Above the ring, Yue Lingshan's figure disappeared, leaving only a white dress flying in the air.

At this moment, Meng Hao finally realized it.

It turned out that Yue Lingshan could only be invisible, and her clothes could not be invisible.

The storage ring and double knives are weapons given by the system, so they can become invisible with her.

Dresses are just ordinary clothes, not in the category of weapons and equipment, so they can't be invisible with them.

Meng Hao finally understood why the opponent had gone into battle in a vacuum.

It turned out that everything was for invisibility.

After a brief shock, Meng Hao quickly entered a state of alert.

Judging from the opponent's momentum fluctuation just now, Yue Lingshan should be a Tier 3 fighter.

The Tier 3 fighters hiding in the dark felt terrible even thinking about it.

If this is quietly approaching oneself, giving own neck a blow, even if there is a resurrection armor, it will not be able to prevent it.

"Hey, if it's someone else, it might be a little tricky to meet you. As for me, it doesn't matter."

Meng Hao let out a cold snort, and the magic power on his body began to surge continuously.

In an instant, a force of extreme cold exploded, and with Meng Hao as the center, a layer of ice spread quickly in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, the entire ring was covered by ice.

As long as Yue Lingshan steps on it, he can definitely see the clues.

"Huh? No response?"

Meng Hao glanced around and didn't see any changes in the ice layer. Yue Lingshan didn't seem to step on the ice layer.

"In that case, I am embarrassed!"

Meng Hao thought, a white light flashed between the center of his eyebrows, and the sky-eye flying eagle flew quietly into the void.

With the help of sky-eye flying eagle, Meng Hao can see invisible objects.

I had forgotten in a hurry just now, and Meng Hao didn't think about it until the cold ice on the ground couldn't find the other person's figure.

Tianyan Feiying looked around for a week, and soon found Yue Lingshan's figure behind him.

At this time, Yue Lingshan was naked, standing steadily at the junction of the edge of the ring.

Three inches further away, he was about to fall off the ring, and Meng Hao's ice did not cover that area.

Yue Lingshan stepped on the edge of the ring with her bare feet, half of the sole of her foot was already suspended.

Although Meng Hao didn't turn around, but with the help of the flying eagle from the sky, he saw Yue Lingshan's figure clearly.

During this period of time, I don’t know what’s going on.

The last time it was Su Cai Nai, who wanted to embrace herself but was interrupted by the darkness Wandering Xia.

This time it was Yue Lingshan. Although the two sides met for the first time, it was because of this that it seemed exciting.

Meng Hao's mouth was dry and he really didn't know what to say.

Although Su Cai Nai is very advanced, she is a minor after all, and many parts of her body lack the charm.

Yue Lingshan is different. At the age of sixteen, she is like a flower in bud, and every part of her body has a fatal attraction to men.

Taking a look at the other party's clothes scattered on the side, Meng Hao's heart suddenly moved.

He flexed his finger, and a gust of wind had already swept out.

In an instant, the gust of wind rolled up the thin dress and landed on Meng Hao's hand.

He looked back and forth and found the mystery behind the dress.

There are three special buttons here. Just now Yue Lingshan pulled off the three buttons and took off the dress instantly.

If Meng Hao didn't guess wrong, after the battle, the opponent would pick up this dress and put it on.

That being the case, then Meng Hao laughed at it first.

Without even thinking about it, Meng Hao directly loaded it into his own storage space.

Although this dress can't really be taken out of the arena, as long as both parties are still inside, this dress is in Meng Hao's storage ring.

On the edge of the ring, Yue Lingshan couldn't help gritted her teeth when she saw this scene.

This disciple is actually picking up his own clothes.

Aren't you afraid of death?The opponents I met before, after discovering that they were invisible, were all scared to lose Fang Cun.

It's like the one in front of me, but I still want to pick up my own skirt.

Despicable, shameless, dirty, nasty...

After a bit of gritted teeth, Yue Lingshan began to act.

To deal with this kind of apprentice, you don't need to be merciful, and just send the opponent away with a single knife.

As for the ice above the ring?

It doesn't matter, as long as the speed is fast enough, the other party should not have time to react.

Thinking of this, Yue Lingshan's aura quietly brewed, until a certain moment burst out.

"call out!"

Yue Lingshan's curvy figure burst out like an arrow from the string, and the two knives split the void, launching a fatal sneak attack on Meng Hao.

Meng Hao's Sky-Eyed Flying Eagle stared at the opponent all the way, and when he found that the opponent was launching an attack towards him, he seemed calm on the surface, but in fact secretly mobilized the power of the surrounding elements.

The water element quickly gathers and then suddenly becomes cold.

In the blink of an eye, a transparent ice wall quietly formed on Yue Lingshan's only way.

The appearance of the ice wall was silent and transparent, and the attacking Yue Lingshan didn't notice it.

When she found that the ice wall wanted to stop, it was too late.

"not good!"

Although the ice wall was transparent, it was real, and Yue Lingshan could of course see it.

However, her speed was too fast, the ground was full of ice, and she was barefoot again.

Although she tried to stop, she still couldn't stop, and slammed straight against the transparent ice wall.

Under the gaze of Tianyan Feiying, Meng Hao clearly saw that the towering mass in front of the opponent was squashed and deformed, and the entire body came into close contact with the ice wall.

Now, even without the Sky Eye Flying Eagle, Meng Hao could see the outline of a person from the ice wall.

It's just that there are two areas above that look more obvious.

Yue Lingshan screamed and was bumped.

This is the first time I have seen such a weird style of play after so many battles.

She had seen it on the chat channel a long time ago. Some people said that ‘Master Hao’ might be a magician, but she didn’t believe it at the time.

Now I believe it.

"Damn it!"

Yue Lingshan snorted coldly, she quickly got up, flexibly crossed the ice wall, and attacked Meng Hao again.

She thought that Meng Hao must have set up an ice wall indiscriminately to prevent his own sneak attack.

I just ran into it accidentally.

She has never doubted own stealth ability.

However, when she saw Meng Haozheng looking at herself in surprise, her footsteps hesitated.

Could it be that she can see herself?

Thinking of this, Yue Lingshan suddenly panicked, and hurriedly covered her chest with her hands.

The top is covered, what should I do below?

Yue Lingshan was so embarrassed and angry that she wanted to kill herself on the spot.


Suddenly, Yue Lingshan discovered that Meng Hao's eyes seemed to be out of focus, he was just facing him, but he didn't really see him.

Knowing this, Yue Lingshan was finally relieved.

Fortunately, a false alarm.

At the beginning, she had been prompted by the system that her stealth ability was invisible to the naked eye of the player.

To be honest, Meng Hao's eyes really can't see, and the front is empty, his eyes are not focused.

It's just that his sky-eye flying eagle can perceive everything.

At this time, the Sky Eye Flying Eagle was flying up and down around Yue Lingshan's body, shooting 360 degrees in high-definition with no dead ends in all directions.

Meng Hao's complexion was calm, and his expression was calm on the surface. In fact, he had already turned a terrible wave in his heart.

Such a big beauty stands naked in front of her, who can stand it?

"This battle will end soon, I can't stand it immediately!"

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