastards are disturbing Master Closed Door Training, damn it!"

Darkness Wandering Xia's expression is cold, and the killing intent in her heart is boiling.

Meng Hao looked at the many types of troops hidden behind the bunker, and couldn't help but reveal a look of doubt.

"Why are they hiding?"

Meng Hao stretched out his hand to point at the many troops hidden not far away, questioning.

Su Cainai immediately took a step forward and said: "We are hiding our strength. We want to see if the people are hostile to us. I'm afraid they will not dare to attack us when they see us so strong."


Meng Hao snorted coldly.

When is it now, are you still talking about this?

If they are not hostile to themselves, they will not attack them?


The competition in this world is extremely cruel. If you don't swallow others, you will be swallowed by others sooner or later.

There is no need to talk about the etiquette now.

"Run over and fuck them!"

With a big wave of his hand, Meng Hao immediately controlled the base island and rushed up towards the huge island on the opposite side.

The troops that were originally hiding in the dark are no longer hiding at this time. They have stood in the light, showing their own weapons.

In this way, many players on the opposite side can be frightened!

"Chen Dage, look, how come a light curtain appeared on their island? What is that?"

"Chen Dage, look at it, our spears were all bounced off, and they couldn't move at all!"

"Chen Dage, look at it quickly, that light curtain is flickering and dimming, do they have a magician?"

"Chen Dage, look quickly, why do they pop up so many people all at once?"

"Chen Dage, look at it..."

On the huge base island, a group of people stretched their hands to the opposite side, chirping, and said with a frightened expression.

At this moment, Chen Minghui was a bit square.

When it was all right, Chen Minghui, the boss, was very proud and pointed Jiangshan all day to scold Fang Qiu.

Once something happened, he felt the weight of his responsibility.

Especially this time, when the light curtain appeared, he already knew that he had kicked the iron plate.

Originally, he thought that the own base island was so big and protected by goblin guards, it was absolutely invincible.

However, when he saw the complicated number of troops on the opposite base, he knew that he had always been a frog in the bottom of the well.

"Chen Dage, what should we do?"

At this moment, Hou Zhiguang stepped forward and asked nervously.

Seeing that the other side's base island was rushing towards him, within three minutes, the two sides had to hand over.The opponent has too many units. In addition to the goblin guards, there are also guards with long swords, archers with long bows, wolf knights riding tall devil wolves, and stone men warriors who are like hills...

There is no need to fight this battle, as the momentum has already been defeated.

Wang Ping strode forward and said anxiously, "Chen Dage, we still have a way!"

Hearing Wang Ping's words, Chen Minghui's eyes suddenly brightened, and his eyes eagerly asked, "What is the solution?"

"Our base island is big, and the drifting speed must be faster than the other side. As long as we run away now, they will never catch up with us!"

After Wang Ping finished speaking, Chen Minghui suddenly became clear.

That's right!

The drift speed of the base island is proportional to the area.

The own base island has more than 50 square kilometers, and the other’s base island is only a dozen square kilometers, and the other’s speed is not as fast as its own.

As long as you speed up and lift it away, the opponent will not be able to catch up!

"Turn, turn around, run away!"

With a roar, Chen Minghui ran towards the center platform immediately.

Large base islands have advantages and disadvantages.

In the past, when the base island was small, it was possible to run to the vicinity of the drifting platform in three or two steps.

The base island now has an area of ​​more than 50 square kilometers and a radius of more than four kilometers.

With his average foot power, how long does it take to run four kilometers?

"Turn quickly, turn quickly!"

Chen Minghui yelled at the distant ally, asking him to adjust his direction as soon as possible.

The base island can be started or stopped at any time through the player's mind.

However, the direction of drifting must be controlled by the arrow on the center platform.

If they want to escape, they must control the direction of the arrow on the center platform.

In the distance, their allies heard Chen Minghui's cries and seemed to understand what was going on, and immediately adjusted the arrows on the base island.

As the arrow adjusted, the huge base island began to turn, speeding up and fleeing towards the distance.

When Meng Hao saw that the other party was about to run away, he was immediately unhappy.

"Want to run?"


Meng Hao let out a cold snort, and immediately shook his palm, and a set of special black props was taken out of the storage ring.

"Wing-mounted flying device!"

This wing-mounted flying device has been available for a long time. Before, Meng Hao felt that he would not use it anyway.

Unexpectedly, I used it today.

He is a fourth-order magician, his own magic is very strong, and he can find the heart of the wind.

Theoretically speaking, he can fly on the wind.

To be on the safe side, he puts on the wing-mounted flying device, and there is absolutely no problem flying short distances.

Three under five divided by two, Meng Hao quickly put the wing-mounted flying device on his body.

While wearing the clothes, he put a handful of Hailan Bingxin into his mouth.

The sea blue ice heart can increase a lot of water magic power. After the water magic power is merged, it can become non-attribute magic power, and then it can be transformed into wind magic power.

Eat more to prevent the magic power of flying in the sky from running out.

Of course, he can still eat when flying in the sky, similar to refueling in the air.

Next, he took out the insight pipe and stuffed it into his mouth.

At this moment, his magic power reached the fourth-order pinnacle, and an extremely powerful mental oppression had been produced on his body.

"I'm going to fuck them, wait for me to come back!"

Before the words fell, Meng Hao's soles slammed on the ground.

With a loud bang, the ground was torn apart by him, and his figure burst out like an arrow from the string.

Next, he opened his arms, and Meng Hao, wearing a winged flying device, soared into the air like a goshawk.

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